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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Just because.... It was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread... so I searched... God I love YouTube!
  2. If I may offer the sentimental perspective of an expat... I want to say that it give me great joy to see the family of TBDers out together at a game. I wish I could be there too!
  3. Good for you, my Bills brother! Glad we cleared that up. I may have over-reacted to the term "idiot," which you will admit is rather loaded. Fight on! Better days are ahead! Or not!
  4. As usual, Bill, you provide wise and measured guidance.
  5. Sticks and stones..... Must be hard being a lion as in your sig file while you keep running up that white flag on life.
  6. A paragraph filled with random insults of other posters and multiple spelling and grammatical errors presenting itself as a model of thoughtful fandom. Priceless. Whether the Bills can "challenge the real teams of the NFL" or not is an open question. Open questions are fun, exciting. People who rush to close them by claiming they possess some higher level of understanding are no fun at all.
  7. In honor of your brave and determined effort to be a party pooping D-Bag. Go Bills!
  8. No, probably not. Winning will change that, but it will take time.
  9. I am usually the shy, retiring type. And Monkey, I hear you on the difference between hope and belief. That is part of my point. Don't be afraid to hope, man. Focus on the positive, and worry about the negative when it happens, not before. Enjoy the ride, my friends!
  10. I like Murph's voice, and I actually prefer listening to the radio call to watching games, but there is something about his PbP that is unsatisfying, especially on running plays. A good PbP man gives you an accurate sense of whether a runner is breaking free or not based on how he describes a run from the start.... Murph can be blase on long runs and then go into a long description of a player "diving forward" for a yard. I often rely on the sound of the crowd behind him to get an idea of how things are going. But within his limitations, he is not all bad.
  11. I have never started a thread, but after posting this thought in a different thread I decided I did not want it to vanish without a trace, so.... Some are excited about a 2-0 start, while others, rationally, are still reluctant to embrace hope. I understand that. People are entitled to fear or hope as they wish. I will only say this. If there is reason to be fearful now, there will be reasons after week 8 too... Hope is a choice, as is fear. We all know that life can bring crushing defeat at any moment. To survive, and to prevail in the face of life's terrifying uncertainty, requires facing the fear that knowledge brings and choosing to master it rather than be mastered by it. Make your choice, Bills fans. Go Bills!
  12. People are entitled to fear or hope as they wish. I will only say this. If there is reason to be fearful now, there will be reasons after week 8 too... Hope is a choice, as is fear. We all know that life can bring crushing defeat at any moment. To survive, and to prevail in the face of life's terrifying uncertainty, requires facing the fear that knowledge brings and choosing to master it rather than be mastered by it. Make your choice, Bills fans. Go Bills!
  13. Excellent, sensible post. The only honest answer to this question is: We will not know, even if it happens, because when it does we will be waiting for the next, perfect moment that may never come. Until that moment, which may never come, all that we can have is happiness for small joys, hope in the face of disappointment, and persistence despite the realization that life will have both ups and downs until it ends at last. Go forth with joy, hope, and persistence, and you need fear no curse. Go Bills!
  14. And yet, ironically, this board was loaded with posts over the summer saying, "Fitz has accuracy problems, and those cannot be solved this late in his career."
  15. You can bet they will be discussing that play in film study this week. And you can also bet that at least once before the season is out, that play will go for a TD.
  16. Yeah, you're right, glad someone could mention that, because otherwise people would be all happy and stuff. For the record, Lee Evans would not have made that play, either.
  17. No, that was all a salary dump by our senile owner, his bean-counting cabal, and idiot southern football people. Wait... what?
  18. The Raiders make it hard for the officials by (according to all non-Bills analysts I have heard and read) pushing the envelope on penalties. The zebras will not call every possible infraction—how could they?—and to be honest it is better to let the players play. The problem for the Raiders is that eventually the flags will flutter... such as the penalties deep in their own territory late in the game. That is how things even out.
  19. Have to ask... does Lee Evans make that play? [ducking]
  20. Well, if your posts are any indication, there has not been much positive karma out of Syracuse in a while... But Go Bills anway!
  21. This whole thread is such a delightfully apt picture of a prevalent WNY mentality: every silver lining has a cloud. There is simply no piece of good news that cannot instantly be turned into a gripe. The Sabres have a great new owner! Yay! Now we have another reason to say Ralph Wilson is awful! I just love you people. Really I do.
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