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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Amen brother. OSU, Tressel, and Pryor all deserve punishment for their cavalier treatment of the rules.
  2. Wonder if he is related to Dick Dobmeier, who was a spotter for Bills radio broadcasts for years. (The name sticks in my head from hearing Van Miller say it every week, along with Dr. Ed Gisevic... I know, I'm old and weird.)
  3. Slightly in his defense, the Bills were leading by all of 7-0 when Donte made that pick-6, and the Bucs were driving. That could certainly count as a game-changing play. That's about it, though.
  4. Quite so... and he was a lifetime Bill, which also counts in these things.
  5. Every silver lining has a cloud, doesn't it? You wanted him gone, he's gone, but you are still grumpy.
  6. Gruden is following the John Madden playbook... pick a persona, and right it until it becomes self-caricature... then keep riding it until Frank Caliendo's son is old enough to imitate him on the pre-game show,
  7. Fair enough, though seeing that having high profile WRs was not bringing them to the playoffs anyway, I still have my doubts. Yet another reason to be glad I am not a Bengals fan, I guess.
  8. The Cincy pick baffles me. They needed another WR?
  9. Nothing much to get, really. Just another self-hating Bills fan going out of his way to create things to be upset about. In other word, just another day in the sunshine fest that is TSW.
  10. At least for a couple days... this sure does feel good!
  11. We actually agree on many things, but for the record, last year the Sabres were something like 32-0 when leading after 2 periods. Then they lost three times in the playoffs to Boston while leading after 2, but that is another story. Sigh. This team has potential, but still has holes. Miller is good, but he is no Hasek. The team needs consistent offense. They will probably still make the playoffs, but a long run is unlikely. Still, that is better than things looked in November, so perspective helps all around. Following the Sabres since the 1970s is in some ways better, some ways worse than following the Bills. For so many of their seasons, the Sabres, even when they were good, were unbalanced—strong offense with weak defense or the other way around. And they have consistently showed weak character in the playoffs, with a few notable exceptions. And even with all their talent and regular season success, they have not yet had that one streak of good fortune that leads a good team to catch lightning in a bottle and win it all. At least not yet.
  12. Amen, amen, and amen, Promo. I no longer watch pre-game shows, or even post-game shows... nor read much that is written on the NFL. I just don't care about it outside of the Bills.
  13. No, Beerball. Bravo to you, my friend. Bravo to you!
  14. I just love how that press release starts with a paean to academic priorities, making it sound as though the decision to build a new academic building made this move necessary.....
  15. Fair enough, and much what I had in mind when I responded to your initial, and very simplistic suggestion, complete with wallbash, that one could either praise the Rich family or call them jerks.
  16. Again, Kelly, that is terrific news for those who have jobs; not so nice for those that don't. The way I read your numbers, it looks like they used to employ ca. 1300 people in Buffalo, and now it is about 600. Is it that hard to see both sides? Being fair and balanced should mean something. Capitalism brings great benefits, and it has social costs as well. It makes no sense on any level to pretend that it is all benefits, or all costs.
  17. Because gosh, it can only be one or the other, right Kelly? Good for the Rich family; they made it fair and square. But not so good for all the Buffalo families who lost jobs and livelihoods when the plants closed down. Both can be true; that is the complexity of modern life. And it does not require anyone to bash his head against a wall.
  18. Same thing I have made every year since 1995: Bitter Bile and Grudge Root
  19. There are so many things wrong with that first sentence that the rest of your argument suffers. It may be that RW has said that his family does not want the team, though that may indeed change. Nevertheless, that does not mean that he plans on dying intestate and making the team "public property." That is a silly statement. It does mean the heirs will probably sell the team, either to pay estate taxes or just because they don't want it. They can sell for any price they choose (as long as it is close enough to market value to satisfy the NFL owners). They are not, and nowhere anywhere in any way does that mean that it automatically goes to the highest bidder. It may, but it may not, if other factors intervene. There are many examples of sports teams not being sold to the highest bidder--most recently, the Buffalo Sabres. So, go back to your conspiracy theories, Mr. President. And avoid anarchists with outstretched hands.
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