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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Posts posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. 25 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    interesting decision. What makes them go “I think people in northern Oregon and southern Washington would rather see LA-Miami over Buffalo-Arizona“ this late in the game?  People calling in and complaining?


    That can be it, but it can also just come down to the decision of station managers, whatever their sense of what game would be more popular. 

  2. 20 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:








    Right now he is closing in on Phillips, but not there yet, IMO.


    Phillips really lacked the attention to detail to be a stud HC.......but he was also a "take what I have and make it work.....and build my schemes around the talent" coach......which is extremely valuable.


    McDermott totally botched his first OC hire and he doesn't adapt his defensive scheme to his players.......he has to have HIS players.   That has lead to them creating unbelievable dead money to clear the decks and then pretty much spending it all again and still not having nailed it.   He is 0-6 versus his top rival and his record versus winning teams is atrocious.......so obviously he is this close to the top because this list kinda' sucks.


    The Bills have never won a SB of course but they haven't even employed a HC who would go on to win a SB elsewhere as a HC.


    That said McDermott is so far more organized than Phillips it's not funny.   With the pandemic limiting workouts the Bills are having more injury issues this year but prior to that he had really turned the strength and conditioning department into a huge advantage.   Wade Phillips was totally slack on this and his teams were constantly nagged by soft tissue injuries.



    Lotta love for Knox around here, which I get. But his teams consistently choked in big games, came up flat when it mattered, lost weirdly to bad teams, and fell apart after the strike. To top it off, he bolted after 1982 and did nothing but talk smack about the team thereafter. 



  3. On 8/1/2020 at 7:43 PM, YoloinOhio said:

    The athletes are not required to play this year. They can opt out and retain scholarship. If they choose to play, it is their decision. Unlike the nfl, in college there is someone just as good or maybe better right behind them ready to take their place. 


    Honestly, the second part of your answer cancels the first part. They can opt out, but risk losing their place on the squad. Some choice! Morituri nos salutant and all that.

  4. 49 minutes ago, JESSEFEFFER said:

    I remember Keith Moody scoring a TD on a return, taking out a prop yellow flag and then spiking the ball on it.  I guess he had lost too many decent returns due to penalties.  I wonder what Google has to say of this.


    That was against the Oilers in the Astrodome in 1978. Gave the Bills a 10-7 lead, though they ended up losing 17-10 after giving the Oilers (with rookie RB Earl Campbell, who would play in the AFC championship game that year and the next) a surprisingly tough time.

  5. On 4/5/2020 at 6:41 AM, Dan Darragh said:

    You can blame Norwood or Harmon for that loss, but consider these other factors:

    • footing was bad all day, Cleveland kicker missed a makeable FG in the first half because he slipped
    • on the PAT, looks to me like the snap was high
    • Harmon made some key catches down the stretch before the drop
    • Bills wouldn't have been in that position if the DBs hadn't been practicing Social Distancing from Webster Slaughter all afternoon.  He caught 2 TDs with nobody near him
    • Ditto if the special teams hadn't surrendered Cleveland's first-ever postseason kickoff return TD

    Lots of things contributed to that loss.  Norwood was still a Buffalo hero and nothing can take away the Harmon hail mary catch against the Patriots.


    Harmon never caught a Hail Mary against the Pats. That was Roland Hooks in 1981, when Ronnie Harmon was in high school.

    4 minutes ago, T master said:


    Yah the only thing is that the second year would have never happened if the Bills D would have stepped up & not missed so many tackles that allowed the Giants to stay on the field Norwood although it is a fact did miss the game winning FG in the SB was the scape goat because that loss was on the D as good as they were !! 


    And the possibility of a little to much partying the night before Just saying ...


    I get impatient with the partying argument, since when teams win after partying like crazy (take the Raiders in SBXV) everyone says they won because they were good and loose. 

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