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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. This is what tempers my admiration for Knox as a coach. His teams had a bad habit of going completely flat at odd times -- in 1980 the two losses to the Colts and a complete collapse in the second half at home against Atlanta; in 1981 collapse against the Cowboys and Cardinals immediately come to mind. Not to mention the horrific month that ended the 1982 season....
  2. Anyone who has been on this site since the 1990s has to remember the times when it seemed every other Bills draft pick was a DB. The sainted Bill from NYC never failed to complain about that, and argued winning teams build from the lines. The consensus on here was the fixation on DBs was a big reason for the team's struggles. Fast forward a couple of decades and there is hand-wringing about the failure to draft a legit Cornerback high enough. Is this a problem? I have no idea. But I hope I'm not the only one who has enjoyed the historical ironies. Go Bills!
  3. The point also is that a lot of stadium revenue is NOT shared. So a stadium with more and better amenities generates more income for the team. That's why Jerrah built his temple to himself.
  4. It's hard to know what to predict. A dome seems likely until one considers how few appropriate events are likely to be held in Buffalo. But it would not be smart or likely to put an open-air stadium downtown where the winds would be devilish. Forget the retractable roof--it would never be retracted except on the most perfect summer nights...
  5. Every time I watch it I am reminded of how much I hate Rick Forking Reilly.
  6. I want to believe that the team is on the up and up, but also think that the pressures to clear him to play are enormous.
  7. It's history against history-- Andy has a lousy record after bye weeks, but a terrific record in his first playoff games.
  8. This is true, but there is another wrinkle. Part of the deal allowing Modell to move the team was that he had cut all connections between his franchise and the historical Cleveland Browns, since the NFL promised Cleveland they would get a franchise back eventually. So the Ravens are officially a team whose history only begins in 1996—check out their historical record, individual and team records, etc. The current Browns (reborn in 1999) have inherited all of Cleveland's history. This is different from other franchises that have moved--the Titans, for example, are officially a continuation of the Oilers, just as the Vegas Raiders are part of a continuity that runs back to Oakland, then LA, then Oakland. Also, Art Modell is responsible for Jim Brown retiring at 29 in 1966 because Modell wouldn't let him finish filming the Dirty Dozen and told him either to show up on time for training camp or not to show up at all. Brown told him to jump in the lake. So, fork Art Modell every which way with a red hot poker.
  9. It's an explanation. That was my point. I think its inexcusable, but that's how I would explain the decision. If the NFL has a better one I'm all ears.
  10. Inexcusable but completely explicable. The NFL didn't want the game to end on that play.
  11. Excellent comment on the Central Valley. Older Bills fans might know that one other Bills QB came from the Valley--Fresno, to be precise--Daryle Lamonica.
  12. I’m not watching but following PBP on espn app. Has Tua completed a pass beyond the LOS yet?
  13. Bojo will never learn directional punting. I read that right here.
  14. I’m glad TSW didn’t decide to rest the Nervous Nellies today. Gotta keep those white flag waving arms in shape for the playoffs!
  15. It is truly hilarious in retrospect to see how completely Bahstahn writers bought into the idea that Josh was Bobby Douglass....
  16. When the good times come to an end for a franchise, it is easy to believe they will come back quickly. Sometimes they do, but not always. We all know what that meant for the Bills between 1966 and 1980, or after 1996. A tweak here, the right deal there, and all will be well... From 1968 to 1994, folks in Green Bay kept saying, "the Pack is Back!" A few playoff appearances fed those fantasies, but it was a long stretch of irrelevance. Ask Bears fans between 1963 and 1985... or Giants fans between say 1962 and 1986.... or Browns fans between 1972 and 1985 or 1994 to the present... Pats fans think they are special because they had a great team for a while. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
  17. When you see how well the authoritarian "Patriot Way" has worked for all of Bill's acolytes who didn't have the luxury of Tom Brady on their roster, you get a glimpse of the near future...
  18. I wonder what the Venn Diagram looks like of people who want to rest starters and those who argue teams out of the playoffs are better off losing in December. I imagine there would be a lot of Overlapping Overthinking.
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