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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Funny they said the same thing about slavery… states rights… and not they want medical apartheid for women… almost like “states rights are code for take away people they don’t like freedoms.
  2. I’m not making up anything. They said originally that they felt it was like a Russian op. And turns out it is like a Russian op. And lev says it was a set up. you don’t seem to understand what a lie is and what a misstatement or anything ghat isn’t processed through the right wing echo chamber. I’m not saying hunter isn’t sketchy but you seem to want to use that to dismiss the actual crimes being committed by the felon and his cronies.
  3. Vindicated is what they seem to feel. But cool. “Now, many of those former officials say they feel vindicated by the allegations against the FBI informant. No public evidence has emerged pointing to a Russian government role in how the laptop materials were made public. But the former officials say the materials fueled stories consistent with Russian efforts to accuse Biden of corruption that persist to this day — and that therefore they were justified in sounding the alarm. “It validates exactly what we were warning about,” said Marc Polymeropoulos, a 26-year CIA veteran who supervised operations involving Russia. “Ours was a prudent warning. The Russians were going to push this narrative of Hunter Biden and corruption, to hurt Joe Biden.”” so as the Russians want we can go round and round on this instead of the very real and in the open corruption that was the felon’s presidency, nepotism where his daughter and son in law actually worked for the WH and made 100’s of millions, and got billions after they left office. How his other daughters is running the RNC and they are spending the money for the felons lawyers. But sure maybe or maybe not Biden knew something about his drug addict son. Reminds me of the old joke about the guy taking a wheelbarrow of sand out of the factory every night… and it was a long time before they realized he was steeling wheelbarrows not sand.
  4. Local orgs supporting Harris real wearing the dunce cap today “air Bundy for Trump derangement syndrome”
  5. Seems more like the head of the teamsters got out over his skis to me… maybe the felon promised him something, or he was trying to make nice with the felon when Biden was still in the race and the tough guy can’t back up. still looks like a lot of battle ground states are coming out for Harris.
  6. The internet is hard.
  7. Actually it’s “Jax-off” not jagoff. Also I only call the cowboys late to dinner.
  8. With fox, news max, onn and RT all promoting Russian propaganda with the specific goal of destroying faith in institutions it’s not surprising. claiming the effective result of foreign propaganda to prop r your point is not the flex it might appear at first blush. But you know B-man, you do you and keep marching to your “independent” right wing media propaganda drum. Cool.
  9. Bills - 27 Jax-off - 12
  10. Suck that porridge down. Insane, the "don't trust the media" crowd trusting some rando who tells you to only trust what he says. Such critical thinking skills, how do you do it NC, no really DO you do it?
  11. The delusion runs deep in this one. Don't you have some million dollar deals to close?
  12. "Assassination attempt" with no shots fired and no line of sight, and he is those things. Could you guys whine like babies any more. seriously it's embarrassing.
  13. You guys are fragile. Dems are dumb incompetent or worse and yet somehow you’re scared of us too like make up your mind.
  14. The psychosis in this thread astounding. Here are some examples of actual fourth estate malfeasance and ethical lapses, and the B men and NC crew will ignore it and come up with some super tenuous cope. SAD.
  15. Huh? Covid was a hoax, trust me. Okay. I mean if you can’t laugh at politicians what good are they right? I’m just wondering how they top this season.
  16. She’s his puppet. Trust me I’ve worked with her.
  17. Link When The Washington Post Fact Checker team first started cataloguing President Donald Trump’s false or misleading claims, we recorded 492 suspect claims in the first 100 days of his presidency. On Nov. 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he barnstormed across the country in a desperate effort to win reelection. This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day. What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth. link 2 Donald Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements during his four years as president of the United States, analysis suggests. The astounding figure, which roughly equates to 21 false statements per day (or 20.94 to be precise) of his tenure at the White House, comes after a tumultuous post election period in which he spent weeks falsely alleging that the 2020 election was “stolen”, in remarks that spurred on his supporters to storm the US Capitol on 6 January link 3
  18. “Pussified” nice misogyny look it up. I’m sure you don’t know what it means or you’re so tough. You don’t care. anyway didn’t I say at the end you win he lied. Do you need some ⭐️ ⭐️ ? but you are okay with 30,000+ lies and corruption and graft from Trump on scales we’ve never seen in our countries history. Then you are going to “scold me”? does your mom know you are on the internet?
  19. So sounds more like a misstatement than a lie. I mean technically what he said wasn’t directly true however with the vaccine you wouldn’t have as sever symptoms or the full full blown effects of Covid. (I’d say 50-50) the other crap, who can listen to those Aussie accents for more than 30 seconds? (Didn’t listen don’t care - I mean such a Reputable news source and they even preface the interview with “was call Russian disinformation but we know better). I love how any tedious connection to your narrative is sufficient cause meanwhile you ignore blatant in your face corruption (jared and ivanka making 700+ million while working for the WH, or the 2B JK got a month after the felon left office. From the same SA dude who killed kashoggi and is working with Putin and you from the country of 19 of the 20 9/11 attackers. But sure Biden “lied” that the vaccines only lesson the symptoms not prevent infection. You win.
  20. Why cancel the bi-partisan boarder bill? why not ask the guy who said "blame me for it not getting passed"
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