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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Oh? Who? And do you really think they would not have done it had Brandon signed Peters? Come on....
  2. Golly... your self-hatred as a Bills fan continues to astonish...
  3. A moron with a blog is worse than a moron.... blogs are moron multipliers.
  4. Jerry Jones is a cow-flopper
  5. The "truth," in this case is thus rather more complicated, wouldn't you agree?
  6. Oh please, stop it with the idiotic chest thumping about "lying"... Head coaches are supposed to stand up for their coordinators. If they do not, they are excoriated for "throwing them under the bus."
  7. Unlike Harold Camping's insane bigoted ramblings, for the Cavaliers 2010 is the end of the world....
  8. And all rotoworld does is pay somebody pennies to troll the various team pages and newspapers on the internet for news.
  9. Thanks man. Hey, have you met my new bride Helen McMellen?
  10. This article reflects the annoying tendency of southerners, especially Floridians, to act as though their growth will go on forever, and that somehow they are exempt from the very cycles of rise and decline that led to their growth in the first place. And, of course, it reflects the fact that the author is a douche.
  11. Mickey, I hate to rain on your irrational parade here, but when you discuss that game, are you referring to the 4th quarter comeback from adversity, the dive for the go-ahead touchdown, and the strike to Robert Royal to set up what should have been the winning FG kick? Oh, wait, no... you are only referring to the very rough start. The one that every announcer praised Trent for overcoming.
  12. I do like your philosophy, a combination of optimism and recognition that things can always be worse. I guess that is what makes us Bills fans, huh? Your second para really nails the JP problem, though, and should speak to those who believe that "the right coach" could resurrect JP. He has had plenty of chances to show different pro coaches (two head coaches, three coordinators, to start with) what he can do, and yet he has never been able to instill in them the kind of confidence that would lead them to commit to him. I think they are seeing his weaknesses much more clearly than those of us who still sigh over his "run around for a bit, then fling it as far as he can for Lee to run under it" moments. Go Bills!
  13. I can think of many bookies who could explain it to you.
  14. Actually, I am not sure how much worse we could do with Losman on the roster. Did you watch him play in the Jets, Dolphins, 49ers games? I fear those performances have bought him a ticket to the CFL....
  15. Wow.... Either the message quoted above is an amazing example of self-hate, or the most condescending piece of nastiness ever directed against the people of TSW. Maybe both. On the specific point, this whole Vick discussion is another example of media organizations filling time. Vick gets out of jail today, so they have to blather about where he is going to go. They do not actually discuss this with any teams, but run down their list of teams they consider desperate... and hey, look, the Bills are already in the news with TO, so let's put them together! The problem is that such snap analysis ignores the fact that TO, for all of his baggage, represented an actual need for the Bills (a top receiver to match Lee Evans), whereas Vick does not bring anything in particular to the table right now, and it is extremely unlikely that the Bills would re-write their playbook for him.
  16. Leaving aside my opinion on signing Vick (which rhymes with "go trucking gay!".... which actually fits with another thread, but I digress...) Skip's comment reveals how little actual research people who go on sports TV shows actually do about the teams they discuss. Then they cover it up by simply having one or two other people take the opposite position, when not a single one of them knows anything about the team in question. They are wasting your time, people... stick to the knowledgeable folks at TSW....
  17. No deep roots for pro football support—the Gators are a much more powerful draw. All the talk about Jax being a growing community ignores the fact that most of the growth is from transplants, much like all the proud talk about how huge Jax is geographically ignores that most of the area is uninhabited and probably uninhabitable swamp. Those are my suppositions, based on family there and the like. I do wonder whether the NFL would ever give up on Jax. It is funny, but each of the leagues created to compete with the NFL in the past three decades (WFL and USFL) had teams in Jax, and neither did terribly well.
  18. Not to me. But perhaps I am not looking as hard for things to worry about.
  19. I'm not sure it is so unpopular, Bill. Most people who discuss the game, even die hard Bills fans think so. Uncomfortable, yes. Disappointing, certainly. Marv was a very detached coach on game days. He spent more time yelling at the officials than discussing details of strategy on the sidelines, on the theory that by game day you have to let the players play. He takes a lot of heat for giving the Bills a long leash, and the results in SBs suggest that the criticism is deserved. Although to be honest, when teams that party hard and who have coaches with laid back demeanors win (think Tom Flores and the Raiders of SBs XV and XVIII), the same analysts will say how much better it is to be that way than to be too detail-oriented and uptight (Vermeil and the Eagles in SB XV being a key example). More and more, I think that simple good fortune plays a major role in games between elite teams, and afterward people look for reasons to explain why it was obvious that the team that won, won.
  20. I am very excited about this young man. I taught at Furman for several years, and it is a unique place--the smallest school in what used to be called DIV I-AA, they have a great football tradition, having won the title in 1988 and reaching the finals a few other times. Whether or how quickly he will develop into a good pro is an open question, but he is worth pulling for. I have a nickname suggestion, too... the symbol of the Furman campus is the Bell Tower... so how about Towering Bell?
  21. Dude, is it raining where you are today, or did mom lock you in the basement? Either way, you are all over the board today.
  22. You know, I am sure that this recurring comment is probably an expression of Negative Nanciness combined with Aggressive Narcissism, but the phrase "Team Turd" does make me giggle, so please, carry on!
  23. Tom Donohoe (ahem) is the Scotty Bowman of Buffalo Bills history: Man heralded as a genius in his field, comes to BUF determined to show how smart he is and humble his previous employer, does a lot of razzle dazzle, makes a couple of spectacular mistakes (Jiri Dudacek, anyone? also known as the Czech Mike Williams ), and leaves with the team floundering. (I know, I know, Bowman went on to win championships elsewhere, but those were places smart enough not to believe him when he said he was a great GM... And besides, his later success only makes me hate him all the more for his horrible work in Buffalo.) A simplistic summary, sure. But painfully true to this Buffalo sports fan's historical sense. TD was an epic fail because of his rep, and the power he was given. Ralph turned over total control of the team to him, and got five years of frantic activity that led nowhere. Marv came in to clean up that mess, and we will see where that leads. For the moment, I cannot imagine putting Marv and TD in the same paragraph, let alone the same sense.
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