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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Ev'ry year we hope And as Bills fans want to see Tom Brady smacked down
  2. All of this brings to mind a basic undergraduate misunderstanding that I try to correct every semester, so here goes: Free speech does not mean that every opinion is equal, it means that every individual should be free to have his or her opinions subject to the same standards of logical analysis. That means opinions can be presented, and tested, and some opinions can in the end be dismissed as less logically and intellectually valid than others. Free individuals are free to be wrong, but are not exempted from being told they are wrong when they are.
  3. I hate all the pre- and post-game shows. When I want evidence-free chatter and speculation about football, interspersed with occasional nuggets of insight and new information, I stay close to home and get it on the Stadium Wall.
  4. Rain is bad for the pass offense... so perhaps advantage Bills with the better running game.
  5. That is exactly the argument Manny Fernandez and the Dolphins made about OJ in 1973....
  6. So why were both of those officials having to come running over to the scrum? The ball was in the air forever... neither was in good position.
  7. One official realized that, the one closer.. and signaled time out... the guy running up late signaled TD. Bush league.
  8. I think you put your finger on it, Billnut. They aren't.
  9. That remains to be seen. So far, R. Wilson is not showing much when he does try to throw.
  10. I never listen to the postgame, so am spared that torment... but am also amazed at the number of PSAs during the game broadcast. Someone needs to hire a sales force!
  11. ESPN just went to commercial rather than explain a penalty flag. Commercials come first!
  12. What you described is the sad trajectory of too many NFL shows. I am interested in highlights above all, and yet the networks seem to think we need constant round tables of men in clownlike suits, interspersed with blathering features and interviews with the same coaches and players.... This is what killed Inside the NFL for me (once it was appointment viewing, to see NFL films' iconic highlights) and it has pretty much killed off the pre- and post-game shows. Alas.
  13. If if if.... they did not, and would not. We can agree to disagree, which is the civilized thing to do.
  14. Five seconds left, dopey. (That is me using your screen name, not being a wannabe tough guy, btw.) The game was over. Bush league move, and very different from a team driving for a tying or wining score.
  15. Not a bad theoretical question, but in this actual case, Fez, we are discussing kneeldowns with the game decided. Schiano is a wannabe tough guy douche, a species all too common among football coaches at all levels, and he is making himself look bad.
  16. No broken collar bone? But the medical experts on TSW proclaimed that as fact from the moment he left the field!!! Astonishing!
  17. Because it is much more fun to pick the worst option
  18. This is part of going for the jugular, I think. Low risk, high reward.
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