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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. The problem is the helmets. Specifically the plastic shell. This is known from research done around motorcycle helmets. Plastic helmets when they hit a hard surface, bend and squeeze, and actually can create more force that travels through the brain. Almost all motorcycle crash helmets at this point, our fiberglass or carbon fiber, or some combination there of with the, intention of crumbling, or crushing from the impact thereby dissipating the energy rather than transferring a new one through the helmet. This makes them all one use and if you drop your helmet or have a small fall on the side and hit your head, you should trash that helmet. Sure hasn’t been dropped. This is very similar to crumple zones on cars trying to dissipate the energy before it’s transferred to the passengers inside, soft and squishy like a brain. How does this relate to football helmets? I’ve been watching this for several years and you’ll notice more and more helmets. Have a cut out in the front on three sides so that that piece can flex now you’re seeing this year big cut outs on the right and left sides that can flex separate from the entire helmet to make them look cool and they make it look like ventilation and I’m sure there’s some ventilation affect, but most of that is to simulate the same kind of crush zones in a fiberglass helmet or a modern car. this is an improvement and actually if they still wanted to have a hard shell plastic helmet, it should be cut up into many more Crush zones. Honestly, my opinion is going back to a modern version of the old leather helmets is probably the best solution for several reasons. First, being without a hard shell helmet players would feel less and vulnerable and might work to protect themselves by not hitting or leading with their heads psychological win. the second would be the soft cushion could be developed to crumble or Crush and dissipate the energy without the resonance from the plastic shell. My guess is that they won’t ever go to something like this because the current helmets look too cool, and there are issues with how do you attach a face mask which has gone a long way to protecting players faces. just for reference, I was in the motorcycle industry for a time and raced motorcycles, avidly and read a lot of reports on helmet, safety testing and design. PS don’t buy a plastic helmet and if someone you that you care about has a motorcycle encourage or buy them a properly rated fiberglass based helmet preferably full face.
  2. Given all the losing this guy has done you’d think he’d be better at it, but nope more cope.
  3. Does your teacher know you are posting during class? I can’t imagine anyone out of high school could be so willful ignorant.
  4. They already can’t. Try looking at the heritage foundation’s ‘voter fraud’ list from the last 20 years. Maybe (off the top of my head) 1,500 +/- most are republicans. this is bald faced voter intimidation. States control their voter roles centrally. Empowering temp employees to make decisions about signatures and if someone is an illegal alien is not helpful. (Try working an election, we had to deal with a Republican idiot who tried to vote twice ‘just to see if we were paying attention’ wasting everyone’s time. if only the framers had said a citizens right to vote shall not be a infringed, we would have active voter drills in schools.
  5. Keep taking other peoples rights away, but don’t complain when they take yours.
  6. And on J6 he almost succeeded you sniveling boot licker.
  7. actually the felon was too inept (no one expected him to win, even him watch the video of him when it's first announced). they have even publicly stated they P25 is actually because they wanted to be prepared form day one. but the real reason you are a sucker is because you think he wont come for you or your freedoms just for the people you don't like. This is the mistake all the authorities enablers make, eventually when it suits them they will come for you as well. Finally Biden is old but seems to have his wits about him. and as someone else on her said "a staged event is the presidency" so POTUS Biden is doing a good enough job and would be fine for 4 more years, but as he said it's more import that the felon is not president again than Biden's own personal ambition. Not sure a sucker like you can understand that kind of devotion to country, but YMMV.
  8. Hitting a little too close to home NC? Are you registered with FARA yet?
  9. Just a little something to think about as you swing those (paid for) polls.
  10. I mean credit where credit is due right.
  11. Oh man that is brutal. For Tua and Hamlin. 😢
  12. So with that new contract, how much is it per interception he’s getting paid
  13. Got a new side hustle… such a good dude. Family first, or was it the best at fertility?
  14. Fritz was the only one to pick the bills.
  15. It’s not fair, we are not getting any kick-offs… or right. 😎
  16. And cook scores… everyone eats.
  17. 22. Love seeing that number making plays again.
  18. this is so great. Playing with a lead. Davis making some noise and saving cook in the heat for late in the game.
  19. 31 needs a new contract.
  20. Team has shown up this week.
  21. So first drive two to Kincaid screens and lots of motion eye candy with Samuel. Seems Last week was preseason+
  22. 31 having a start to the game damn
  23. Do a little research your self and tell us all.
  24. Grow up, I even referenced the fbi in an earlier post. I’ve stated my opinion.
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