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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. That is well put. I am puzzled that people want to say that it is either a bad call or a bad play by JP. It's a breath mint, it's a candy mint... it's a bit of both....
  2. I'd say the odd are right here on TSW.
  3. Gosh, I hope every single person who plans to cancel Sunday Ticket, or their Season Ticket, or their Hair Appointment decides to start a thread... that would be awesome!
  4. Well, at least you admitted that you are a dick. Matter of opinion. The play call was understandable—not what I would have called, but I have seen many good teams run roll out passes in such situations to put the defense back on their heels, and get a big first down before the 2 minute warning. The only way it is a bad call is if you take the position that JP is such a horrible QB that he should not have the game in his hands, but then we are back to JP's deficiencies.....
  5. The play call is questionable, but a completion pretty much ends the game. A QB needs to feel the pressure, and protect the ball.
  6. If I laugh at any mortal thing/It is that I may not weep... JP.... OMFG
  7. Well, if the Bills want to win this game, they should not expect any help from the zebras.... There will not be a single penalty called on the Farts for the rest of the game. MARK MY WORDS! (sorry, just trying to get into the swing here)
  8. Man... JP has 85 gross passing yards. [yes, I am setting that up for someone to comment upon... don't let me down!] I wonder, is there a record for the number of times a starting NFL QB fails to get to 100 passing yards before the 4th quarter?
  9. Yeah, that is his thing. Usually it leaves him too far from the ball to make a play, but it looks cool... Bizell: dead on on JP. Pass was catchable, but with a guy that close and that open, a QB has to show more touch.
  10. Still not over.... still not over. Another chance for redemption, JP. Come on!
  11. Ugh... way to kill the MO, JP
  12. I have to say, it is cool to still be in a road game going into the 4th quarter.... Baby steps, baby steps.
  13. All complaints about the season aside, I would laugh myself sick if the Bills manage to win this game thanks to ol' Brett overflowing his depends. Dierdorf will have a cow sideways.
  14. Very true... which gets us back to the issue of JPs awareness of the field, yes?
  15. Play calling is astonishing from Turk and Co.... Favre is 12/17; JP is 11/17, but Favre has thrown for twice as many yards.
  16. I do not want to bash JP at all, but I am stunned that he has not tried to fire it downfield even once. Is that by design, or is he trying too hard to show he can do other things? It seems that every receiver he is throwing to is within 10 yards of him and usually has a defender right near him. Do we have no deep crossing routes in our playbook or what?
  17. It's that Jauron magic....
  18. You ain't kidding, they stink on ice. [/History of the World, Part I]
  19. I suppose it is my fault for wanting to see logic in the posts I read, even from the Rockpile 007's of the world. Much of the JP conversation seems to me to be at cross-purposes. I think it is quite likely that someone will sign JP, which does indeed create the possibility that he will play again (even Todd Collins did, after all, though he went a few years between meaningful snaps, if I remember correctly). Just as David Carr and Joey Harrington and Byron Lefetwich have been able to find work, JP will likely find work too. That does not mean, however, that it is just as likely that JP will be viewed by anyone as a future star, or that anyone will sign him to be a starter. I consider that to be much less likely, considering that JP did not have a very strong following among NFL analysts even when he was a starter. In less complicated terms, I will say that it is much more likely that JP will be another Todd Collins (find a job, be a backup, maybe play a bit here and there) than another Daryle Lamonica (who was recognized as a potential star when he was with Buffalo, and showed it when he went to Oakland).
  20. He was seeking names of young QBs who have been cut and have not become stars elsewhere. He was wrong to include Leftwich (sort of), but the other names are quite apropos. I praised you for catching the Byron mistake, but two out of three of those names are young men whose NFL stock has plummeted, and with whom JP is often compared. That was the point I took from his post, and why I decided to gently rib my fellow Niagaran for choosing to respond to a minor detail rather than the larger point. No harm in that, I hope. I happen to believe that JP will end up more like them than like Byron L (who himself may soon end up more like the others in the post), but that is just my opinion.
  21. I know that it is fashionable to bad mouth the Bills FO and assume not only that every decision they make is bad but also that the players they cut are secretly superstars, but just for a moment consider that Crowell is a moderately talented player who just underwent major surgery, and is probably right now wondering if he is ever going to earn another dollar playing football.
  22. An excellent observation, Dean... though also an exercise in missing the point.
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