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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. There are times when Tosh.O is just amazingly funny. That is one of them.
  2. Touché. I almost wrote "which would be good news for Bills fans." Oh, and nice sig line. It's, well, Wunderbar.
  3. Indeed. GB's attendance, and the team's NFL profile, was pretty poor between say 1972 and 1994....
  4. Hopeful, I certainly get your point about facilities in the poorer sections of the country, and don't think we disagree. Actually, I had kept my comments short and made no references to the poverty of rural Mississippi because I did not want to be accused of being a snooty Yankee making assumptions about life in the south. Damned if you do.... etc. etc. Since you opened the door, though, I will say this. The point is not that people there or in any number of rural areas in the South are cheap, but that the public facilities in places like rural mississippi are woefully, even criminally inadequate and underfunded because of the generalized poverty. Having lived in the rural South for a time, I have an idea what the high schools involved in this football game probably looked like, as well as the local medical facilities. And as an American, it pains me deeply to think that my fellow citizens in what is the richest country in the world are expected to make do with such substandard sources. It may very well be that no amount of medical response could have saved that unfortunate young man anyway. As for your last question, considering that football is a violent game, and people get hurt, I do think it makes perfect sense for there to be at least an EMT with a first aid kit, it not an ambulance at every stadium. If a school district or a town says they cannot afford that, then they need to ask whether they can afford to play football.
  5. Excellent observations, johnny. The League's role in all these discussions is intentionally murky, but there is something deeply inappropriate about the League allowing such discussions. The question of why they cannot expand is a good one. Perhaps there are already too many teams and they do not want to water down the product. I also happen to think that the League does not want LA to have a bad team—they would prefer the LA franchise to be a success relatively quickly, which speaks in favor of an existing franchise.
  6. I believe the medical term for that is "Message Board Derangement Syndrome."
  7. Quite so, NoSaint. I don't know if an ambulance would have saved him, and am only guessing why one was not there, though I fear it is a logical guess.
  8. Oh, you will get no argument from me, Chandler. But considering that most school districts in Mississippi have a hard time keeping up with textbooks, facilities, etc., this is sadly not as surprising as it should be. One can hope it will be a wake-up call for administrators, but who knows?
  9. Without wanting to get political, I would be willing to bet that it was a simple question of money. It costs the school district to keep an ambulance on call. Saved a few bucks, and cost a life.
  10. Yes, that was back in 1995. That also inspired the famous moment when Jim Kelly said, "Steve Tasker has all the talent to have been a great starting WR in this league," leading Tasker to quip, "Comments like that are reasons why we have drug tests in the NFL." Paraphrased, but a funny memory. Tasker is awesome.
  11. Not spectacular, but for the win... I remember watching ths on TV! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfwtFtmXo0M This one is nice too... positive vibes before I head off to work! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gigmt00XqSI'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gigmt00XqSI This one is nice too... positive vibes before I head off to work! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gigmt00XqSI Edit: If the second link is not live, just cut and paste. It is guaranteed Peter Pan-free, and safe for work!
  12. Amen... watching the video of that game, you can see him hobbling in the second half.... I was always a big Fergy fan.
  13. Oh yes, especially for a guy probably smaller than Drew Brees. He had a strong arm and took a lot of punishment, but only had one serious injury (cracked vertebra that cost him half of the '76 season). He was a gamer.
  14. Sure they can. Young guys would include Jones and Easley, who will play more. You don't have to like the Evans deal, but that doesn't mean there is only one way to understand it.
  15. Nothing like that film to remind me how much I love the Bills... and how much I hate that smug SOB Rick Reilly.
  16. So cool to see that video. I remember listening to that game around the radio with my dad.... Those were the days when blackouts were the norm!
  17. So true, especially the bolded parts. I would go one step further: once Clabo became a Pro Bowl alternate, signing him became for many people the only measure of the Bills' commitment to winning.
  18. I'm with you, Bob. For so many fellas around here, every move the Bills make is the wrong one, always.
  19. I mistakenly posted in the duplicate thread first, but am glad to see that others have already hit on the "Weaver is Cheap, this is a salary dump" theme. Goodness gracious, this is an odd thing for a team to do.
  20. Some folks just don't need any actual information in order to complain. I learned that on TSW.
  21. All of this of course does not mean that the Pats* are not still a good team. But it should help us all to see just how uncertain the draft can be for all teams. And, alongside the story of the Colts and their fears of life without Peyton, it shows how hard it is for really good teams to stay on top as their superstar players age. Of course, as Bills fans, we should know that already.
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