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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. It is actually more like pastiche, but I do hope you are right, and CJ has a big game!
  2. John Rauch was the Bill Parcells/Jimmy Johnson of his day... he has a monster record at Oakland, and was supposed to be the big name who would save the bills after Collier and Johnson... Funny how that works out. John Rauch looked like much less of a genius without the talent he had in Oakland.
  3. Wow, a trick play fooled a bunch of middle schoolers. That wannabe jerk of a coach must be sooooo proud of himself.
  4. Never in a million years will he realize that.
  5. Sometimes running backs just hit a wall... I sure hope Freddy has not hit his.
  6. Ain't that something?
  7. Nice.... admit you know nothing at all about anything, then offer an opinion on what it means. God Bless America.
  8. Nice... you have no idea if Jim Harbaugh thought any of these things, but gave us such a clear insight into the intense self-hatred that appears to motivate you as a Bills fan. Well played, Mr. Internet-Tough-Guy-Who-Thinks-That-Hating-Intensely-On-The-Team-Of-Which-He-Is-A-Fan-Makes-Him-Look-Smart-And-Cool. Have another Bud Light, and get some therapy.
  9. Without looking it up, I would guess fall 1971, since the Bills started that year 0-10 and the Sabres were in their second year....
  10. That would be the mantra of every good Bills fan.
  11. Ironically, the rap on Jauron in the Cleveland MNF game was that, barely within FG range, he called three straight runs. "Pass the ball!" TSW yelled... "Don't be satisfied with just being barely in range..." Truth is, any call looks bad if it does not work out.
  12. Whose goal? I was unaware that you suited up today.
  13. I think that is very true, which is also why I am not surprised that he will need more time to improve the team
  14. I know how a lot of nerves get rubbed raw in these discussions. We could all profit from taking deep breaths before assuming the worst, and I include myself in that. Another interesting point at the end. The Cowboys example is especially good considering that means that even Bill Parcells could not be moved to draft an OT. Which fits in with my general feeling that there is no single silver bullet for drafting that the geniuses always follow.
  15. Among others... actually, I had two points. One was to give you credit for some fascinating information, and give you a chance to show some good grace. Too bad about that. The other was just to say that any draft pick is always something of a crap shoot.
  16. Fascinating. Do also note that three times they drafted offensive tackles in the first round....
  17. I don't understand the slap at the "homers," but thanks for this link. The numbers are all impressive, though I have no idea what they mean... I guess it doesn't matter, since it is all in fun. Interesting that 10 wins is no guarantee for a playoff spot. I guess this has to do with the existing records of other teams. One little quirk made me chuckle, viz.: 8 8 - 2 - 0 .800 0.2 7 - 1 - 2 No 7 .5 7 - 2 - 1 .750 0.1 Apparently, going 7-2-1 gives them a miniscule but better chance at the playoffs than going 7-1-2. Counter-intuitive fun with stats! Go Bills!
  18. No, you don't. You obviously love it. You and all of your friends who somehow think that constantly taking negative positions makes you smarter, that being obsessively pessimistic makes you a realist, that choosing to focus on the unpleasant and unhappy about a game that actually is as far removed from reality as possible will shield you against the real evils, sadnesses, and disappointments of life.
  19. And yet this Madden franchise was created by The Great God Parcells....
  20. I think Trent is hurt... again.
  21. glad to have the feed... but it is almost too jumpy to watch
  22. Thoner, you make a good point, but have a huge misrepresentation. The Jets went for the high profile QB in the draft, who happened to stink up the season and get hot in the postseason, which means they are an argument for drafting the QB to become a winner....
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