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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Since both your post and the tweet provided zero evidence to the conclusion, I jumped to my own. Show me a link somewhere where ““ Kennedy Democrat Democrats are supporting Trump and bush. Republicans are supporting Harris. p.s. I believe the Kennedy family are Democrats voting for a Democrat and I believe the bushes are going to support Harris even if they don’t announce which also kind of disprove your point since the bushes are bush Republicans see no evidence no facts no links.
  2. So let’s give the felon his day in court and let the country decide. Maybe we should have a popular vote instead of an electoral college. I don’t think you guys are pulling the sick burn you think you are.
  3. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades Except that the bushes are supporting Harris and All except RFK Junior of the Kennedys are supporting Harris but other than that this is a great post
  4. No they don’t they sound liberal, free exchange of ideas and welcoming of foreigners. if you think this sounds right wing and not liberal, I get the feeling you don’t understand Star Wars either where a diverse group of liberals takes on a fascist empire, where everyone acts and looks the same.
  5. I believe they have signaled/agreed to stop. Bibi wants conflict not peace. Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established
  6. It’s important to note that of the $175 billion total, only $106 billion directly aids the government of Ukraine. Most of the remainder is funding various U.S. activities associated with the war in Ukraine, and a small portion supports other affected countries in the region. Ukraine war has cost Russia up to $211 billion, Pentagon says so not quite $200B and not twice Russia’s defense budget (and this is before equalizing for cheaper labor etc in Russia). question is why talk about Ukraine and Russia in an Israel / Iran thread? are they related?
  7. He is a war criminal, and under multiple indictments by his own people and there were daily protests of tens of thousands of people against him prior to the October 7 attack. He conveniently ignored intelligence, telling him the attack was coming. he refuses to negotiate, rumor has it that he’s negotiated with Trump to escalate this conflict to make Biden/Harris look bad. but sure the problem is the fact that Harris didn’t honor a war criminal under indictment leader of another country to speak at the US Congress. you’re a smart guy, but her not meeting with him has nothing to do with this. It’s not in his political interest to resolve this conflict because then attention would be focus on him his crimes and his naked attempt to grab/stay in power in Israel.
  8. It’s a direct result of Iran firing missiles. 🧐
  9. Open primaries, ending gerrymandering and popular vote would force both parties towards the middle. Which surprisingly seems to be what the people want. Hummm. Must be some one else who benefits from the current system 🧐
  10. Or you’re just way out on the crazy front end of the bell curve… what’s more likely?
  11. Hey I’m all for an empty suit as long as it isn’t tan.
  12. We’re all too serious. Cool Francis. I blame Siri for all typos. But yea, good burn, you should have been here for the patriot one, good times 🙃
  13. It’s you’re free speech right to tell em to shut up, and mine to ignore you.
  14. Parody account. Just like Babylon bee. Since logic and facts don’t play here figured to try humor and sarcasm. Also note, everything that post says is actually true about him.
  15. How much is it costing this week? Not just the flood and devastation, the lives lost the roads and bridges. But the ac west at the same time during record heat. And you B word about DEI and wasteful government but say nothing about extremely profitable fossil fuel companies get Billions is subsidies for decades and no effort or money, and actual attacks on, doing anything to transition away. And if we as a people decided to make a change like this away from fossil fuels then we could subsidize (tax credits or direct payments) the alternative. Fossil fuel has been saying we can’t change for decades and here we are. seems like if someone wanted to make a killing, geothermal with heat pumps would go along way to being both efficient and providing heat. And you could still have remote diesel generators to provide the electricity locally during disasters (obviously stocking fuel prior) Given the devastation maybe the build back should be for efficacy and removal of fossils fuels as the sunk costs have been eliminated by the storm. p.s. I’d like to see some evidence to support your Germany claims, however did you forget Russia stated a war in Europe and actually made it a policy to ‘freeze’ Europe to weaken support.
  16. I’d renew my subscription to the NYTimes to read this article….
  17. Yea more a of a rule of thumb, but agreed this is beyond anyone’s experience.
  18. 1. It was the 60’s (60 years ago)that petroleum companies identified the risk. 2. They could have supported policies that not didn’t ship manufacturing to highly unregulated China (including the shipping back to the states and the air travel required to mange the preorders) but shoot the messengers and make excuses while people suffer. Cool. finally why share the info about how the storm happened? Well one I can’t make any other comment of condolence or fact checking because it’s not good enough for you and two why can we also talk about the why something happened to better prepare for the next time? “Surprising discoveriesAt an old gunpowder factory in Delaware – now a museum and archive – I found a transcript of a petroleum conference from 1959 called the “Energy and Man” symposium, held at Columbia University in New York. As I flipped through, I saw a speech from a famous scientist, Edward Teller (who helped invent the hydrogen bomb), warning the industry executives and others assembled of global warming.”
  19. nothing anyone says is good enough for you. Good to see you are just super angry and it’s not me. I haven’t seen any of the ‘Dems’ making it political, instead it seems that they are trying to stop lies and the felon using it to be political. And the misinformation that the governor and feds aren’t doing anything. It doesn’t mean locals should be involved, quite the opposite. it is good that locals are helping each other. Small rural communities need to realize they may be on their own for 72 hours and plan accordingly. but your anger and judgement, seems like something else. Do you think the feds and the state are actively trying to cause suffering? I mean really is that what you think? People discuss things and it is all vitriol and righteousness that no one else can know anything about this but you. And the gross personal insults. Weird. do you think we are happy this happened? That it is effecting fellow Americans. They may support people who want to cut their funding, but that doesn’t mean they should not get assistance. I really don’t understand.
  20. An unstable jet stream trapped and squeezed the moisture between it and the mountains dropping it all at once. climate change isn’t political, climate change is the result of political choices.
  21. Always substance and logic with you. That was one of dozens of posts showing/saying the same thing what the actual ***** was he doing. What he always does, lie and try to drag the spot lite on himself. Since no one here is interested in actual policy or discussion, here is some comedy.
  22. This changed me, that wall he built, that strong and meaningful leadership, the comfort and support he personally brought to all the people in need. I’d vote for him twice if I even needed to vote again.
  23. What a mess. He’s not since he is now getting death threats. Cool.
  24. Stunning amount of devastation, good thing we have public access to weather satellites so we can all see the extent of the damage
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