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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. It was Buggs himself who was offsides....
  2. Oh I agree. As it is, it is perhaps worth a rueful chuckle, or a teary titter...
  3. Did everyone see Robert Royal's shining moment this afternoon? At least that is one player no one here will be crying for; after the Mario Haggan thread I was beginning to wonder.
  4. You make a good response to yourself at the end, and I think it is a fascinating point. Outside of Dilfer, the Redskin QBs had magnificent Super Bowl games, and Rypien had great stats all season in 1991, even though neither of them was a consistently great QB. I think the point is that more often than not, you need very good QB play to win championships; whether that means you need a HOFer or just someone who catches lightning in a bottle is another matter.
  5. Thank God for Triple G! Signed, John Rauch Harvey Johnson Hank Bullough
  6. Well, first of all, yes. Second of all, back when she was on Eyewitness News she was a major cutie. I mean Alison Rosati cute. Though, as has been said in this thread in another context, your mileage may vary.
  7. I really want to like Murph, and not only because he is my hero for being the husband of Mary Travers. I also like listening to the Bills on the radio (thanks Sirius!) because it reminds me of my childhood. That being said, there is something not quite satisfying about his radio calls. It is not just emotion... one hopes that the radio man will provide a sense of growing excitement and expectation about a play, and I do not always get it. One cannot tell from his call if a running play is about to bust big or get stopped. It is hard to describe, but I get the feeling that Murph works best when people are also watching the game, and can see what he is waiting for. When you are dependent on his pbp, it can be frustrating.
  8. Oh yes! Maybe he will stick obsessively to a defense that puts his third best CB on on a receiver who will consistently get open on third downs....
  9. My point is that Manning was not able to turn the Saints around, or even make them an especially big draw, even though he was a local boy and very good. I am not saying Tebow is the same, but pointing out that anyone who assumes that Tebow will be the magic bullet for the Jags should be more careful with such assumptions. And you assessment of Jacksonville is spot on. The housing bubble collapse is (to mix a metaphor) a nail in the coffin of the idea that constant home building is a secure path to permanent growth.
  10. True enough, and it is indeed possible that the Bills made such an offer. Still, the Pack took their risk by keeping Meredith on the PS. Everyone played by the rules....
  11. Well, there is nothing that says a PS player who is made an offer can't call the team who put him on the PS and say "hey, the Bills made me an offer, what you got?" If a team has a good relationship with the players on the PS, and is prepared to open the roster spot to sign them at short notice, there is always a way to make a deal. The Packers gambled here and lost. Maybe they did not have anyone they were willing to cut. So it goes.
  12. Too bad the question is "Who is the latest running back to tease and disappoint Saints fans."
  13. Oh right, I forgot that Cleve renegotiated his deal....
  14. I guess he would get the Scott Mitchell Award... but was not fortunate enough to cash in before obscurity....
  15. I believe he meant to say, "Talk to both Jags fans..."
  16. Archie was from NO, starred at Ole Miss... he was Da Schitt for folks down there. He was also one of the best college QBs of his era. I agree, though, he did not have the same success as Tebow. The cynic in me wonders at what point Jax decides to tank the season to guarantee they get Tebow. Should be interesting, no?
  17. It strikes me, Dean, that the phrase "so and so is good enough to start for most teams.." has become a go-to cliche for sports talkers when they discuss backups. Like all cliches, it might have a grain of truth, but is also meaningless.. most professionals are good enough to start on a lot of teams, depending on whether there happen to be better professionals in front of them. It is mindless blather, another reason why the only place I go for sports discussion is TSW. The TV and radio talking heads have nothing worthwhile to say.
  18. you know, that is EXACTLY what New Orleans people said about drafting Archie Manning.... Not making a direct comparison, but a little historical perspective can't hurt.
  19. Maybe he's just wasting his employer's time and bandwidth....
  20. I also think they are different kinds of throws. On the TD to TO, it was single coverage, so the idea was to throw the ball out in front and let TO run under it. The TD to Lee had a safety coming over, so the idea was not to throw it out in front but to loft it so that it hit right at the front corner, drifting away from the safety. Neither is an easy throw, but they are both different.
  21. If Nelson is Fine, which one of them will play more at TE on Sunday?
  22. I have to admit that when I read the first post I thought: "Someone is going to blame this all on the loss of Rusty Jones...." Nice to know that some things in life continue to flow in the same grooves.
  23. WTF are you saying? Was jauron supposed to run out and tackle him? Do you know what he was told?
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