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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I have to admit I chuckled to see Billy Volek on that list. Remember when he was going to be the successor to The Statue? If I remember correctly, he chose to re-up with Tennessee instead, and missed out on a chance to be a starter. Ah, hindsight...
  2. Why yes, he does. With a coach and a team that its utterly committed to his success. If he does not get that, he will never turn out to be the superstar quarterback that he is naturally intended to be.
  3. *clap clap clapclapclap*
  4. Gosh Senator, your post made me hungry and, well, hungry.
  5. It is. The loud misquoting of famous quotations, on the other hand, is the definition of douchebaggery.
  6. I imagine the founders would say that it makes sense to start in big metro areas, but I think the selection of cities shows a real lack of creativity and imagination. NY, LA, and SF probably sounded good just because they are large markets, but that does not mean there is actual demand. Vegas has been the fool's gold (or more appropriately put, mirage) of many pro sports league people for years, but there again one wonders whether they have gone beyond simply looking at the population stats. Same goes for Orlando. I think that there is the danger among many pro sports consultants to underestimate the importance of community spirit to making a sports team a success. It is not enough to be in a big city; the people have to feel connected enough to the team to go to the games, and that can take time. I rather doubt the UFL will be around long enough to make that happen.
  7. That would make more sense, and actually fit with their vision statement.
  8. Actually, I am thinking of the Flutie who TWICE turned the ball over within the 10-yard line, but that's just me. I liked Flutie and preferred him to Johnson, but any observer had to see that he could not beat a disciplined defense. Whether he would have beaten the titans, who knows? If the ST stayed in their lanes, RJ would be remembered for leading a great comeback. So it goes with sports...
  9. Or the Ajax Noose Corporation. Though it is true that every professional team in Europe has a sponsor on its jersey.
  10. I think you have put your finger on the reason why this is going to fail. Do they really think that a lot of folks are going to want to watch minor league football on Fridays when there is college on Saturday and pro on Sunday? In markets where there are well-established teams with strong followings? I think the lingerie football league is more likely to succeed...
  11. That is quite the paradox, isn't it?
  12. No one has said any of those things, and none of us will. Despite your inability to understand (a disability widely shared around here) no one is saying one need be blind to the team's problems. The point is that some people think that there are ways to enjoy following the Bills that do not require constant negativity. I know it makes you feel so smart to make fun of optimism and pretend that makes you a "realist," but some of us save our "realism" for the world's real problems, not for a game that, as pleasant and exciting as it is, remains just a game. But hey, you do what makes you happy.
  13. Here, let me get the first round... Cheers!
  14. Of course you are a fan. I never said otherwise. And of course the Bills have a lot of weaknesses. Never denied that either. The MSM thing made me laugh out loud. You know so little about my political or social beliefs, yet you assume that because I disagree with you that you can make such assumptions, which say a lot more about you than about me. Demand all the results you want, but I have to ask: You say you don't "use the Bills to leave reality." So, spending your time obsessing about a bunch of people you have never met who knock the snot out of each other for a living constitutes reality? To each his own. For me, sports are the toy department of life.
  15. OK Thomas..... Seriously, the question is not simply whether one has faith or not. I personally have no idea whether the Bills will be any better this season than last season. No one does. One can hope if one likes, or not. Hope is not a bad thing to have; indeed, it is all that we have. The world is a horrible, awful place full of suffering and misery. Most people die frightened and alone, never accomplishing any of the things they set out to do in their lives. In order to help us get through the yawning awfulness of life on earth, people fortunate enough to have leisure time and disposable income choose to entertain themselves by doing sudoku puzzles, or watching Marx Brothers movies, or following football. Of those people who follow football, a small fraction, mostly people who by cosmic accident grew up in Western New York, follow the Bills. They are happy when the Bills win; sad when they lose. What brings joy is the hope that each new season, each new game, each new play brings. A fraction of those Bills fans visits message boards like this one, to see what is up and to discuss questions of mutual interest. Considering all that, the question is whether choosing to spend one's time contributing to every thread by saying how feculent everything is can be considered realism. If it makes you happy, then good for you. Choosing not to do so does not make me or anyone else a stooge or a kool-aid drinker. It just makes me someone who chooses hope over despair in this small corner of the universe. Go Bills!
  16. Oh, right.... thanks for reminding me. *beating on chest* Me no drink kool-aid! Me wanted 21st pick for Peters or me say Brandon no smart! Me know better!
  17. Many people think that being gloomy all the time shows how smart they are. A psychologist would add that it is a way for people who have less control over their daily lives to present an image of critical clarity.
  18. Congratulations.
  19. Four words man: Roland Hooks, Big Ben Nothing comes close.
  20. You might be thinking of the 1987 game when the Bills came back from 21-3 down to win.
  21. I believe NY state already has a "dumbest thing ever done" tax. It is called the NYS lottery.
  22. Or the Orchard Park Bills, for that matter. Geez people, you all knew that OP was not in the city of Buffalo, right? Of course, back in 1972 members of the Erie County Legislature, noting the public help for the construction of the new Bills stadium, proposed "the Erie County Bills," a proposal that sounds as freshly stupid as it did the day it was made.
  23. I stand corrected. That's what I get for being a smartypants.
  24. *placing the flat of my hand against my mouth and whooping, waving a tomahawk....* The real question is, what kind of person announces his intention to break the law in an Internet forum?
  25. My first reaction is to call someone who would make such a post a tool. But can someone so utterly useless actually be called a tool? It is a philosophical puzzle....
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