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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I agree with you in general, but frankly we have no idea from this article whether it was done right or not. When I read the piece I wondered: how long were the lines? If people were standing in them patiently, why did this parent think it was some kind of horrible imposition? As for the balloon hat thing, I agree it is a shame... but if I am in one of those long lines, and see kids in front of me being asked to remove them, why am I surprised when my kid is asked to do the same?
  2. Too bad, I was hoping the OP would argue that Davis had faked his retirement, gone to a small college, and worked his way back to the NFL just because he could. That would be much more interesting. Oh, and Fred is an excellent RB all on his own.
  3. It opened for the 1973 season; OJ's 2003 yard year and the last season with the standing buffalo helmet.
  4. I don't know about Dave, but I do have a kid (4-year-old boy) and my reaction was similar to his. Long lines at a free event? A pain, yes, but a surprise, no. The balloon hat thing? Upsetting, yes. Silly, yes. Also not a surprise in the current world of overofficious security people. The attempt to make it appear to be all about Bills management? Utterly unsurprising, but without more context unproven.
  5. Me too. It works great, and even beats Sirius because there is no cutting off for the post-game show.
  6. So the local Erie affiliate switched from OAK-Buf to CLE-IND.... what's up with that? Are Cleveland fans so powerful there that they could encourage a switch to a worse matchup?
  7. Interesting point. If, as a previous poster says, this was true in the past, then how exactly is denying the balloon hats a unique proof of the Bills' inadequacy? Sounds more like post-9/11 security guard tyranny to me.
  8. Awesome game. My dad was there, it was the season opener of 1974. But the historian in me is compelled to say that the first MNF game at Rich was in 1973 against the Chiefs. Bills won 23-14, and OJ had 39 carries...
  9. Ah, but that strategy falls apart if you are such a terrible father that your son wants nothing to do with you... Ask Karl Malone.
  10. And the worst part was the patented pat pat pat stand in the pocket sack fumble TD that iced the game for the Stillers.....
  11. I think it's more that he is such an ingratiating POS that he was not thinking at all what anyone outside of Bahstan would think. Yuk it up, statue. Cripes.
  12. Amen. Just goes to show how dumb these athletes can be, and how eager to please whatever media type is interviewing.
  13. It can all be true. Just as it can be true that Lee Evans can be valuable in a certain kind of offense. And it can be true that trading Lee Evans made sense for the Bills to do right now. The problem is that for many people any decision by the Bills just HAS to be the wrong one.
  14. Note to anyone sitting near Levii.. remember to wipe the flask before accepting a drink.
  15. Aw, man..... then what am I supposed to do with all these torches? Can I just say it one more time, to keep in practice? Thanks. I needed that.
  16. I think it is a bit from both columns... but your conclusion is indisputable.
  17. Thanks Doc! That one is pretty cool too, but I do love me the newscast.
  18. Especially considering that a couple days ago, encouraged by Sully, we had people saying "ZOMG we are underpaying our best playerzzzzz!"
  19. I don't disagree there either. I think, along with San Jose and others, that it is possible for Evans to be of greater value to BALT than he could be to BUF this year. In a way, the trade can help both teams.
  20. Indeed. He is the only man to have super bowl rings as player (IV), assistant (XI) and head coach (XV and XVIII).
  21. Flores bounced around after Buffalo. Don't think he went back to Oak, but he was a backup on the Chiefs team that won Super Bowl IV. By 1971 he was an assistant coach in BUF, then he joined the Raiders staff and eventually succeeded John Madden.
  22. For the record, Kelly, I get your point, and do not disagree in general, though with The Big Cat I am honestly torn on how one is supposed to evaluate Lee Evans. My main point, which you appear to have missed, is tennesseeboy managing to insult those who did not see the value of Evans as "Kool-Aid drinkers" because they insisted on completion stats, then turning around and insulting you for not understanding how to evaluate a Buffalo receiver who failed to make a catch by asserting that receptions are what matters. Am I the only one who noticed an amusing contradiction there?
  23. Dude, chill. Corner knows the defense, knows the other players, can fit right in if necessary. Those are valuable qualities in an emergency pickup.
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