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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Dude... way early for the season to be in shambles... QB's get knocked out, they miss games... chill.
  2. Cool... today will be the day that every negative nancy can get out all that pent up Bills hatred. Have at it, Nancies!
  3. Just remember that Andre's first four years were 1985. 86, 87, 88, 89. The team was just getting together: Kelly and Metz arrived in 86, Thurman in 88, Lofton and Beebe in 89. It took time for the team to develop its offensive identity. In that way, Andre and Evans faced similar problems. The real interest will compare Evans' next four years to Andre's monster years of 90-93.
  4. Good question. My thought is, first of all, same market, so yes, it would be blacked out if not sold out. But it will sell out, so that is not a problem. Rogers will not allow it to not sell out. The PR hit would be awful.
  5. Well, silly.. in that case he comes on and complains about how dumb the Bills Front Office is for not having a better plan.
  6. I am not sure he has been watching any games at all...
  7. You do realize that this is the last year of Evans' contract, yes? And that he would be an UFA at the end of this season, which would drive up his price? The economic realities of the situation do require teams that want to lock up good players to take some risk. You seem to suggest that letting Evans walk if he does not hit your arbitrary measures would be a good thing, but that does beg the question of how he would be replaced.... I also find it amazing that someone who uses "stupid" in his own alias would call other people "clowns," but hey, whatever floats you....
  8. I hope he remembers his Mother every Mother's Day. That woman deserves a medal!
  9. Geez Louise.... if the Bills did not sign Evans many members of the StupidNation would start posting about how "the Bills never re-sign anyone, and that means say bye-bye to Stroud, Greer, [fill in blank here]." Are you people ever happy? Ever?
  10. So true... and then when I am nervous I get nervous about possibly becoming less nervous, which makes me more nervous, which of course only adds to my nervousness until I eventually succumb to extreme nervousness... Such is the lot of a Bills fan!
  11. Not every day, but two weeks in a row... Seriously, though, we all know how the crypto-JP-supporters/Trent-doubters will respond if Trent has a good game. There will be five posts along the lines of, "sure, Trent can play well in perfect conditions, but I won't be convinced until he plays well in bad weather... remember cleveland... blah blah blah... glove wearing Mary... blah blah blah...." Of course, if Trent does perform well in bad weather, many of them will still write either "Sure, he did it this time, but let's see him do it 75 more times before we can anoint him our QB" or "the weather really wasn't that bad..."
  12. Thanks very much! I had a feeling I had clicked somewhere by mistake, and could not figure out where.
  13. You know, there are few things more annoying in an internet thread than people starting their posts with "Uhhh" or "Um..." which is usually the preface to an attempt at snotty correction. At the same time, there are few things more satisfying than seeing someone calmly reminded that, um, they were wrong. Nice work, Tim!
  14. I may have missed something, or perhaps I changed a setting that I am not aware of, but now I see that the posts in each thread are not displayed the way they were. I am not up on the proper terminology, but up until this afternoon all posts were visible if one scrolled down. Now I see the threaded list and have to click on each post within a thread. If this is a permanent change in order to save bandwidth, that's cool, but I am curious to know more about the reasons. Thanks!
  15. I do recall many a Bills fan calling for the team to sign him... http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3624420
  16. Especially since poor Charlie Romes dropped an INT the play before Fouts hit Smith for the TD... Sigh... They all hurt, man. Every one of them.
  17. Yes it is. Conlan had knifed through for a good tackle for a loss, setting up third and goal from further back, I believe. That made a stop possible. Instead of a FG that would have made it 17-10, however, they got a first down and goal because DB lost his cool and punched a Cincy WR.
  18. It's already out there. At least two posters in this thread are already hating on this deal...
  19. How hard is that to learn, really?
  20. I think they are much too focused on trying to be cute to be terribly accurate. I wish they would stop....
  21. As if there would be anything wrong with that, Senator? Go Crusaders! AMDG!
  22. They are fun to watch, and that is the best part. By the way, Hollywood, allow me to offer my props to you for coming back here to praise the Bills. That shows real class.
  23. But that draft sucked because we did not draft a lineman in the first round.... right?
  24. There are two related issues. One is there is a limited number of players that can be up on the line of scrimmage, and the other is that the ends must be 'covered' by eligible players. Thus a tackle cannot be left uncovered, but if you have the end already covered the receiver on that side has to be backed off the line. I was listening to the game at that point and did not see the play, but I believe that Reed needed to step back from the line to avoid the penalty. Why that one step makes a difference is because of the letter of the law.
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