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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. If the Bills draft Patrick Peterson, this board will melt down.
  2. Quite true, that team was already a bit on fumes, had to put on a big spurt to make it at the end. Alas, Thurman fumbled twice in that game; an earlier fumble led to a Dallas FG. The truly unsung moment was in the first half when the Bills drove from inside the 5 to close to midfield, then Kelly threw deep for Beebe on first down... just barely missed, and they ended up punting. If they score on that play, the game gets blown wide open.
  3. Just to give you something to extrapolate into further psychotic, self-loathing negativity. Happy now? Oh, no, probably not.
  4. Thanks MRW, that is some interesting stuff, and I am glad that Hanie spoke up. It would have been better all around for Cutler if those comments had gotten more play. And I am totally with you on Martz.
  5. Well, K-9, your post mentioned several very big rule changes that are generally considered keys to this development: moving the hash marks in to open the field, outlawing bump and run coverage and implementing the 5-yard chuck rule while also calling pass interference more often. One could also argue that things such as allowing OLinemen to extend their arms and outlawing the head slap made pass blocking much easier, and the protection of the QB made passing less dangerous. The innovative schemes and better players both took advantage of those changes and pushed them even further.
  6. That is an excellent point about preconceived notions, and I agree with you. It may very well be that the Bears could not have done anything else, and it was just unfortunate that Cutler got hurt. What fascinates me about this whole case, though, is how it is possible that someone as central to a team's planning as the starting QB can simply be cast aside and ignored like Cutler was, or allowed himself to be, in the second half of a championship game. Did he have nothing at all of use for the team in the game once he was no longer playing? No knowledge, no insight into the preparations, no advice for a kid who was playing in his first live NFL action? Now, I was not on the Bears' sideline; none of us was. Maybe he was full of advice and bonhomie. But it is worth noting that I have not heard Lovie Smith or anyone say, "Jay was totally into the game, giving good advice, and was an active teammate while on the sideline." If someone did say that, it would certainly go a long way toward undercutting the preconceived notion. If he could not play because of the injury, I completely understand that, as I am not of the "kitty vs. caveman" school. I am nevertheless amazed he did not choose to be more active in helping his team. (Based admittedly on nothing more than the assumption that if he were actively involved, there would be evidence of it.) Which comes right back to the character questions. Then again, maybe all this proves is that the players really are just interchangeable cogs, and the coaches do not really need to know or care what any of them think when they are not actually playing. That, of course, is another conversation entirely.
  7. Backpedaling? I apologize for upsetting you, Mrs. Cutler, but ask you to read my actual post. I said that this was a "perception problem," and that it was too bad for Cutler that his reputation had left him vulnerable to such charges. You may think that no one should ever have questioned Cutler in the first place. That is a debatable but intellectually defensible position, but it begs the question of what could have been done to avoid the controversy that actually exists.
  8. Perhaps they did. But the trainers, who should have been worried about the long term health of the franchise QB, should have been more concerned.
  9. This all does show the power of reputation. Cutler may indeed have been injured, but his reputation as a selfish douche and a bad teammate, justified or not, has colored all the analysis. Lovie Smith is doing the right thing by standing up for him, but the coaching staff was really asleep at the switch during the game. Get him wrapped up, put him in street clothes, something. Don't let him wander around the sidelines with no noticeable limp. As for Cutler, he could have been much more active as a cheerleader/coach--as Kelly was during the comeback game. Whatever the actual medical result, Cutler's reputation as a leader has taken a massive hit. Whether it is a career-ender remains to be seen.
  10. Thanks my Bills Brother, couldn't resist. It's all in good fun.
  11. Says the man with his pants down standing on the breakfast table, tweezer in hand...
  12. Classic Bills fan self-loathing, Doc. Even when the Bills sign a big-name coach to deal with an obvious weakness, it is a reason to carp. Well played.
  13. Thanks Ghost. I could not remember who it was. I do remember TD making a joke about how the lineman would not have been able to score a touchdown after Clements returned a punt for a TD in his second game....
  14. The problem is not just hindsight, but the utter lack of historical context to understand these choices. A few examples: 2001 - #21 CB Nate Clements (not bad) QB Drew Brees (how long have we been replacing Jimbo)—At the time, the Bills had Rob Johnson, and had just gone through a bruising QB controversy. No one at the time would have understood the decision to draft a QB. Actually, if I remember aright, the choice people pushed instead of Clements was Tra Thomas. 2004 - #13 WR Lee Evans (surprisingly never made probowl) NT Vince Wolfork (was a beast in College and still is today, would have taken him in a heart beat)—At the time, it was taken for true by pretty much every commentator that the Bills needed a speed WR to bail out an offense that had regressed so badly in 2003. 2005 - pick went Dallas #20 could have had QB Aaron Rodgers or G Logan Mankins—This goes back to picking Losman, of course. It was already too late. 2006 - #8 S Donte Whitner DT Hiloti Ngati any questions—Only whether you ever bother to spell names properly. 2007 - #12 RB Marshawn Lynch CB Darrelle Revis—Goodness gracious. Do you really think that drafting a CB would have been greeted with excitement anywhere in Bills-land? Again, the clear assumption, shared by many at the time, was that the Bills needed to improve their running game.
  15. Both were low-class acts. As were Kemoatu's antics.
  16. The problem is not that a kid from Alabama doesn't like the cold so much as that the statement, combined with his often undisciplined and dirty play (did you see his PF in the championship game?) add to the perception that he is immature and irresponsible, which should make anyone think carefully about giving him millions and hoping to build a defense around him. I like his play on so many levels, but am concerned.
  17. Good point, Cash. And remember, the Ravens beat a Giants team that had played way over its head to get to the SB. Teams like that often fall apart in the clutch (see Pats in SB XX, Chargers in SB XXIX, Bears in SB XLI). Some teams are fortunate in their opponent in the Super Bowl; some are not: (see Bills in SB XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII )
  18. Bill wise man. Bill speak truth. Smart people listen to Bill. (This is me with a cold, sounding like Tonto.)
  19. Motivated partially by my intense mindless hatred of the Jets (I never in my lifetime want to see the Jets in the Super Bowl again. Never. Ever. Ever. Ever.), and partially by historical curiosity, I want to see Steelers-Packers. Two historic championship franchises meeting for massive bragging rights. Could be epic. Steelers-Bears would be cool too. But please God. Please. No J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets in the Super Bowl. The universe would collapse under the hype, then be swallowed up by Rex Ryan after his wife stomped all over it with her pretty feet. De Profundis clamo ad Te, Domine!
  20. I am not a big Whitner fan, but I think that every Internet Tough Guy who calls him "Lil Donte" should take a step back and consider just how hard he would be crying for his mommy if Mr. Whitner were to confront him in person.
  21. If he does not bother to read his posts (he has admitted as much in the past when explaining his typos), why should anyone else?
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