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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Too true. I love watching football but have had it with these faux tough guy sphincter coaches.
  2. At least there's someone who took advantage of his scholarship!
  3. Interesting stat. Begs the larger question of how good the Bills have been in presidential elections years... 1960: Inaugural season; mediocre; Dem wins (JFK) 1964: Championship season; Dem wins (LBJ) 1968: Putrid season: GOP wins (Nixon) 1972: Mediocre season: GOP wins (Nixon) 1976: Putrid season: Dem wins (Carter) 1980: AFC East Championship: GOP Wins (Reagan) 1984: Putrid season: GOP Wins (Reagan) 1988: AFC East Championship: GOP Wins (Bush) 1992: AFC Championship: Dem wins (Clinton) 1996: Playoffs: Dem wins (Clinton) 2000: Mediocre season: GOP Wins (Bush) 2004: Disappointing season: GOP wins (Bush) 2008: Very disappointing season: Dem wins (Obama) Result: No pattern.
  4. Because the only choices are blind homerism and relentless negativity.
  5. All very true... and, to pile on a bit, please note the Rams' draft position this year, after having drafted young Mr. Bradford...
  6. Considering that Millstein is the main financial backer of the Reporter, this story is intriguing. It would be lovely for my hometown, but I remain dubious, nevertheless. To buy the Bills and build a stadium, you are talking about $1.5 billion at least. That is a lot of cheddar.
  7. Thanks vince. To follow up on my original post, I still had problems with the WGR app yesterday even when I tried to access it through the official Bills app. I wonder whether you are right, vince, that the problem is more the weakness of the app (can't handle the traffic, perhaps?) than NFL policy. I do know that 97 Rock's app never failed me last season, so either the NFL has gotten tougher or WGR has tech problems, or both. Be that as it may, I was able to get a rochester station through Tunein. The problem, though, was that the rochester feed in question fell at least two series behind actual play, and the station (I guess it is the station itself, not the feed) would cut in with a full bank of commercials in the middle of game play. So it was less like live play-by-play and more like audio highlights, since the Internet told me of big plays long before Murph did. At least it was worth waiting for. This is all of course a massive improvement over those stone age days in the 1990s when I was a poor grad student in Chicago without cable and had to tune in to ESPN radio an await the occasional score updates by stringers with cell phones....
  8. Quite so. The D-Line in general played the way we have all hoped. For one week, at least.
  9. Not defending him. His throws have left something to be desired, though he made plays with his feet today early and did not make mistakes, which led to a 21-0 lead. So I choose to be happy. It is of course a free country, so you can feel free to choose to refuse to enjoy a big win. Maybe your life has too much joy, so you can so freely throw such freebies away. If so, good for you! 28-3 at the half; then Reich threw the pick-6 with 13:19 to go in the third...
  10. I assume you mean January 1993... and yes, in that game it was 35-31 after three quarters. Relax, Bills brethren... enjoy the win and have a beer.
  11. 35-10 in the 4th quarter is closed up pretty tight....
  12. Dude, allow some happiness in your life. Please.
  13. True that... and Vick just threw another pick... followed by a Flacco bomb.
  14. Translation: Hey, nice punchbowl... FOR ME TO POOP IN!
  15. Come on, Simon. You can smile. Beating bad teams is one thing good teams do. And you can only play one team at a time.
  16. Steve has more professionalism than to post on FB how much he loves the Bills.
  17. Amen. If you want great Italian food, you go to the greatest restaurant in WNY: The Como, on Pine Avenue in Niagara Falls. Anything else is second best.
  18. Thank you, eball. I did not see your earlier post, but am delighted that my question elicited this response!
  19. Thanks Mike, I wondered if that were the case. Interestingly, 97Rock did not have that problem, as I listened to games every week on their app last season. Odd that the flagship station would not be able to do that any more.
  20. Bills Brethren: I posted this question at the tail end of the latest WGR thread, but did not want it to be buried. I actually have a technical problem with WGR550 and would be grateful for advice. Last season I had no problem listening to games using the 97Rock iPhone app, but last Sunday I could never get the GR app to connect. It kept buffering but never connected. I suspect that the app may not be up to all the traffic that comes on game day. Have others had this problem? Any suggestions for alternatives? Thanks in advance!
  21. Why wouldn't he, Promo? I'd go with the chance to be on an active roster as soon as possible. It makes sense.
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