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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Lordy. Please read some of the other posts in this thread. The bolded statement is flat out false. Ask Max McGee about curfews...
  2. It's not their choice. They had to wait to see if he cleared waivers before they could put him on the PS, and Cleveland claimed him for their active roster. That's the risk you take when you cut folks; happens all the time.
  3. That was pretty awesome, especially to see how the WR so perfectly fooled the CB then blew past the safety.
  4. Touché. As it happens, I did read the entire thread, and was testing my theory that most comments after the first few receive no comment at all. You pass.
  5. But but but... he's a SOLDIER!!! http://www.footballguys.com/04bang_negotiation.htm
  6. Sadly, they also once were able to notice sarcasm and irony in a post directly above theirs as well.
  7. He could draw coverage away from them on the scout team, open up chances for them to make plays.
  8. Please please my friends, stop with the "they partied and lost" meme. That is pure hindsight. The Raiders won three super bowls with partiers, and indeed when Oakland beat Philly in SB XV in New Orleans, the hindsight meme was, "the Raiders were loose because they were on Bourbon Street while Dick Vermeil had the uptight Iggles on lockdown." Hell, one famous pic from Tampa was Kelly partying with Lawrence Taylor! They lost for many reasons; partying was way down the list, and was brought up by people like Biscuit in retrospect.
  9. I think Brad must have been feeling nervous about his status, hence bringing out all those kicks and generally pressing. Too bad for him.
  10. Is it really that hard to understand? None of these individuals means anything to me as a person outside of the uniform they wear. Although I view them all as I view any human being--I wish them no terrible ill, hope they and the people who matter to them are well and happy--I am weak enough to indulge in a bit of Schadenfreude when they put on a different uniform and do not do as well. It makes as much sense as anything else in sports fandom makes sense.
  11. It was shortish, makable, in mid-season, and was the reason a late comeback against SD ended in a 17-17 tie.
  12. It's on the tip of my tongue..... <running out of bounds five yards behind the LOS>
  13. Behold the Internet, and the media landscape it has created. Look on its works, ye literate, and despair!
  14. That would be against the Vikings, and he was 6-7. Larry Csonka ran for 140+ yards and 2 TDs. But your point stands.
  15. Gosh, where are all the Tuna-worshippers who spent the past several years arguing that Parcells had made the Fins a winner for years to come? BPLoDR
  16. ...says the guy climbing up onto the breakfast bar and unzipping his fly.
  17. I do, too. But go ahead and stay on cloud nine for a while. Let tomorrow take care of itself.
  18. Ah, an answer to my question already!
  19. So what will the doomsayers say now?
  20. Ah, but we are so lucky to have worldly sophisticated types like you here to set us straight.
  21. Well put. To be honest, I generally avoid sports talk, since I am only interested in actual news rather than bloviation, so Schopp is to my mind less of a specific problem than part of something larger to avoid. I will admit to snickering, however, when he tried to say in that article that his audition with ESPN failed because he was too high energy. Keep telling yourself that, Mike.
  22. Peyton is looking to follow in the footsteps of that other great passer, Drew Bledsoe. The team that signs him will regret it.
  23. Golly yes, considering how usually every second of sports talk radio (or talk radio in general) is one golden drop of wisdom and reasoned discourse after another, I can completely understand why a host would go out of his way to show disdain for his callers and refuse to engage them.
  24. Oh I do. When it appeared the NFL was coming, the Sun played to the enthusiasm. Now that they are not, the narrative has switched.
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