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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. One more for you… oh it’s a joke, but only because is it a joke really or foreshadowing
  2. truth hurts huh. Sad. Now you’re just repeating yourself. Pro tip, “jokes” don’t get funnier the more times you repeat them.
  3. The Rs are trying to cheat and have been for the last few cycles. Fake electors anyone? 11870 votes? Purging millions from the rolls in Texas, etc etc etc. a]maybe spend any time on good policy and you might not have to cheat so much. No ‘we’ don’t know this. We do know that in GA the election board has pre decided to not certify the results to hold up the EC count. Fake electors, riots in the capital, threats of civil war. Etc etc.
  4. We forgot that the people asking “for her policies” can’t actually read. Damn it. Foiled again by the felon genius.
  5. I mean this is reverse racism, giving the felon DEI breaks.
  6. Oh burn.🔥 this is the real content we are all here for. Nice defense.
  7. Uh… the felon is not president so what kind of reaction you talking about. also simpleton you don’t telegraph you moves to your enemies.
  8. Many you say, well that answers it boys we can all call it a day, pokeball (is this related to couches?) has solved it. Does your teacher know you are posting on the internet during detention?
  9. Per-irv, don’t you have some cats to fry up?
  10. You got that from the tweet about Dems controlling a hurricane to influence the election? There you go again. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  11. Well my point was that there are a bunch of right wing nut jobs out there, but you did a better job than me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  12. If Dems can do this, why even have elections?
  13. Is this another of your stupid “iron laws”. What a tool.
  14. I mean what do you expect they are playing the foreign instruments as well. “What a mess” you boys are sad.
  15. You are a joke. Sad. No wait you always say “what a mess”. 🥴
  16. Coins? Bibles? Watches? obviously opportunity for his foreign supporters to contribute to him via crypto which isn’t traceable. So weird all, the smartest people on this board support this guy. 🙃
  17. He resigned because members of his own party told him they would vote to convict them, and that he should look out for the interests of the country first. Unlike the current GOP. The two impeachments were not a waste of money, there is a record of the felons bad behavior as POTUS, the fact that half the GOP are complicit/ compromised and put party and political power over the country is the real problem.
  18. Hey tough guy I think you missed the point (again). The fact that a grand jury and not some individual prosecutor found that there was sufficient evidence to move forward with production is the point. It’s not some conspiracy it’s how the law works. He still have to have a trial where he can defend (and as we’ve seen mostly just delay and deflect) himself. and in the cases he has gong to trial on he was convicted. He owes millions (more than $600 million) in fines and his sentencing has been delayed several times oe he might actually be in jail. also appeal really is limited to action in the case which his lawyers did a terrible job of setting up and reasonably grounds for reversal, so all of this is going to stick. And when he loses, and has to stand trial for the rest of his crimes he’ll end up living out his miserable life in jail.
  19. Greedflation, but don’t do anything about it, ‘cause we want to run on that. Also inflation is back to normal now, and companies are reducing prices. Then again president doesn’t control companies unless you actually want socialism? I would rather have debt from investments in this country and helping it’s, people than tax cuts for super wealthy like the felons 7+Trillion, YMMV. If the tax code wasn’t such a mess, especially wealthy tax breaks maybe there wouldn’t be a deficit? the immigration numbers you are just making up. The country sure doesn’t seem like a hell hole outside of your little bubble. we can argue the stats and reporting but crime is down. And apart from the crazies on here screaming about it no one can provide data to the contrary. it’s all fear, it’s all scare. You fall for it every time. Make problems, don’t solve problems. How about you guys get out of the way and let the adults actually fix some things. This board is so boring, whine and cry this week it’s pets, then it legal immigrants them it’s gangs, a bill is written by republicans, nope kill it we want the problem. then the green new deal is a problem and then walz is a lier, and Harris is unqualified (compared to the felon and JV) I mean so boring. Complain complain complain. No solutions no answers just whine.
  20. Repeating party talking points? He’s literally been a racist his entire life just like his daddy. pointing out facts is not party talking points he ran those ads he got sued for his actions. do you really don’t get what the delusion is with you guys? He is a useless piece of ***** he could care less about you and you guys go to the mat for him for a racist useless piece of *****. what are you basing brain dead simpleton who has a lot of degree who is the Attorney General for San Francisco for the state of California has been the vice president for three years is it just because she’s a black woman? I think you’re racism and sexism is showing. The country is in a much better state than it was when the felon was last president and it will be in a much better state than now four years from now so you better get used to the name, Harris and Whals you’re gonna be hearing it a lot for the next 8 to 12 years. And throwing in that stupid Obama thing, Obama is not involved with running anything you guys are all just scared of the black man. It’s so sad. It’s so pathetic. Disgusting.
  21. “Actual crimes” if they were convicted they committed crimes. JFC.
  22. I’m glad you’re okay with a racist as potus, but sure the fact that he has no policies, that he will let Leon and teal and the heritage foundation run roughshod over the constitution, that he is losing his mind, that he is a convicted felon with more indictments on going for stealing national secrets, trying to cheat during the last elections etc… but you don’t care about any of those “things” because he lets you be a racist pos so it’s worth it. Cool bro.
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