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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. ‘Cause Trump saved Obama care is the hill to die on? You are right, you have TDS. (I.e. you are deranged).
  2. Stop with the fact checking… like candidate like lemming. no doubt Vance “looked good” he is slick, has presented to money people for funding etc, but everything he said was a lie, dressing it up doesn’t make it better. If you want to believe trump tried to save Obamacare then there is really nothing to say to you. Seriously I seen him him before countless times, slick ppt, all the right answers, fake friendliness, etc. and good for him pulling himself out of his upbringing, but shame on him wanting to take away all the meager help he received from those coming up now. Really shameful. And all I service of the mega wealthy who see him as a mark they can use to rob the poor a little more. the 2020 election question is exactly this, lie to get ahead, say anything so they don’t turn off the tap. Sad.
  3. Yea he was a whiny ass who got caught lying and proceeded to try and shout down two women. I see why you like him. Sad.
  4. Tell me you don’t understand strategy with say it? he is a good liar. Trump saved the aca? Trump tried to kill it dozens of times. The “fix” was a legal judgment that was trying to kill it. Drilling solves everything? A few days after the hurricane, tone deaf. Also the “dumb broad’ you talk to your mother, sister, wife (as if) co-worker like that? All class.
  5. Ask Mike Pence what he should do. (I literally can’t believe I ever typed that but here we are) This is the weakest sauce ever. He wants to be vp, and potentially potus have a spine and maybe 30% of the country should grow up and call a lie a lie.
  6. Best take I’ve seen so far, and plays to the actual debate.
  7. Witty retort. 🥴 In conservative guys fantasies sure. Which I’m sure you’re an expert on.
  8. That’s a creepy take. I mean if your into fantasy stories sure.
  9. Wimps, can’t handle the truth.
  10. He is slick. But that’s easy to do if you are not grounded in reality.
  11. I’m guessing you haven’t sat through many investor presentations, same stick, selling snake oil.
  12. I see why you guys like that JV guy, he is slick with all your wackadoodle theories. 🥴
  13. You do it if you have a point to make. It’s google how are you so lazy.
  14. 1. Which is why it was such a dumb attack, 2. Why belittle the majority of people? So weird. Walz isn’t a venture capitalist who has millions in the bank and a couple billionaire benefactors. He is a real man of the people but everyone here likes style over substance.
  15. Lines on charts, pretty.
  16. It was more about the incessant “I’m from the middle class” dig on Harris, and JV’s first words are I’m middle class. The hypocrisy is hilarious. the question was useless.
  17. @Irv is going to be pissed he is into 80+ ladies.
  18. I believe he left out victims (the parents, that the was literally just talking about) but get your rocks off, I don’t kink shame.
  19. How are illegal aliens getting mortgages again?
  20. Takes one to know one, champ. But you sure fell comfortable telling others what to do.
  21. Can you spell the vice president's name, nope? cool burn bro.
  22. Disrespect a war criminal? That's your angle on this. He should never have disrespected the US Congress and he is a charged ward criminal by the UN so having him speak there is "awkward" October 7th was horrific. Gaza since then has been horrific as well. Israel has a right to peace and security and so do the Palestinians. Additionally The active government sponsored resettlement of Israelis in occupied territories does smack of colonization. maybe not 17th century style but still. "STATUS OF SETTLEMENTS UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW Israel’s policy of settling its civilians in occupied Palestinian territory and displacing the local population contravenes fundamental rules of international humanitarian law. Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” It also prohibits the “individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory”. " This whole thing is a no win situation until both sides have had enough, based on past actions that could take a few thousand more years. Operative word: Dictionary - Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more in·flu·ence /ˈinflo͝oəns/ noun the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. "the influence of television violence" verb have an influence on. "sometimes simple changes in a business environment can influence behavior"
  23. Commander and chief material, am I right? Just a little headache.
  24. You are insane. Really really insane.
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