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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. You are making ***** up. You have not one single shred of evidence for this. There is plenty of evidence of white supremacy the congress hasn’t raised the minimum wage in almost 2 decades that’s something you could be concerned about if you really cared about American workers. ’capitalism’ and the ‘market’ are working as intended in your example, business trying to reduce costs and be more efficient and not caring about “Americans” or who gets the jobs, profit is the only metric to success. What you are describing sounds a lot more like socialism where the government puts their hand on the scale to help American workers. It blows my mind for you to suggest something like this (even if unintentionally of course) since many on their board are staunch anti-socialist anti-communist. Make it make sense.
  2. And reading comprehension and words are “very weak” with right wing nut jobs on the internet. You mean when did I learn how to ‘google’? Quite a while ago. When did I learn how to read? Decades ago. pretty simple concepts and words, and maybe if you tried looking up what they mean you might not be so upset all the time or always trying to tell other people how to be ‘free’.
  3. Pot. Your level of cope is worse than a Russian t-72
  4. “The iron law” 🙄
  5. The projection is strong in this one.
  6. You might be confusing sex and gender. Sex is a biological trait, while gender is a socially constructed identity: Sex A person's biological sex is determined by their chromosomes, reproductive organs, hormones, and anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as male or female, but there is variation in how these biological attributes are expressed. Gender A person's gender identity is their self-identified gender, which can include woman, man, trans man, gender-diverse, or nonbinary. Gender identity is not fixed and can change over time. Gender is also influenced by social, cultural, and personal experiences. Gender identity can differ from a person's biological sex. For example, a person with typically female sex traits may identify as a gender other than woman. Transgender people experience a mismatch between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth.
  7. See previous reply but I got the good natured part of it, I have other friends who are Marines (they make good weapons instructors). My point was I have traveled and seen the world as well, and differently than you may have given the restrictions of traveling in the US armed forces. i.e. I bet you didn't have a chance to ride a motorcycle in north Vietnam without a guide, map or the ability to even say hello (Vietnamese is hard). It was fun except for the part where I rode on to a military firing range, but that's a story for another day/post. Long story short I think we both prefer the constitution to not the constitution was all I was really trying to say.
  8. Interesting. No not at all. 1. He decided to diminish my experience (which he has no idea of) the basement part. 2. He decided to insult me (the whole tugging ) good natured I can take it and give it. 3. He said as a Marine he traveled the world, cool, I support both the Maries and him traveling/doing his duty. More Americans should travel and see the rest of the world, or just get outside their local area. he put it forward as a giving him insight that I don't possess. That said I have also traveled the world and maybe I saw things he didn't because I wasn't a Marine. I don't see the insult but as a marine I'm sure he can handle little old tugging soy boy lib dishing back. 4. In the end he swore an oath to the constitution (not the only one) so I hope he keeps that in mind when he casts his vote for POTUS. It's super interesting here how regimented and regulated the right wing / conservative mind set is. Kinda like that conservative liberal brain study I posted somewhere else.
  9. Without government oversight. How would you prefer to say it? Good choice of sources James Lindsay, anti-Communist @ConceptualJames Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. Knoxville, TNNewDiscourses.comJoined September 2012
  10. What? That's why the left threatens civil war at the sound of a drag queen show, or carries a half squad of weapons to order a soy latte at star bucks. I think the threat is coming from inside your own head. relax we're just chatting here. Searched: "conservative vs liberal mind" AI Overview Learn more… Studies have shown that the brains of liberals and conservatives differ in structure and function, which may be related to political views: Memory Conservatives may be more likely to remember negative scenes than positive scenes. Brain structure Liberals tend to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), while conservatives tend to have a larger amygdala: Anterior cingulate cortex: This part of the brain helps detect errors and resolve conflicts. Liberals may have more gray matter in this area, which could mean they use it more. This may make them more tolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty. Amygdala: This part of the brain is important for regulating emotions and evaluating threats. Conservatives may have more gray matter in this area, which could mean they are more sensitive to threatening stimuli. Brain function Conservatives may be more structured and habitual in their decision making and cognitive performance. Liberals may have a higher tolerance for cognitive tasks that require novelty, complexity, and creativity.
  11. Is this what you really want to be posting? Do you really think the black lady married to a Jewish man is a cultural Marxist anti-Semite? Many the Christian’s need to stop abusing alter boys and start following their saviors teachings. Finally separation of church and state, Dems are for this so you can go off and do your little religion things in private. Cultural Marxism" refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theorythat misrepresents Western Marxism(especially the Frankfurt School) as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness. The conspiracy theory posits that there is an ongoing and intentional academic and intellectual effort to subvert Western society via a planned culture war that undermines the supposed Christian values[note 1] of traditionalist conservatism and seeks to replace them with culturally liberal values.[1][2][3][4][5]
  12. Good for you. I’ve been all over the world as well, without a gun or flotilla in tow even (paid for by my little own tugging self instead of that big bad socialist Uncle Sam). That said both of us should then know that Marxism isn’t on the ballot this November but electing an official who respects the constitution is. Act accordingly Marine.
  13. “Town square” huh. Open and public forum. 🧐
  14. Thanks professor, It's reassuring you are not concerned. Looking at any data, it is not that storms didn't happen before, it's that they are happening with increased frequency (and intensity). So sure, big storms happened before. This proves nothing. Additionally its isn't that the changes are linear it is more that the weather is more variable and the extremes are more frequent. Heat waves are longer and more intense, winters are more volatile. Let's look at your "99.96%" number, fact of the matter is that we have change the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a tremendous amount. Amount "Since the onset of industrial times in the 18th century, human activities have raised atmospheric CO2 by 50% – meaning the amount of CO2 is now 150% of its value in 1750. This human-induced rise is greater than the natural increase observed at the end of the last ice age 20,000 years ago." for those playing along at home that means the it has gone from ~0.025% to 0.040% Effect By volume, the dry air in Earth’s atmosphere is about 78.08 percent nitrogen, 20.95 percent oxygen, and 0.93 percent argon.A brew of trace gases accounts for the other approximately 0.04 percent, including the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. Yet while these greenhouse gases make up just a tiny percentage of our atmosphere, they play major roles in trapping Earth’s radiant heat and keeping it from escaping into space, thereby warming our planet and contributing to Earth’s greenhouse effect.The largest greenhouse gas by volume is actually the one most people tend to overlook: water vapor, whose concentration varies significantly depending on temperature. As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the amount of humidity in the atmosphere also goes up, further heating our planet in a vicious cycle.Tiny solid or liquid particles known as aerosols, which are produced both naturally and by human activities, are also present in variable amounts, along with human-produced industrial pollutants and natural and human-produced sulfur compounds. This causes heating in the atmosphere. Any data you look at (avg temp, sea ice, antarctic sea ice, ocean surface temp etc) are all obviously trending upwards at an accelerating rate. You may not want to believe it but the evidence is clear. The climate is changing. It could be sun spots or Irv eating too many beans, but it is changed from 50 years ago, or even 10 years ago. Additionally there is NO reason to do nothing. The trends are pretty clear, but even if you are still unsure, what is hurt by actually making changes to reduce carbon use. As for solutions. The post isn't proposing any solutions. It is showing that the very industry that profits from dumping Co2 into the atmosphere knew that doing so would have consequences (and pretty accurately predicted them) for the atmosphere and the climate. But the solution is simple, stop needlessly dumping carbon in to the atmosphere. It doesn't mean no fossil fuels it means smart use and a mixed energy grid. Unfortunately it's not going to stop the change that is motion already but we can lessen the length of the effects But the bigger issue to me is your reaction. Needs more study. it's been studied sine the 70's (pointy of my post) and what they predicted then is bearing out in the data now. However you don't want to believe it. So you wont do anything about it, matter of fact, you will fight it. Maybe watch "don't look up" until you get it. (P.S. The astroid is a metaphor). Okay off to till at some wind mills now...
  15. Hurricane brought to you by the fuel needed to clean up.
  16. A whole lot huh. Pretty technical and specific. Care to dumb it down for us commoners and give like maybe I don’t know. One example of your point. And do you even know what Marxism is? Hey but good thread start, there are only a half a dozen others like this bs. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ for you.
  17. How are you this blind? I hope you don’t drive.
  18. The whines continue. I mean hard hitting fact based policies to lead America into the future. (Did I do that right?) Facts don’t matter.
  19. Town hall media for example note at the bottom of the page all the sub brands. P.e. This is a spin off of the heritage foundation. or polymarket owned by theil (Nate silvers boss) or X by leon And Sinclair that owns 200+ or so tv and radio stations and their “must run segments” or rumble (Which also hosts “truth Social’ (side bar bet it is soon to be bought by X and rolled in) ‘Rumble is an online video platform, web hosting, and cloud services business[4][5] headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with its U.S. headquarters in Longboat Key, Florida. It was founded in 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a Macedonian Canadian technology entrepreneur. Rumble's cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American conservative and far-right users. Rumble has been described as "alt-tech".’ And we haven’t even scratched the surface of the (many indicted for spreading Russian propaganda) social media and podcasting echo sphere. and then there is the Babylon Bee one Mr. b-Man gets pained to post (conjecture, I bet he wishes he did for all his posts) that is a “right wing onion” but other than those Mrs Lincoln how did you like the play? Pure off the cuff genius. No reason to edit this transcript
  20. I said 1% of the US Budget is foreign aid. not that 640 Million is 1% of FEMA's budget and if that was the case then honest error, lots of stats flying back and forth. $640 Million is a less than 10% of 30 Billion was my other point, maybe I fat fingered the '0'. point still stands Congress controlled by the GOP set the spending limits and priority. My point was and continues to be foreign aid is not as much as people think and is not impacting FEMA's budget. not sure where you get $60K (2024 US government budget 6,288,194,931,703 / 330,000,000 =$1,143,308.169 = $19,055.14 per person) this is obviously a really crude calculation and I believe debt service is included in there. Also have you seen the price of eggs lately? 🤷‍♂️
  21. So what is the right wing echo sphere's excuse? mr. both ways just like your handle.
  22. Insults, not childish at all. All assertions no support. Cool bro. You are an expert and this random backwater message board is lucky to have you here to keep us in line. P.s. it’s like you guys are allergic to posting links to your sources. Loans, well congress could change the tax laws to generate more revenue. But other geniuses on this board have told me revenue isn’t the issue, spending is, the government takes in enough revenue, yet somehow unfunded tax cuts are not “spending”. yep $30 billion budget, $640 million (less than 1/30th of the budget) went to immigrant issues. And the felon started it by raiding FEMA this doesn’t seem too hard to understand. The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. let’s see able to fight wars and deter aggression to keep the seas free for… trade. I guess I just read English differently than you, or did you think the navy’s mission was to bully people on message boards? the most current I could find for foreign aid was 2019, but I doubt the % has changed significantly and in any case the money for foreign aid is not taking away from fema or defense etc. it is not either or As you admit, the GOP run house could do something about it if they chose. They choose to let it ride as is, so it is either sufficient or it is not and they want people to suffer, your choice.
  23. Is that the one where he says "he is a serious person" and the toast laughs at him? Yea good stuff.
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