My 14 year old grandson who has become a hard core member of the Mafia, and plays football, was kore vocal than ever at last night's game.
He looked at me with a look of mixed confusion and disgust and asked "what the heck"?
For the firt time in a long time I told him "I don't know".
I don't want to hear anymore homerism, there is something seriously wrong with this offense and it starts with Dorsey AND Allen. I don't care Allen is "comfortable " with Dorsey, McDermott needs to fire him today. He doesn't game plan for crap, he doesn't properly use personnel. Amd damn it...enough of Allen saying "I don't like that play" etc. Get the hell out of your comfort zone amd let the OC ( hopefully a competent one) set up a game plan that works against opponents.
Dabol told Martindale what Allen likes and goes to, and what makes him uncomfortable. Thev
Jags figured it out last week. EVERY team now has the blueprint and if we don't make a change, this team isn't going anywhere.
And before a Homer asks, turn it over to Joe Brady for the rest of the season and go from there.