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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Oh so is the a NC GOP coup?
  2. Links or it didn’t happen.
  3. They let you post on here still, how about you have a little personal reasonability and stop. P.S. just because you can't get laid doesn't mean that is personal responsablity. Also no one said abortion was birth control. stop trying to blame the woman or demanding she behave in a way that please you. Good for you. totally backwards but good for you. 1. a fetus is in the womb. 2 a baby is after a fetus is born. 3. Why is the woman having a late term abortion? would she die if not? would the fetus be viable, how many years or months or weeks or days would it have to suffer if it was born. Focus on what you want, but I believe the mother, the woman, is going to suffer more than you ever will for having to make that decision and doubt she makes it lightly. 4. I hope no-one ever needs to rely on you to take care of them. And you guys are all real quick to make decisions for others. all you free market, free speech, capitalist, libertarians.
  4. I’m glad you feel so free to decide how other people are. Women dying in cars because they can’t get care seems more barbaric to me. Women afraid because they might not be able to get care. Women afraid because the government wants to limit their travel, and track their periods seems barbaric. But you know when you are happy telling women how they should act with their bodies I guess it’s a short trip to claiming anyone who thinks different than you is barbaric or worse. don't want an abortion don’t get one (or pay for one). I hope for your sake that a woman who is import to you doesn’t have to make this difficult. No one I know wants to create undo suffering. Then again I don’t know anyone on this board personally.
  5. Sounds like a religious cult all that ‘belief’. so to understand, a vast nationwide conspiracy to cheat happened and yet there is no proof of this and all the court cases were failures by Trump BUT his calling the GA governor ASKING that the results be changed etc etc actual evidence of crimes and attempts to over turn and throw out the votes of millions of Americans, that is some how me not having any brain cells? you’re projection is very strong. Sigh.
  6. Maybe you don’t understand what the word lie means. It doesn’t mean “I don’t believe it” it actually means a knowingly false statement. just because you believe without evidence the propaganda you’ve been fed doesn’t mean any of the things you listed are lies. and this side thing is the real point of the propaganda you’ve been fed. We are all Americans (well maybe not WNYGUY or NC 🤣 but you get my point)
  7. Not what I said at all. I said you're happy to have control over "women" but not to let anyone have control over you. P.S. Women already are doing their part in the not getting pregnant thing by staying far away from you, but still doesn't mean you get out of that vasectomy chief.
  8. When are you scheduled for your forced vasectomy?
  9. Have you ever voted? I have said this before and will say it again here. VOLUNTEER to work an election (usually this is paid as well). Learn how it works and shut up with the cheating / illegals etc. such stupid bull####. How it works 1. register to vote, need to provide proof of ID 2. Election commission for the state keeps a central roll of eligible voters based on registrations (removes inactive, or disqualified voters 3. EC then prints a custom list (and some use an iPad which is sweet) and provided that to each polling place. it shows eligible voters, those who have been mailed a ballot, those who have returned their mail in ballot (this is time dependent). 4. at the polling place the poll workers consult the list and if eligible the voter than signs that they are the person identified and are provided a ballot. 5. If there is a discrepancy (they got a mail in ballot and decided to vote in person they can return the complete ballot and all the envelopes or they may vote provisionally, and the EC will review and decide if the registered voter has or has not votes yet). This making people show ID at the poll is a literal waste of everyone's time and can chill turn out (it's real goal) but slowing to intimidating people. Additionally the poll worker volunteers are not judges of elections, not judges of ID's and their validity that is done at the state level. It is illegal for not citizens to vote. States maintain their voting rolls centrally and can resolve disputes with address/ double voting etc. Finally AGAIN the stupid heritage foundation keeps a "record" of voter fraud, they are up to 1,500 +/- in the last 10 years, yes years and the majority of those are republics voting for their dead grand ma or trying to mail in and vote in person etc.
  10. No why would anyone want that. Oh and there is a law agains that. What is this stupid gotta ya crap you guys always fall back on. so dumb.
  11. My side. really? You mean Americans? ***** you as well, the felon was impeached over this. He called and tried to strong arm the GA governor so much that the Gov felt he had to record the conversation. Dozens of "republicans" testified under oath both in his administration and is state administrations that there was not fraud, hell his ***** AG who is a POS) said the same, even Fox News calls az for Biden. If the SCOTUS wasn't so up his ass (or really his $$$ men since he is broke) we would have already had the trials showing just how guilty he is. Go back to your alternate reality basement. AND it's over this ***** POS failure, cheat spoiled brat compromised traitor. this is what you want to throw away the country for? Seriously? You might want to reexamine (or maybe examine is the right word) your motivations. "owning the libs" is pretty lame, and racism is pretty sick.
  12. This is not fair Mike Pence’s biggest accomplishment didn’t happen until almost the last day of his term on January 6th & 7th. So she still has time.
  13. Maybe try watching these. Then get back to me about “it all being disproved” dim wit. You have no idea what a reeducation camp is like moron. They should have complied, they should have known better, the law is the law dip *****. You will lie cheat and steal to get your way, you suck. And they won’t because Mr orange face sack of ***** isn’t going to win or be able to cheat his way into office.
  14. it’s all fun and games till you start to try and take peoples votes away, then you can shove your trump flags where the sun don’t shine. Trying to equate peaceful protests with both storming the capital and doing so at a time when it could lead to the interruption of the recording of the hundreds of millions of votes of your fellow Americans doesn’t make you a patriot it makes you a traitor (and yes an insurrectionist). Trying to play word games to rationalize what we all saw with our own eyes is sick.
  15. Sweeping statements with no facts. Genius. Don’t believe your eyes they stormed the capital, they shat on the walls they beat police officers, there were weapons there, Mr. Roads would like a word from prison as would the 1500 others. ***** you.
  16. Far more concerning? You are right the rights willingness to cheat by: lying, propaganda and corrupting officials and delaying processes is very concerning. Take GA for example:
  17. And today it’s… more genius
  18. They should “man up” am I right?
  19. Years ago he ran a poll asking if he should step down as CEO. He lost that poll, didn’t step down. He hates democracy. Or he needs a platform to spread disinformation?
  20. Nothing to see here.
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