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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Yes and no. In the Sapp case, the player getting hit was far away from the play. In this one, Foles was wandering generally in the direction of the INT returner, thus making him part of the play. A hard hit, yes, but this one looks legal to me.
  2. Yes and no. Defense was tops, but the QB called pretty much every play back then. Kemp managed the game very well, was a solid leader in the huddle. Success back then really did rely on the QB to do more than follow instructions and throw hard.
  3. Defensive coordinator. Though, the fact that he took a team that went 12-2 and 10-3-1 and went 9-4-1, 4-10, and 0-2 before being canned was pretty offensive.
  4. Boy, the NFL is sure having a PR problem. It would probably be a good idea for the league to have a feel-good story to distract attention. Like maybe a downtrodden, small-market team that goes on a Cinderella championship run in honor of its recently deceased owner or something. All it will take is a couple of "judgment calls" to go the right way... a nip (or an unconscious player touching a ball with his foot, allowing his team to retain possession) here, a Tuck Rule there. Wouldn't that be nice?
  5. Probably. Every team in the NFL runs them, of course--Tom Brady would only be semi-super if they didn't, and they made Wes Welker's career. Unless and until the league starts calling Offensive PI consistently, teams will keep using them, though.
  6. To add another "meaningless stat" to the mix, consider red zone efficiency. The Bills were in the red zone three times late in the 4th quarter when the game was already more or less decided. For whatever reason, the offense made little effort to score TDs, relying on simple runs and safe passes. They ended up attempting three FGs, making two and killing multiple minutes from the clock. But today you can read that the Bills went 1-6 in the red zone, as if every one of those attempts meant the same thing in the course of the game.
  7. One would think that a new stadium (probably with a Bills Hall of Fame, as they have done with other teams) would be a good opportunity to rethink the Wall of Fame and OJ's role in it.
  8. Thanks very much Dirtbag! (I love how that sounds.)
  9. One of my favorite things to do on a Tuesday (especially after a Bills win) is to read Gregg Easterbrook's "Tuesday Morning Quarterback" column on ESPN.com. It's probably the only thing on that site I read any more. This week, however, I am unable to find it. Using "TMQ" in their search field leads me to a long list of columns that ends with his NFL preview from 1 September. I find this odd, and am curious if any of you have had any better luck. And yes, I realize I am asking this question in this forum and not on ESPN.com, because I have faith that my fellow Bills fans will be both more willing and more able to answer my query than the distracted teenage interns in Bristol. Thanks in advance for any advice! RJ
  10. The video only matters because it comes after the NFL admitted that they handled the situation poorly. It created an untenable PR situation, which then spurred this reaction. Had the NFL acted more aggressively at first--say with a year, or even a half-year suspension--my guess is Ray Rice would still be a Raven. I am glad the league decided to use this opportunity to right an earlier wrong, but no one should imagine they would have done it without this new public disclosure and the resulting embarrassment.
  11. Actually, $300 million is 30% of $1 billion; it's 33.3% of $900 million.
  12. A new age begins When those who doubt find new faith EJ squishes fish
  13. In your zeal you misread the point of my posts. My point was that the trust will sell to the buyer they choose... not necessarily the highest bidder. That has always been the case. It has also always been the case that the trust has been leaning toward buyers who will keep the team in the area. Hence the lack of outside bidders. Only you appear to be in doubt about this, and it was your insistence on some kind of definitive text that I was imploring you to let go. If holding onto that already asked and answered question makes you feel smart, then have at it. We will all celebrate together when the team stays in WNY.
  14. What happens is that the trust sells the team to the bidder to whom they want to sell the team. That's always been the case.
  15. Sully has a line about how people in an organization use national media to trash each other. What he fails to note is how none of these big stories have been broken by Buffalo reporters. Maybe there should be some hot seats at the BN too? EDIT: Promo and I must be on the same wavelength. Communicating with Rocketship 7, no doubt.
  16. Don't forget Donn Esmonde's gratuitously misinformed piece on a new stadium to complete the Triple Crown of Gloom....
  17. Sweet. Now I have something else to look forward too!
  18. Lord, after a million posts complaining that the Bills drafted TJ and kept him on the roster, will we have to endure a million more from the same people about how the Bills should not have cut him?
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