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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. The rule allowing intention spikes is actually relatively new. Well, last two decades new. Back in the day, if the QB wanted to stop the clock, he had to throw the ball out of bounds. The spike rule was intended to give teams a chance to stop the clock quicker. The rule saying the QB had to be outside of the tackle box to throw the ball away was created to protect the QB but also to make it a bit harder for him to avoid sacks.
  2. Excellent. And led me add my voice to the chorus praising your work. I was a big fan of BillsStuff in the (since sadly declining) Niagara Falls Reporter.
  3. That is true, and happened in 1974, Marangi's rookie year. He followed that up with another short TD late in the game to tie it at 28, but the Dolphins scored a later TD to win 35-28... sigh. One of many disappointments in the Orange Bowl between 1966 and 1983. Marangi didn't play much in 1975, and began to whine about it. Then in 1976 he came in for a couple of early relief appearances (back when the fans were booing Fergy like mad and repeating that "we Want Marangi" chat). Then when Fergy went down with a back injury in week 7, Marangi became the full time starter and put up the most putrid QB numbers in Bills history this side of Vince Ferragamo, most famously when he went 4-21 on Thanksgiving Day 1976, the day OJ ran for 273 yards and the Bills still lost, 27-14. He was traded to Green Bay in the following offseason, though failed his physical and never played in the NFL again.
  4. The long-range goal is to make it so difficult to play defense that there will be more scoring, which is more exciting for the casual fan, the fantasy player, and the gambler. That it is less appealing to people who actually care which team wins any particular game is a negligible consideration for the folks who run the NFL. They figure they got us anyway.
  5. True enough. The Bills have blown a bunch of HT leads to the Pets
  6. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=11524750 I can't speak to your experiences. Did my parents ever discipline me? Yes, though it was not a systematic part of their childrearing. My reference to AP is taken directly from what he has said and what others have said in his defense. Instead of admitting that using a switch to the point that a 4-year-old (!) needed medical attention, he claimed that it was part of the discipline he had been taught. This from a man whose sense of discipline has led to him having multiple children with multiple women and to smoking weed before a court date. The irony is pretty thick there, and, as Just Jack eloquently points out with his video choice above, justifying abuse because "my parents did it and I turned out fine" is only a recipe for allowing it to continue through the generations. I think Cris Carter (of all people!) said it best: http://espn.go.com/v...lip?id=11524750
  7. His primary justification for his childrearing techniques was A. My daddy did it to me and B. it will help the kid learn discipline.
  8. Further evidence of how being beaten as a child helped him develop into a disciplined, mature man.
  9. The lack of official response during the game was symptomatic of the inept performance of that crew.
  10. No one who has ever started a comment with "I hate to say" or "I'm sorry to say" has ever meant it. Ever.
  11. Because they are not going to reverse it. I stand happily corrected.
  12. Quite so. It's obvious that he's doing it to allow him to hype Winston, the rapist. Terrible all around.
  13. Preach on, brother! Low class CYA move by a low class man.
  14. It certainly does. I'm also not a fan of conspiracies, and won't take it too far. I will say that I'm surprised there was no flag on that play by the Slurs--not because I think it was an illegal hit, but because I was under the impression that the zebras would err on the side of over-protecting the QBs.
  15. That's pretty much what it means whenever anyone claims "objectivity" around here. See also realism, claims of.
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