If Cook is serious about 15+ per or holding out, I trade him. I like him, but he isn't worth 15+ per year. Someone said he scrubbed his social media of all Bills stuff? Why do that? He has been treated well here, but I guess its just the way now.
Quid Pro Quo Clarice
Who cares? The left keep thinking we give a damn. Honestly I wish we would enact "The Purge". Start with California, Oregon, NYC and Washington DC.
Good, I hope he did and No I (nor most of us) have any issue with this. Maybe you should learn this already. We are going to be ok with ANYTHING Trump and his MAGA team does.
Its simple, females from both teams from the first whistle, just jump the trans and beat the **** out of them and put them out of the game. Maybe then the message will be heard. Until then, sue the hell out of the orgs allowing this to still go on.
Trump doesn't understand money? So many comments, but those posting this crap, and writing the dumb assed article, are too brain dead and radicalized to get the truth.
Its illegal. They need to charge her with impeding a federal operation. She can literally be charged with obstruction of Justice and they need to do it.
No. I have no confidence in Beane to draft DL. And we need a guy who starts NOW, and we need a DL who is a 10+ sack guy who OC'shave to account for.
We aren't getting that at #30.
Want in one hand and crap in the other, and see what gets full the fastest.
That said, Meh it's early. He is opening high and that's ok. We shouldn't sweat it right now.
This might be a good hire.
Chris Tabor
Most recently Carolina ST coordinator (2022 - 2023) but has stints with Cleveland (2011 - 2017) and Chicago (2018 - 2021)
Ranked as the 2nd best ST coordinator via a poll conducted by the NFLPA after the 2023 season