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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Yea “Democrats”, while these independent media all connect back to the felon and his motley crew. “John F. Solomon is an American journalist who was a contributor to Fox News until late 2020.[1][2][3][4] He was formerly an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times.[5]Although he won a number of awards (including the 2008 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award) for his investigative journalism, in recent years he has been accused of magnifying small scandals, creating fake controversy,[6][7][8] and advancing conspiracy theories.[1][3][9] During the Donald Trump presidency, he advanced Trump-friendly stories including questioning reporting that women who had accused Trump of sexual harassment had also sought payments from partisan political donors[10] and questioning the legitimacy of criminal charges against Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.[11]He also played an important role in advancing conspiracy theories about unproven allegations of wrongdoing in Ukraine by Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. Solomon's stories about the Bidens influenced Trump's fruitless attempt to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy into publicly launching an investigation into the elder Biden, an attempt that led to Trump's first impeachment.[4]In 2020 he launched the website Just the News.[12]” “I was just joking”
  2. a Marine killed 5 Americans who work for the same employer as him. That is what they are saying? Cool “free speech” !!
  3. more from this “interview”. Obviously he is setting up the narrative that it’s political against him, when he has for years been under investigation for breaking the law in multiple ways (insider trading, stock manipulation, not paying employee severance etc etc,) when the reality is more;Kelly closer to he lined up with the felon because other wise he might be held to account.
  4. which intelligence agency do you think? You are so anti free speech. 🙄
  5. Nice research prior to posting.
  6. This leftist/marxist bull####. Always with the name calling. And the sweeping generalizations. 1. We don’t have free and open markets, they are regulated, free and open markets get you 1929 and 2008. hence the regulations on disclosure and insider trading etc. 2. Free speech is not a suicide pact. When your speech threatens the health and well being of others it is not protected. let’s recap free speech is from government censorship. Not from consequences. 3. As for that graphic, if it was Marxist it wouldn’t be about his charity it would be about the state taxing hi. And redistributing the funds as the people (you know the democratically elected representatives) see fit rather than begging for his largess like some federal lord. 4. Why did he block the guy sharing Vance’s oppo? Why does he shadow ban people, he doesn’t like. Why did he have the algorithm rewrite to promote his posts, and then spend his time promoting obviously false statements? and the best part, about a month ago they hit upon “free speech” as the hammer they can use to “trump” any argument against what they are doing. Now the right wing media is claiming the liberal left (liberal)wants to silence them because spreading lies is harmful, how unfair, boo hoo. Is there a law stopping the lies? Nope mostly just peoples opinions some are editors who choose not to “print them” or who choose to gloss over them. Meanwhile the felon talks about jailing people he doesn’t like for things they say do or write. Real free speech. 🥸 the graphic above blows. He earned his money he can spend it how he wants, but his earning are also taxable for the very same reason, to provide for the common good from which he benefited. Roads, food safety, military protection, etc etc etc. the other super amusing thing. All the free speech absolutist her who want me to shut up, or Billy’s or bills time or Joe etc. Mostly it’s insults and judgments, and jumping down peoples throats, I mean I guess that’s one type of free speech, shouting down contrarian opinions. Neat.
  7. I don’t kink shame. If you want to wear a starry bra I say live and let live. 🤘
  8. Speaking in unsupported absolutes is not the mental flex you think it is. Insults are not arguments. not sure what your point is. contested convention to replace Biden there were plans circulated for a ‘debate off’. Should I file this under election interference or musk appreciation 🧐
  9. Ministry of truth? From the “Dems think the first amendment is a problem for us” crowd? try googling once in your life. OCTOBER 1, 2024 5 MIN READ Conservative Project 2025 Would Leave Hurricane Helene Survivors with Little Aid The conservative Project 2025 playbook for a possible Trump presidency calls for cutting aid for disasters such as Hurricane Helene
  10. Pelosi didn’t want Harris, and the media wanted an event. But I guess reading my post is beyond your comprehension level. Maybe less with the anger it’s clouding your thinking tough guy.
  11. I thought the story was Obama wanted Harris? Or was it pelosi? Or Soros ? Or maybe the networks were foaming at the mouth for a “survivor convention” with elimination debates every night. In the end dumb old sleepy joe out foxed them all didn’t he. also Harris IS the sitting VP. If Joe was dead like so many here seem to think 🙄 then she is already President. But also why wouldn’t she be the pick? Force fed with the greatest grass root fundraising in history and an activated base and record crowd sizes and a change in the polls. Nothing like drunk government contractor “just” asking questions while being interviewed by that Putin shill.
  12. 1. Nice insults to start off, kinda persuasive 🙄 2. How is communism involved? 3. He did proves his own argument. “Biden could tell congress to change the funding allocations. So Biden can’t change the funding allocations. The GOP congress passed the current funding including “for illegals”. The current GOP congress refuses to schedule an emergency session to vote on adding more funds to FEMA. The GOP congress voted against allocating more funds last month before taking a vacation. This is how propaganda works. Lie, outrage, move on to the next topic and repeat. Feel better asking for your pound of flesh? Cool bro.
  13. Better than a bleach injection. 😉
  14. Breaking news actual state sponsored election rigging.
  15. As if I need your permission you guys are rich. https://prospect.org/politics/how-the-new-york-times-enables-right-wing-spin/
  16. 93 Articles on Biden being mental unfit after the debate. The felon 0 and he has been word salad for years. Not calling lies lies, etc etc. Breathless Clinton email server articles and front page coverage, and they can barely put mention of the fleons 180 page indictment showing his involvement in a coup to over throw the results of the 2020 election and remain in power. You tell me. You are so quick to judge and throw around absolutes. Most be a fun guy to hang out with. Maybe try a chili pill chaser for that red pill. Oh and self fact check, it's the editor in chief not the owner who is rolling all this. Hence the "NY Time pitch bot account" you tried to "Gott ya" me on a while back. Why does that exist if not to parody the rightwing bent of the times?
  17. "Disqualified myself" Amazing hubris ya got there bud? 🙃
  18. 1. How so? any data on that? You know how many TV and radio stations does singular own? (close to 400 for the last 30 years) oh and Old Rupert at FOX (the the WSJ etc) and on and ONN and what's that other one? Oh and doesn't a super right right win billionaire own CNN now? and Bezos is pretty left owning the Washington post, not? And who bought the NYTimes that's been in the bag for trump the last few years. 2. You guys are the whitest victims I've ever seen. 3. Musk bought twitter to be a space for free speech and then has proceeded to put his thumb on the scale the whole time. But sure 4. Fact checking is interfering with your freespeecr (lies) and show bias. 5. Alternative facts (lies) are the only way to compensate. 6. I'd not Russian active measures it good old American know nothings So don't stop not tell me some more of those sweet sweet "alt facts". sigh.
  19. Again, I really love how you tell us all who you are going to ignore, and B-man so good with deleting the content of his quote replies, makes so much sense. very free speech of you. 🥴
  20. That’s Mr. moron to you. Also I said “universal praise” and the other poster said no state is happy with the response. which means nothing you just said is relevant.
  21. Diggs comes up small, Collin’s goes big but has a late fumble, Cook serves up a tasty meal. Bills 26 Texans 25 WNY HEART ATTACKS off the charts.
  22. That is exactly what the felon has said, and the opposite of what Biden has done. You guys are so lost. it is truly astounding.
  23. Hate to break it to you (as my 80+ mom could use the action) but your at the wrong house.
  24. The real world. Politics over country.
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