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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. It's not just me.
  2. Humans be human. I've also made mistakes and done things I'm not proud of, as I believe everyone has. 4th is using hyperbole to make a point. We can question if it is appropriate or over the top. But what is clear in my opinion is that the felon will sell out anyone or anything for his perceived gain. He has shown this over and over and over. He has also surrounded himself with all manner of predators who have little to zero respect for the 248 years of democracy and rule of lawand all who see him as a means to their ends. JV is not popular, Leon and Theil are not citizens so they can't be president, the heritage foundation has wildly unpopular ideas. RU, China and Saudi Arabia want out form the yoke of the US dollar and us Military that most keeps them in line. They all see a weak and vain man as a ticket to get what they want. Trump is the threat because he is up for election, but the consequences will be far grater than what that man could do or even imagine he could do. The 'TDS' as many call it is the fact that we can not believe that the obvious is ignored, the threat is defended and minimized, and a third of our fellow citizens are willing to see it all thrown out for... well I can't tell you. that is the most frightening thing because tax cuts for upper middle class people can't be enough, hate but not everyone hates, " simpler world" is impossible. Keeping communism out or socialism, but can that really be the motivation? How is it making your life worse now? Maybe it's the hate.
  3. You might want to do a little self exploration. https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/victim-blaming
  4. He said Cheney should be shot in the face. JD said she should be put before a war tribunal, again why was she potus? Was she vpotus? Not her father was so you’re okay with punishing people for the “sins of their fathers”? and talk about putting words in my mouth I’ve never said she was the “One True Choice” I’d be happy enough with Biden if he’d stayed in. She is the one choice that will allow us to make another choice in 4 years. But sure you decide how much I can post, you decide if what I’m posting is appropriate. Wrong. but you are showing your colors, again.
  5. I think I said he was a danger, and should be disqualified. (Oh and a felon, because you know he is a convicted felon).
  6. Have I insulted you? Why do you feel so comfortable insulting me constantly. Is it because you are embarrassed by your arguments? Because you have no arguments? Because you think you can just judge others? Dismiss others? this is my basic point. Who made you judge, who made the felon judge. and half this board is equivocating for the obvious intentions in the felons words, and blaming (or insulting) and shouting down anyone who is concerned for what he is saying. but hey deplorable hey emails, hey a laptop, hey garbage. Dehumanizing in your argument makes it a lot less effective. Interesting you will spell Liz’s name correctly (and use first and last name) but can’t spell Kamala’s and can’t use her last name. Like Biden, Tump, Vance etc.
  7. I didn’t edit the clip. It’s publicly available and there are dozens of him saying the same thing. “The enemy within.” We’ve been listening to him threaten violence for over a decade. Deep state, lefties, woke, blacks, women, libs, commies, ######s, Puerto Ricans, RINOS, etc etc… shooting Americans, threatening to shoot Americans is wrong. Should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to hold office. Just my opinion as an American. And who decides who are the deep state, who are the bad people? the president doesn’t decide that’s what the justice system is for and the justice system has proper process and punishment for crimes. Not some made up amorphous enemy. You’re also moving the goal posts constantly. I didn’t say anything about Puerto Rican garbage island, a comedian vetted by a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Made that comment. You went from this is why I’ll never vote for a left us too. It’s OK if we shoot a few people just because they’re the bad people and we’ll figure out who the bad people are. I trust Trump to figure out who the bad people are because it’s the people I don’t like. and as I’ve said, former vice president Cheney should be held to account for dragging us into Iraq, for the thousands of American soldiers killed and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s killed for his profit. Do you think I’m against protecting the troops? You don’t know me but I’ve said for decades the best way to protect the troops is to not send them anywhere. I’m a lefty but I’m also an American. I see you’ve learned a new trick from BIMF. Cool. Video: Trump's History of Encouraging Violence The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com › video › trump-and-violence Trump's History of Encouraging ViolenceTrump's History of Encouraging Violence. By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER •March 14, 2016. Donald J. Trump has appealed to the ... Trump turns to darker rhetoric as voting begins NPR https://www.npr.org › 2024/09/30 › trump-speech-insul... Sep 30, 2024 — In a pair of weekend events in key swing states, Trump claimed Harris is "mentally disabled" and went on to suggest police violence could ... Missing: superCut ‎| Show results with: superCut Brutal Video Exposes Republicans After Trump's Bloody ... The New Republic https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news Sep 10, 2024 — Donald Trump is running his 2024 campaign on vengeance, even if his allies deny it. In response to Trump's violent threats against his ... Trump's Ugly Calls For Violence Laid Out In Chilling New ... Yahoo https://www.yahoo.com › news › trumps-ugly-calls-viol... Apr 3, 2024 — The minute-long video from Biden's campaign team shows Trump calling for violence against protesters at his rallies. Trump under fire again for comments on police violence ... YouTube · PBS NewsHour 89.5K+ views · 1 month ago Trump under fire again for comments on police violence and Harris' mental competence. 89K views · 1 month ago ...more. PBS NewsHour. 4.37M. Missing: threatening ‎| Show results with: threatening Trump under fire again for violent language and ... YouTube · PBS NewsHour 27.1K+ views · 7 months ago Former President Donald Trump is under fire again ... Trump under fire again for violentlanguage and dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric. Trump mainstreams political violence with normalizing ... MSNBC News https://www.msnbc.com › alex-wagner-tonight › watch Jan 12, 2024 — Alex Wagner looks at how Donald Trump's regular use of violent rhetoric has desensitized the public as the legal and political atmosphere surrounding Trump Trump's Ugly Calls For Violence Laid Out In Chilling Supercut HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com › entry › trump-violence-sup... Apr 3, 2024 — President Joe Biden's campaign team slammed Donald Trump for his open embrace of violence with a supercut video reminding voters of just how ... President Trump Encouraging Violence, a Supercut Facebook · NowThis Impact 1.5K+ reactions · 6 years ago President Trump Encouraging Violence, a Supercut. President Trump encouraging violence, a supercut. L.A. Brown-Mag and 4.1K others. 4.8M Views. Missing: threatening ‎| Show results with: threatening From 'Bloodbath' to 'Vermin:' Analyzing Trump's Rhetorical ... YouTube · The Wall Street Journal 54.2K+ views · 6 months ago Former president Donald Trump's inflammatory remarks about political rivals and immigration on the 2024 campaign trail have spurred concerns ...
  8. Nice way to start an argument with an insult. We agree cheny’s dad should be held accountable (I’ve said this before) and his daughter is no angel, but I don’t remember her ever saying Americans who disagree with her should be shot. I don’t remember her being potus and sending troops into battle. you are right it’s not a joke it’s people’s lives, let here what the wanna be dictator has to say about it. See this clip.
  9. Because you like violence against Americans, or at least threats of violence against Americans? Btw Cheney is very right wing not left. I don’t see your logic.
  10. JV said it doesn’t sound fascist so I guess it’s fine. Nothing to see here. 🙄
  11. Fragile, vain, easily baited and unfit to serve. Still taking about getting “burned” during the debate about crowd size. Why does the campaign even let him talk anymore. Why does anyone want to listen to this. (I mean Tucker is getting paid but what’s your excuse?)
  12. Best reason ever to vote for a president “ultimate burn”. then he can start shootings people, the “double ultimate burn”
  13. Bills come out hot, fins match, then the dam breaks and it’s off to the races with a double dip to start the third that puts the fins in desperation mode. Bills - 42 Fins - 17
  14. Shows just how efficient the right wing echo chamber is at spreading the message it wants. Honestly it’s been impressive for a long time (I remember noting this during the Reagan era) but between the cable networks(fox, Oan, etc), the article farms ( https://townhall.com/about ) and the foreign and useful idiots (Bboy & NC for example) and Ai bots online it’s impressive. but still the pearl clutching by the right is the truly astounding, just like a bully, attract until you get a response then use that defense as a justification.
  15. 23 minutes between posts. 😉 (40 - 17 =23) “here is a YouTube video, I bet you could google the person referenced in it to learn even more.” Adam Carlson. Video is 15 minutes long. So that leaves 8 minutes to review the links and write your summary. (Hey everyone we have a savant among us) so I’m sure you were pretty in depth. Okay so you’ll say how in depth was I, about the same. Great two uninformed internet fools yelling at each other. credible sources - I’ve been on here long enough with you to know there are none you deem credible so that’s a fools errand. you have a video of Trump saying he pays for junk polls (that you didn’t watch). you have a video of a high percentage of junk polls showing up you have Nate silver saying it could move the numbers but I have secret sauce to fix that (who also is paid by JD’s patron) several others at those links say similar. do you have a source that shows they (he Mr pedantic) are not doing these things? Do you have a source that shows RCP is accounting for all these biased polls? Weren’t they off on Hillary? By a lot, if memory serves. As I have said on numerous occasions, polls are voodoo, and they can be manipulated and manufactured (who is polled, how the questions are phrased, number of polls run, etc). If you want to have a discussion cool, but seriously get off your high horse.
  16. 1. It’s Trump talking in The video, it’s even queued up to the relevant part (which is exactly why I shared it, not the poster) it Was the first one I found, sorry you have so much trouble with clicking your mouse. 2. There are dozens of articles and videos about this topic as the google would show you if you weren’t such a lazy self righteous ass. 3. The insults again and again, pathetic and sad. 4. As a matter of charity I have posted the google results below, if you can’t be bothered to read them (or skim as I did) that’s on you. 5. I realize you just like trolling for your knuckling dragging garbage friends on here, cool, I don’t kink shame. 6. I also realize that no answer will satisfy you, not my job any way, and that you’ll just deflect or nit pick or act a turd but here we are on the internet. here is a YouTube video, I bet you could google the person referenced in it to learn even more. Showing results for flooding the polls to change the average 2024 has fewer polls, but they are higher quality - ABC News ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos https://abcnews.go.com › story 2 days ago — 538's Galen Druke and Nathaniel Rakich discuss how many voters are genuinely up for grabs in the 2024 presidential election. As Election Day ... Republican Pollsters Are FLOODING the 2024 Election ... YouTube · Let's Talk Elections 143.5K+ views · 2 weeks ago Please subscribe! http://bit.ly/LetsTalkElections ▻ Please consider becoming a member on LTE! https://bit.ly/2MrXW2q ▻ Join my DISCORD ... Missing: change ‎| Show results with: change US election live: Polls tight as Trump, Harris rallying in ... Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com › liveblog › 2024/10/30 › us... 2 hours ago — Democratic candidate Kamala Harris is rallying in the swing state of Wisconsin, where she was interrupted by protesters demanding end to ... Are a Flood of GOP Polls Skewing the Polling Averages? - ... Reddit · r/fivethirtyeight 110+ comments · 1 week ago 69 votes, 113 comments. 34K subscribers in the fivethirtyeight community. FiveThirtyEight delivers analysis of politics from campaign ... CA 120: Understanding the polls Capitol Weekly https://capitolweekly.net › ca-120-understanding-the-polls 5 hours ago — Going into the final weekend of the 2024 General Election, the presidential contest appears to be in a dead heat. The changing of the Democratic ... Are Republican pollsters “flooding the zone?” Silver Bulletin | Nate Silver https://www.natesilver.net › are-republican-pollsters-flo... Oct 16, 2024 — State and national polling averages and how they've changed over time. An average of 2024 presidential general election polls nationally and in ... Are Republican pollsters “flooding the zone?” Reddit · r/fivethirtyeight 180+ comments · 2 weeks ago 176 votes, 188 comments. 34K subscribers in the fivethirtyeight community. FiveThirtyEight delivers analysis of politics from campaign ... 188 answers · Top answer: The fact is, the polling industry is teetering on the edge of being, in general, low-quality. It's ... Are a Flood of GOP Polls Skewing the Polling Averages? The Message Box | Dan Pfeiffer https://www.messageboxnews.com › are-a-flood-of-gop... Oct 17, 2024 — the Republicans are flooding the zone with junk polls to skew the pollingaverages and make it look like Trump is winning — or at least gaining ... 2024 Election: How The Times Calculates Polling Averages The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com › article › election-polling-av... Sep 3, 2024 — Why a weighted and adjusted poll average? Poll averages may sound simple, but even the simple ones face important challenges. Which polls should ... Slow vote-counting, flip-flopping leads, careful certification ... The Conversation https://theconversation.com › slow-vote-counting-flip-fl... 9 hours ago — Take a deep breath: Having to wait for election results means the system is working as it should, with safeguards and double-checks. Missing: average ‎| Show results with: average
  17. Again? Such a tough guy. The plot thickens. Or polls are just voodoo. YMMV.
  18. Looks like, you know how to use the internet, can’t wait for your book report.
  19. If you look at the link to 538 I posted he was up by that for most of the race, it’s tightened in the last month or so. Again I wasn’t trying to prove anything I was saying the range (and most of the race) were in that range. But hey you’re right. Good job. Here are three very serious gold stars for you. ⭐ ⭐⭐
  20. I don’t believe anything. I’m not riding to some rescue. Simply spending two minutes googling to see what came up. This endless need to be right is tiresome. I looked and provide some other data since rcp is sketch (imho) and the felon has been flooding the zone with polls to move the avgs. as I said polls are voodoo (imho) so being ‘right’ about them seems like tilling at windmills. Just a bit of feedback, but hey you do you.
  21. Professor X is going to need that wheelchair pretty soon
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