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Everything posted by SoonerBillsFan

  1. Not shocking, prayers for his health. We need to make a move for another power RB
  2. Yes. There is nothing left to say. Get him a good OC minded HC and see what happens He won it because he had an outstanding HC who calls the plays
  3. I don't give a damn about numbers or HOF. Win us a damn superbowl!!!
  4. IF this keeps up, Terry needs to find out WTH is going on with our strength and conditioning staff
  5. I'm going to go with "He is a shell of his former self and his ego won't come to grips with it" for 1000.00 Alex
  6. LMAO ok. I can tell I am not going to argue with you on this.
  7. Actually I'm not. Kelly did things that will never be repeated in a harder Era. Allen hasn't done anything yet just like luck. Taking off the rose colored glasses, 3 franchises wasting 6 great to potentially great QB's. 2 of the 3 franchises at least have a superbowl win. Fans can get upset all they want, McDermott and beane are wasting the most pure talented QB we have ever had. And if something doesn't change, he and Luck will have a lot in common.
  8. This guy is a worthless POS. I hope the Pats draft him There is already a report out that he said he could make more money at USC staying his sr. Year than in the NFL his rookie year due to NIL.
  9. And the Bills had Kelly and Have Josh... Dare I say "Stones and glass houses"?
  10. Ill take he made the mistake of hitting on a cops wife and her husband finding out she had his info. Tons of Black players in Bills history and I don't remember one having the issues Beast mode did. But hey, run the race narrative because that must be it...
  11. I disagree, and say McDermott and Dorsey have to be fired. At what point does he stop being allowed to throw coaches that he hired, under the bus? I will say again, Terry will have virtually his pick of HC's. I would also like to see what Beane could do not being under McDermotts thumb to be totally honest. This 100%.
  12. I agree 100%. If we don't make it this year, then Terry has to do the hard thing. I honestly think that if Kim were still here running the team, he would have been gone after how the team didnt show up for Cincinnati.
  13. Look too many people fear going back to the drought days if he goes, and there is just no way. Anyone besides 6-7 current HC's would give their left nut to coach this team. My fear is being stuck in neutral for all of Allen's career. McDermott has a losing playoff record, and if we can't make it back to at least the AFCCG then yeah, we need a change.
  14. It's going to happen. He has far less bad days than good ones. He is a good guard and a massive upgrade from the recent turnstiles we had there. I got bashed for this in some other thread, but did the Giants give an overall blueprint on how to attack our offense until we figure out how to counter? ( And I have very little faith Dorsey can figure that out)
  15. See I hate that crap. The past is the past. We can't be afraid to make needed changes and possibly take steps back to achieve the ultimate goal. I have been a fan since 86' and never quit being a fan, and I don't care if we suffer a losing season if it means making the changes needed to win a championship. McDermott should have been fired the next damn day after 14 seconds and a message sent about the expectations for this franchise including coaching. So no, I didn't enjoy the technical win Sunday night. We looked like $#!! And it just shows we are treading water hoping that " running it back" with old slow players and a HC who has shown he is nothing more than Marty schottenheimer II. ( he has a losing record in the playoffs and we seem to be going backwards in that regard) isn't working. This offseason there is no running it back, there is going to need to be a purge of players with replacements through the draft.
  16. See a team with realistic superbowl aspersions doesn't let it come to that. 38-13 should be the score
  17. We need him, get it done.
  18. How about we not suck against another crap team? I hear the excuses already " but they are a division opponent and they always play us hard".
  19. Yeah Favre won MVP in his 4th, 5th, and 6th, seasons and Won the Superbowl. The stats are great, Marino has craploads, and all I care about is Superbowl wins.
  20. I think he was out like a light. There was a quick shot where the camera was down past his legs and a trainer lifted it up and let go and it just flopped. I never thought he was paralyzed as that normally happens when you hit head down with the crown of the helmet.
  21. Honestly ... slow and not anywhere near what he was last year. I watched 2 definite sacks he should have had coming off the edge and the ball was gone before he got there. If it were Von of last year, Taylor would get planted into the turf.
  22. He should have tucked it and ran for the 1st then slid
  23. I have to admit..not bad
  24. It 100% was and I say... tough $#!! Lol. It's past time we get a zebra to not rule in our favor. Especially after the crap show ref wise in London.
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