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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I get your point, but remember, the Bills were 3-0 after three games last year... and jumping to conclusions proved wrong.
  2. I have to say the premise of this entire thread is off... I don't know if anyone here is particularly fond of Dick Jauron, outside of his most recent performances. All I do know is that he is presently the coach of the team I follow, and I hope he succeeds. If he does not, he will one day no longer be the coach of the Bills, and he will cease to have any significance in my life at all, returning to the oblivion from whence he came. Why so many posters want to waste their energy beating their chests to emphasize how much they want him gone is beyond me.
  3. OMG... you're right.... we suck! So... (a la Robert Redford at the end of "The Candidate").... What do we do now?
  4. Keep on proving my point if it makes you feel like a man, sonny. I think I discovered a new use for the "ignore" button.
  5. Too many people on message boards get "Internet social relations syndrome," which combines the worst aspects of the Internet (anonymity, lack of accountability) with the worst aspects of contemporary society (a refusal to appreciate the views of others, a confusion of rudeness with firmness of purpose).....
  6. Excellent... but don't forget: JUAORN SUX1111!!!!!1... HEZ A PUSY!!!11!!!!!!
  7. TRENT SUXX!!!111!!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!221111!!!!!! Just trying to beat the rush.
  8. That is ALL ROTOWORLD EVER DOES! Sorry for the shout, but this drives me up a wall. Rotoworld trolls the internet newspaper sites of various teams and repackages the news. This is perfectly useful for info on other teams, but to post Bills info from rotoworld here merely repeats things anyone on TBD has already read....
  9. Did anyone read the article on Favre's performance on ESPN.com? They make it sound like he walked on water, and that "letting himself get hit" was an important positive step in his development.....
  10. Well put, Yoho... Since I started listening to the Bills, I started out hearing Meltzer, Azar, and Rutkowski, but remember well how excited my father was in 1978 when the Bills announced that "Van and Stan [barron] were back." I wonder what was behind the decision to drop Van in 1971. Was is a power play by WKBW when they got the rights to the games?
  11. Too true Joe. I do not like to make predictions, and still hope that somehow the Bills will not move, but I believe strongly that if the Bills do move, after a very brief flurry of crocodile-tear-stained reports, neither the NFL or any of the sports networks or anyone born outside of a 100 mile radius of RWS will notice or care.
  12. As long as they didn't give you a Happy Ending....
  13. Keep your hands off youboty....
  14. I grew up in Niagara Falls, and OP seemed very far away in the 1970s (another example of how times have changed...), so we never drove to games. I listened to a lot of Al Meltzer even before Van, and, as others have said, stayed up late on Sunday nights to watch the highlights on the 11:00 news, and of course Rick Azar's weekly Bills highlights show on Saturday night.... I remember very well when the Raider game sold out in time to lift the blackout in 1980. I was 13, had only been to Rich once before in my life (1976, Jim Ringo's first game as head coach, Bills lost 31-13 to the Colts, OJ caught a TD pass...). It was the first time I ever saw Rich Stadium live on TV. BillCody1960 has posted tape of that game on youTube, and I almost got choked up thinking about watching that with my dad. Funny how sporting events can have that kind of memory power...
  15. That last comment is especially interesting to me, too, since it fits with my own (and I imagine also your own) childhood experiences. The lifting of total blackouts in 1973 did not lead to automatic broadcasts at all. I am under the impression that few Bills home games were broadcast (except as pirated versions by International cable) in the OJ years, though that was before I was completely aware of such things. I do know that no home Bills game was televised locally between 1975 and the Raiders game in September 1980, and as late as the Bills home opener in 1990 blackouts were the rule rather than the exception. I always chalked that up to the Bills being one of the less successful franchises (ahem) in most of those years, and certainly the relative size of Rich in those days was a problem. Nevertheless, I also get the impression that back then no one would even have thought of using blackouts as a measure of a team's success, since they were so common.
  16. This is because so many analysts have been hypnotized by the notion that Sun Belt cities will always grow, no matter what... an assumption that is in the midst of collapsing. I have family in Jax, nice people and a nice enough town, but it has consistently over-reached itself, with all the references to their enormous tracts of land (heheheh) and growth potential, without stopping to think that there are increasingly hard limits on growth—environmental, economic, political...
  17. Amen amen, and amen!!!!
  18. That is an excellent point, mr wawrow, I thank you for that. It also reinforces my feeling that Jauron is far from the least communicative coach, which makes Sal's shot at him even less justified...
  19. Except for the para on Jauron and the press. Dick has many qualities that make him a less than stellar NFL coach, but his "say nothing" strategy is exactly like that of Belichik, Reid, and many others.... The days of Jim Mora and Denny Green are long gone.
  20. Lori, what you just described is indicative of the tailspin of newspapers, which saddens me... They lay off Pitoniak, then expect fewer reporters to do even more, including a moronic tweeting requirement... sigh. I know I don't have to tell you how terrible that is.
  21. I think Favre ends up retarding the development of the Vikings, and keeps them out of the playoffs with a late-season flameout. TO... who knows?
  22. Calling names is inappropriate, you are quite right. The irony was intentional. I was trying to make a point with extreme language. That is a literary device. As far as reading comprehension goes, take a look at my post directly above yours....
  23. I think we actually agree on a lot of things here. Trent has shown real promise, but no one can say that his game is perfect. I do also agree that more aggressive play-calling is necessary, though I also believe that it is easier for a QB to grow more aggressive as he gains confidence and experience than it is to teach a gunslinger to calm down. That is my hope for Trent, anyway. I just get annoyed when posters (not you, Tcali) throw around the sexual orientation lingo. They are trying to sound tough and macho, but it sounds stupid and childish, not to mention offensive. Let's stick to football. Go Bills!
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