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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Did the check bounce?
  2. Just a pretext... a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. "the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move"
  3. Sickened you say by your boss actively trying to overthrow the will of the voters so you can build camps. Something rings hollow coming from you. At least you are smart enough to not be included.
  4. Trying to figure out what Russia is going to come up with to show that it's actually the Democrats who are cheating at elections. JV tried laying the ground work with "Hillary did it first, and the dems have voted agains before... the other interesting thing will be does NC or B-Man post first? and how many here will ask me to do their research for them? So many questions?
  5. The women raised their voices and he refused to stop. Cool dude. p.s. Did you see the bonus time points, I knew you guys would say exactly this.
  6. they asked him to stop several times, hence they cut his mic (and Walz in fairness). bonus time: you are then going to say “he’s not yelling, he just trying to be “accurate” but they asked him several times, he should have complied, and not for you to judge how they felt about his actions. double bonus time: you get him to explain the thing that the felon couldn’t the day before. Apps are hard. triple bounds time: do you need someone to help you search, or is this some performative move to ‘get the lib’ to look it up for me. universal reaction seems to be bros love him (is it the eyeliner) and ladies know his type.
  7. Prosecutors and defense lawyers say Haley's story is typical; the vast majority of illicit fentanyl — close to 90% — is seized at official border crossings. Immigration authorities say nearly all of that is smuggled by people who are legally authorized to cross the border, and more than half by U.S. citizens like Haley. Virtually none is seized from migrants seeking asylum. you guys are boring.
  8. 1. absolutism is not an actual argument. Obviously, I don’t speak for any women let alone all women.🙄 2. I had seen her post and didn’t feel like going back and pulling it for a quote but when you chimed in, I made the effort. 🫡 3. Maybe you don’t quite understand what the word means. 👩‍🎓 misogyny mɪˈsɒdʒ(ə)ni noun dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. 4. So by your logic, my calling out the fact that JD Vance was yelling over two women, which was called out by a woman, who were running the debate is somehow me being misogynistic against women makes total sense. 🧐 Takes one to know one. (do a little googling. He met JD a few times the stories are interesting.)
  9. Fact checking is allowed in the internet.
  10. 1. Nice link to source. 2. I read several articles they all had this bent, only buying 15% or 9% etc… but that was one year of sales, after 5 years the total owned would be much more significant. 3. In all the articles I read rents increased after ownership by equity and significantly 4. Okay let’s say what you say is true, they are also buying the starter properties and paying cash and a premium over asking (since they have more capital and can get cheaper loans equaling out the long term cost of the higher purchase price) making it harder for individuals to compete. if you want people to have homes, if you want people to build wealth, profit motive for large investors is not the way..
  11. Yea protecting rule of law, caviler.
  12. Very inclusive of you to blame immigrants for what private equity capitalists are doing. Wall Street Has Spent Billions Buying Homes. A Crackdown Is Looming.Lawmakers say investors that scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are driving up home prices
  13. So who won the 2020 election?
  14. Did you see the link. They specifically want to remove legally here immigrants. And it was 10 million, then 15, then 20. You are pretty cavalier with other peoples lives. And the felon has shown zero interest in less power.
  15. But Sinclair media has owned more stations for decades and that’s cool. Okay Mr free speech. And if anyone knows about breaking the law it’s Leon. Speaking of the liberal msm being in the tank for Harris… oh wait. Because marketing. Just like making a hit record back in the day, pay to play (get it) they are fem washing, note the other podcasts mentioned, a relatable women for young right wing men. Prove me wrong, I’ll wait.
  16. Like the Haitians here legally. The point of the Japanese example, most were citizens, they were shipped off and most list their farms, businesses and homes. Then they were relocated. Truly horrible. Since there is precedent hence the heighten reaction. At a recent rally, Trump vowed to deport certain migrants in the country legally. "Get 'em the hell out!" he said to cheers and chants of "send them back." They have also said legal aliens previously. This is the concern they’ll change the rules after they get power and it’s too late. Just listening to the ladies, you might want to try it some time.
  17. They are more similar than previously thought, but are consumed with personal gain and go after it the same way. “I’m super smart, but I believed the media until I was installed as the VP candidate then I saw the felon’s successes”. Not sure which is worse?
  18. Here is a link, I’m sure you won’t read it but you can only take a horse to water can’t make it drink. Okay so trumps plan is to kick “immigrants” out of homes so “real Americans” can rent them. Kinda like the Japanese interment camps in WW II. Sounds great. 🤮 and Harris’s plan is to build more homes (encouraging economic growth) and help people afford to buy them so they can build wealth for their family, hummm which one is better, such a hard choice.
  19. So you see someone in pain ( and what did Trump do? Take away her control of her body) and your reaction it to mock her. I wonder why on earth she is upset.
  20. 3:13 PM after hours of the attack and numerous advisors telling him to say something. This is not the win you think it is. for those with memory challenges…
  21. Seriously, how dumb are you. He didn’t pick JV, teal and Leon did and paid the felon off with $45 million a month for his campaign, then they pulled the rug out from under him and made up the $45 in “in kind/house ads” at twitter. The felon big mad it wasn’t cash he could steal and so now he is trying to lose.
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