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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I have stopped watching TV pre-game shows altogether. Way too much preening and fake arguing. I would rather listen to 97 Rock's radio pre-game.
  2. I saw that play, and loved it. The announcers were slow to call it a tackle, almost as if they did not believe it. It was like the back ran into a wall.
  3. Usually, when the local team is playing at home, the other network's game at the same time is blacked out. Sad to say.
  4. The "possibly" in there is what really sells that line.
  5. Fixed that for you. And I know just what you mean.
  6. Touché. Also being in the area, I have heard him a lot, and his voice sounded quite odd at first to me, but it has grown on me. But I am admittedly odd. I happen to like listening to Rhea Hughes too.
  7. Amen. Though may I add, if the Bills makes a practice of taking 31-14 leads into the fourth quarter, they are likely to win a lot of games as well.
  8. Gotta give the man his props: Reese is a terrific PbP man... a bit of a homer, but that is cool for the local radio man, and he sounds genuinely excited by big plays.
  9. But, what about future HOFer Richie Incognito?!!?!!!
  10. I understand the desire of the intellectual posters on TSW to want to show how thoughtful and non-Kool-Aid-ish they are by making sure to point out things that any intelligent Bills fan already knows. (Giving up 400+ yards is not good! One cannot expect to get five turnovers a game! You need to tackle the people with the ball before they get down the field!) Let a thousand flowers bloom, and a couple of thousand message board posts too. It keeps us all grounded, and keeps the exchanges lively. But the most intelligent thing one can say right now is that, despite weaknesses that still exist, the Bills have managed to win four out of their first five games, and winning provides more encouragement for future wins than losing does. (Consider that my contribution to the intellectual efforts to state the obvious). No one can say with certainty how the rest of the season will go, especially considering that no one said with certainty how these five games would go. Whether the Bills will continue winning will indeed depend on how well they manage to maintain their current strengths and shore up their current weaknesses. It should be an interesting twelve weeks, giving all Bills fans things to hope for, and fewer things to fear. Which is not a bad thing at all.
  11. Polian Derangement Syndrome. Let it go, you will be much happier.
  12. What I noticed on the Iggles FG drive was an Iggles lineman had a full grip on a Bill's jersey... stretching and all, but not penalty even though it was a big play. But the very next 2 plays had holding calls. Almost as if the officials realized it was getting out of hand (so to speak). Then, just to be sure, they called a hold on the Bills' first play of the subsequent series.
  13. Just like the wildcat never leads to TDs anymore.
  14. Exactly. Going into this game everyone was saying, "We're gonna lose because we can't stop Vick." So, the Bills win, holding Vick to 24 points, never trailing, and people say, "This win is tainted because we didn't stop Vick." The Bills are far from perfect, and the D needs work, but really?
  15. Polian Derangement syndrome running wild!!!!
  16. On the kick in question, they were at the 20.
  17. Joe, that is strategy... make them return it, play for TOs.
  18. I think it is like illegal procedure... so no.
  19. Fight Fiercely Harvard, Fight! Fight! Fight! Demonstrate to them our skill Albeit they possess the might Nonetheless, we have the will! How shall we celebrate our victory? We shall invite the whole team out for tea! (How jolly!) Throw that spheroid down the field And Fight! Fight! Fight!
  20. Replay showed it was a good play to touch it at all... as it happens, that made sure the Iggles would not score
  21. This one was pretty funny too... http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/jerry-jones,18408/
  22. Quite so. Remember, last week the media attention focused on how underpaid the stars are.... There will always be something to talk about, if a team is considered relevant.
  23. It is truly Sisyphean to try to use facts against this particularly tenacious myth.... As a poster above quoted, Trent survived the hit in Arizona... it was the three weeks after the SD game, in which the bills lost to Miami, the Jets, and NE*, that did him in.
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