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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I agree completely on the need to improve scoring output. At the same time, I think that for some cheetos-eating, basement-dwelling Internet hero to refer to a guy who has taken hits from people twice his size, (hits that would leave the average cheetos-eating, basement dwelling Internet hero curled up in a fetal position crying for his mommy), and gotten up to play again, as not having balls is the stupidest use of idiotic pseudo-macho BS I have ever heard.
  2. I have wondered about this myself. It would appear to be the smart thing, though I wonder if the tradition al helmets also have some improvements that we cannot see? For some reason, it appears that no Bill wears that helmet... though I could be wrong there.
  3. Poor zazie has dug himself into such a deep hole with constant negativity that he doesn't even recognize his own optimism...
  4. Well put, Milord! The idea that ignoring basic grammar and usage is ever acceptable drives me up the wall. If someone does not respect his/her own opinions to make sure they are expressed clearly, why should I respect them?
  5. Dude, you can't even spell "Wikipedia" correctly....
  6. You just summed up the entire field of sociology. Seriously, though, the numbers do help flesh out what most people already thought. Of course, in the end the NFL will only look at the numbers, or at least that is what we all fear, which makes the Bills' situation appear that much more precarious.
  7. Who knows? What is especially bothersome here is that this sociopath has a set of multibillion dollar enablers in the NFL and E$PN, who are now determined to make him into a comeback hero. So much for a period of respectful mourning and reflection.....
  8. Constructive counterpoint: According to your logic, no starter should play in a preseason game. You cannot possible have meant that, but simply popped off without thinking. It was unwise, but not a crime. You, however, opened yourself up to attacks by deciding to call someone else "retard." Perhaps you will think twice in the future. Go Bills!
  9. Yes, yes you are.. only you are wise to the ways of football... the rest of us mere mortals can only comment on that which has happened, and attempt to make the best of it. Only the great Droppers of Turds Upon Good News deserve respect.. let us all bow down...
  10. Well, I would say passing on 2nd down was aiming at the end zone... that was why Trent did not dump off. Just trying to add some perspective.....
  11. Not a big fan of the call... but considering a blitz was likely, it is not as indefensible as so many want to claim. Marshawn scored a TD against the Broncos on opening day 2008 on a draw play on third and goal from around the 10.
  12. Every silver lining has a cloud.... 10-10, no interceptions, and 7.9 yds/att are all quite nice. A TD would have been better, sure, but did you see the throws he did complete? Not just the dump-offs and the one long strike to Lee, but also the slants, the outs... several nice bullets for this time in the preseason. I did not like the play call on 3rd and goal either, but that is but one blemish. The offense moved well, even without TO. One does not need rose colored glasses to think that looked pretty good.
  13. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when dislike of the coaching staff bleeds into mindless bashing... Do you seriously mean to ask why they are playing the starting RB in a preseason game? The guy who will most likely start 12-13 of the season's games, and will need some work with his teammates before beginning his suspension? Think about that for a moment, then ask yourself if someone or something other than the Bills coaching staff appears mildly retarded.
  14. Indeed it does. I cannot imagine that any other fan boards actually discuss this possibility. Is that just a sign of how insecure we are as Bills fans, or of our sense of how the league handles small markets?
  15. "he missed a lot of practice time and it showed in his play." That suggests that he was not practicing on his own, does it not?
  16. All partisanship aside, I have to say that reading that write-up on Peters tells me nothing for certain about his future. It says that he a. followed bad advice, either because he was not bright enough to know it was bad, or because he agreed with it; b. did not prepare on his own while holding out; and c. needs to re-discover his focus. The author appears to believe that he can do that, but I for one am not so sure that one can simply turn a switch like that on and off, especially if his own judgment is suspect. It is at least as likely that he will cash his fat paychecks and settle back. He may indeed rediscover his pro bowl form, but that is far from assured.
  17. I would support no team, and would begin every day with a fervent prayer to Cthulu that the entire NFL be swallowed up by a huge sulphurous bubbling lava crater in which every person connected to the league would be roasted for eternity while being jabbed by pitchforks and coated with salt, their screams drowned out by a constant reptition of John Madden clichés and idiotic ESPN anchorfools shouting "jacked up!." I would also probably not watch any games on TV.
  18. Ah, another reason to root for this young man to earn millions of dollars....
  19. Nicely put. You all realize, of course, that very soon we will all be treated to the "I'm a victim here, the world is against me, and I'm gonna show them" line that the Pats* used after Spygate, right? Within two months, sportswriters, fans, and other assorted fartsacks are going to turn him into a victim and a hero. Ugh.
  20. And peace to you, my brother! Yes, the criticism is because Reid has not won the big one, especially since he has pretty much complete control over personnel decisions, so there is no one else to blame. It is an example of being spoiled by success, and also a reminder both of how relative success is, and how fleeting the satisfaction provided by winning games. It is sad. To be honest, the whole Vick thing saddens me. When he was riding high, he deliberately chose to spend his time and money organizing such reprehensible actions. I believe in forgiveness and penance, but I do not think that signing another million dollar contract reflects much of either. All it does is remind us again of the vast gulf that separates fans from the players, and the organizations that assume we will cheer for anyone they say. As someone who roots for a team out of a need for a tie to home, it makes me feel like I am nothing but a sucker, and that following sports is a morally disgusting waste of my time. Sigh. I might just need to join you in that beer.....
  21. Nah, he's not a tool. Remember, a tool is actually useful at times.
  22. Well put, K my brother. Please allow me to buy you a beer...
  23. Wait, why don't you go argue with all the people who said, "we need more fights in practice to show fire, despite Jauron's weakness... blah blah blah." Cripes, you Dick-haters need to get on the same page!
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