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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Actually, it is not odd at all to anyone with any sense. Read the Nelson thread, Skoob. He may have agreed to the deal, but has not yet signed. Perhaps he is on his way to Rochester to sign it and begin practice.
  2. I will not pretend to be able to look into your soul. I am sure that you really thought that posting the link with the phrase "not much to look at" would lead to a series of comments from the TSW community commenting on her sterling character and general respect for her and for women in general. Because that is how such threads always turn out.... We obviously have very different theological visions, which is cool with me, though your last two sentences abdicating responsibility for a discussion you chose to start do bring to mind a comment from one of my favorite theological commentators: "Isn't that convenient?" Be that as it may, I wish you and all fellow Bills fans well. Heck, I even wish non-Bills fans well. Carry on!
  3. Oooohhhhh... geek fight with citations! This is more fun than the AHA. I will get my popcorn.
  4. The He is the He that H2O, the starter of this thread, so prominently mentions in his profile. The irony was too strong to leave uncommented. For the record, I am not defending this young lady. I have no idea what is going on with her. If she was indeed attacked, and forced to cover it up, as she claims, then that is pretty terrible, to say the least. If she is making it all up, or claiming rape out of spite, then I hope she is exposed and punished for slandering Ben R. Responding to one other comment: Of course people on a message board are free to say whatever they like, within the rules of the board. Just because you can say anything, however, does not mean that all things are equally sensible and appropriate. That has nothing to do with censorship; that is a matter of civilization. And yes, I know that discussing civilization with regard to the Internet is a losing proposition, and I did have a pretty good idea what this thread would be like when I clicked on the first post. It is my weakness that I sometimes feel the need to speak up for civilization, even when I am aware of how often I fall short of that ideal myself. Perhaps it is that combination of hope and realization that every hope will eventually be crushed that makes me a Bills fan.
  5. I am sure that He would very much approve of this thread. Is there anything less classy than a bunch of guys who spend their time on an Internet message board, many of whom could count their total number of individual sex partners on the fingers of one hand (if indeed their sole partner is not that hand in itself) spending their time making fun of some girls' looks? Come on fellas, can't we get back to whining about why the Bills have not signed all their draft picks to lifetime contracts? Or drafted more linemen? Heck, let's talk about how bad Rian Lindell is or something....
  6. Syncofants? Is that the name you and your fellow trolls gave your barber shop quartet? Look it up, Thurman.
  7. Yes... but we had the same Angst Parade, so it is all good.
  8. Of all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these: "It might have been." --John Greenleaf Whittier... early Bills fan
  9. That is the funniest damn site ever... I believe it is also known as "NJSue.com" [the old timers will know what I mean. ]
  10. We should all relax, of course, since we are all Bills fans. But no one should criticize others for condescension who has begun a message board post with "Um...." since that is the single greatest sign of snotty condescension that internet communication can offer. Go Bills!
  11. Actually, you are confusing the 1982 game with the AFC Championship in January 1989, where Burroughs committed the PF in the end zone to nullify a Conlan tackle for a loss. Oh, and it was Roland Hooks, not Cribbs, who could not haul in the 4th down pass in January 1982 after the delay of game penalty. If I wanted to pick an obscure but important play to change, it would be Charlie Romes dropping a sure INT one play before Fouts hits Ron Smith to beat the Bills in SD after the 1980 season. If Romes holds that, the next week is an AFC championship game at Rich Stadium against the Raiders a decade before 51-3. Who knows what would have happened next?
  12. Cribbs had a lot of talent, but was something of a head case, which shortened his career. Not that he was alone in being hard to figure out. Those 1980-1982 Bills were great in so many ways, but I have never known a good team to have as many catastrophically flat performances. (Two losses to Baltimore in 1980? Losing at home to Atlanta in 1980 after being up 14-0? Collapsing against the Cowboys in 1981? Losing 24-0 to St Louis in 1981? Crapping out against the Dolphins in the final game of 1981?) I always wondered how that was possible, since Knox was generally such a good coach and motivator. What made the SB Bills different was that they managed to win even when they did not play well, suffering only a few flat stinkers (at NE in 1991, for example). Outside of SBs, of course.... And, as we all can see thanks to the magic of YouTube, the bills would have won that playoff game in SD if one of three things had happened: if they had made that one yard on 3rd down with three minutes to go, or if Mike-Mayer had made the subsequent field goal, or, worst of all, if Charlie Romes had held onto that interception one play before Ron Smith.... Being a Bills fan is such exquisite torture.
  13. I understand why people have asked this question, but I also think that it has answered itself by now. The Eagles did not think Peters was worth the #21 pick; and no one else offered something better than #28. I notice that a lot of people who prefer to hammer on the front office (I am not including you here) want to imply or even assert that the Bills consciously chose 28 over 21, either out of stupidity or a commitment to suckiness or just because. I frankly think that is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. None of those critics has been able to point to a better deal that the Bills should have taken. The same goes for the speculation that the Bills did not offer Peters market value. We have quotes from Brandon that the Bills offered him the richest contract in team history, but the Peters fans do not believe it. Maybe the bridges were already too burnt. I think that Peters deciding to hold out and have no contact with the team after suffering a serious injury was a sign that he was going to be a problem, but I have no idea whether the situation could have turned out differently. All I can do is wish him what I wish every former Bill: good health, a happy life, and catastrophic failure for his and every other team in the NFL.
  14. Yes, that is exactly what he does. He calls it "Realism." Ask him, he'll tell you. EDIT: As he did below. Isn't he just delightfully predictable!
  15. Spartacus doesn't think anyone on the Bills is any good.
  16. Seriously, we have a bad track record with TSW posters freaking out about unsigned draft picks the week before camp starts.... Not that I mean to bust on you alone, my Bills brother; someone does it every year. I think it is because all Bills fans have the Tom Cousineau/Jim Kelly Trauma imprinted on our DNA.
  17. Creemoredrinker? SpikedLemonade? Roscoe P. Coletrain? Some blasts from douchebags past....
  18. The problem with such numbers as in the OP article is that they do not consider what tax revenue the Bills bring to the county. (Even considering the 1% or so of the sales tax that goes to the county, that adds up to significant Bills-related dollars, not to mention taxes on employees and the like...) If the Bills cost close to what they bring, then they are a wash; even if they do not, the net amount would have to be less than suggested in the article, which reduces further the amount it costs every person in the county, and makes the argument moot. One could of course argue that there should be no public funds at all expended, but one could also argue that all of us should be spending our time getting actual exercise rather than watching a bunch of gladiators do it for us, so let's leave that aside. Truth is, most of us do not visit the, parks, museums, or many other entertainment programs paid for by county tax dollars; that does not make them worthless, nor should it be the source of any carping by those who do not happen to use them. Improvements in general quality of life have a place in public budgets. Besides, how much more expensive would it be for the county to maintain the Ralph when/if it becomes "The New All-High Stadium" in the event that the Bills leave? Just a thought for the gloomy guses out there...
  19. This thread displays how football brings out the worst in its fans. Every single one of these guys has stood on a football field and had men twice his size (sometimes two or three) lay him out flat, and has gotten up to play again. And yet, a bunch of Internet tough guys who would wet their pants and cry for mama after one hit (if they could even speak or move afterward) has the nerve to call them "pansies."
  20. Well played, sir. Seriously, though. How is it possible that a columnist thinks he can write columns taking (justified) shots at someone for being unprepared, and then not even bother to make sure he spelled the name correctly?
  21. True, but it is not just the Bills. Few teams seek to sign their rookies much before training camp starts. I am unaware of any avalanche of other signings lately. Most teams wait until the last minute; I am not sure what economic benefit comes with that, but that has been the pattern.
  22. The sarcasm is well-placed, though it is worth noting that in neither of the two games did the Dolphins succeed with the Wildcat, which is how they won many of their other games. The Bills were creative enough to find other ways to lose....
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