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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Posts posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Most poeple don't like him because of his fans? ;)  :w00t:  :huh:


    I would take him for a back up in a heart beat!




    Frez... he is a terrible back-up. He is a clubhouse lawyer who by his own admission has no interest in tutoring anyone else. No one will want him; he needs to retire and get down to spending the money he managed to steal from SD.


    Put down the crack pipe and back away slowly..... <_<

  2. you guys do realize steinbach is hurt, right??


    he had off-season elbow surgery (twice), missed the first two games of the pre-season, and left the third game after only a few snaps........


    this could be an issue that lingers......willis isn't the only one with injury concerns........





    This thread is making me so happy... finally a direct confrontation with the "Steinbach was an obvious pick" theory, which belongs on a grassy knoll somewhere.


    TD still has to show that his moves will produce a winner, but anyone who thinks that the alternatives were obvious has not been thinking hard enough about how complicated a balance of skill and luck is necessary to build a winner. TD has not had much luck yet with certain picks panning out, and he needs some. That, however, does not necessarily mean that his choices were not sensible when he made them. This year will tell us a lot.


    Go Bills!

  3. I really really wish that all the people on this board who pretend to be film-studying O-Line experts would compare what TD has done in searching for O-Line help (some in the draft, some through trades, some through FA, some through waiver pick-ups) to how other teams, good and bad, have done it. What you would see is that there is no magic formula, nor is there any proof that TD has "ignored" the O-Line. What one will see is that several moves have not panned out. It happens. Even to Bill Parcells, Jimmy Johnson, Bill Belichek, etc. etc.


    Criticize the record, but let's get off the "TD's ego is the problem" stevestojan. That is as idiotic as the occasional spate of "TD is the Manchurian Candidate sent to dismantle the Bills so they move to LA" posts.






    Bring back Kris Ferris!  Another Donahoe flunkie!


  4. Thank you, voice of sanity!




    Is it just me or did the starters only allow 1 sack against Bledsoe?  Where exactly is the horrible Oline play coming from?  The running game?  See below...


    Our BACKUP runningback, who is coming off major knee injury, didn't hit the holes with authority.  Who would of thunk it?  I wish everyone would stop freaking out about WM....our BACKUP RB.  BTW, our BACKUP RB, who is coming off of a major knee injury, ended up with 3.6 yrds per carry against a very fast Indy D.  Did I mention that he is our BACKUP RB who is coming off a major knee injury?  GET A GRIP PEOPLE!!!



    11/19  117 yards,  NO INT'S,  1 sack!  The one sack came off an all out blitz on third down!  It happens.  As far as I'm concerned this was a good showing.




    Am I the only one that noticed a safety pick off Manning?  TWO Int's against Manning last night....got to love it.  If it wasnt' for the screwed up plays which resulted in the best field position Indy could have ever asked for, the Defense would have looked like all-stars last night.  Not allowing a third down conversion until scrubs were in.  Good job.  They still need to work on stopping the running backs mid-field insead of waiting for them to get in field goal range before tightening up.  Too many big gains by the RB's.  As of right now this is my only concern with the D.  Of course, with R. Williams gone from Miami, Corey Dillon looking like crap, and C. Martin getting older, the AFC East RB situation went downhill quick.



    Horrible play by the special teams.  One good thing, Mularkey is testing things out.  I'll bet my paycheck Clements isn't in there returning punts during regular season.  Still, overall this was just bad.  The blocked punt was pathetic, the dropped punt was bad, the 84 yard return made me sick!  There is no excuse, and this needs to be fixed.  The Defense can not be expected to do much with field position like that.




    Yep, they sucked.  Vincent will be okay (Karma bit him in the ass), Lawyer out for a bit (at least Coy had the pick last night), and then there is our BACKUP QB!!!

    Look people, does anyone else remember how bad Travis Brown is????  Is it just me????  He always looks like a competent backup....until the season starts and he has to play in a game.  Why does everyone forget this every single season?

    The fact is, losing TB means Donahoe is going to have to go out and sign another backup QB is going to suck just as much.  Losing TB last night means absolutely nothing to me......at all.


    A couple points about the game:


    It's fuggin pre-season!  Clements won't be returning punts.  MM won't be calling flea-flickers in the middle of a great looking drive to put us ahead.  Indy won't be going for it on 4-3 from their own 40-something yard line in the second quarter when they have the lead!  Mike Williams looked good!  Trey Teague too!  Freeney only got through once....thats good news!




  5. Last time I can recall TD tagged him, then Peerless wanted to be out, not the other way around, I don't remember it that way




    Last time you recall you recalled incorrectly. Go back and read the papers. I am all for constructive criticism of Bills management, but all of the hindsight-as-history that clutters this board is annoying.

  6. Well first of all Rob Johnson, we have lost both our back up QBs and in case you have not noticed, our 1st string offense has yet to score a TD in 3 games. 


    No TB was not the key, but now what happens if Bledose goes down or struggles.  Will Zolman bring us to the playoffs??





    First of all, you need to read my name more carefully, to notice the joke. However if you prefer to be nasty about it.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


    If Bledsoe struggles or gets hurt, the Bills will suck. That was true before Travis Brown went down, and it is true now. It was probably true even before JP went down. If you want to panic like a lil girl (or worse, like Rob Johnson) and call off the season because the Bills look bad in the third preseason game, go right ahead.

  7. TB down and out.  Here comes Zolman as our #2 without every throwing an NFL pass.  We are totally f'd now.  3-13, maybe 4-12 if we are lucky, unless JP comes back sooner than later. 


    How quickly things can change.




    How exactly does losing a backup QB suddenly make us worse? Were you figuring that Travis Brown was the key to the team? Think for a moment what that sounds like, take a deep breath....

  8. That's the point Im trying to make your exactly right TD broke up would could have been one of the best 1 2 punches in the league, I only named teams who had an 8-8 records because that's what I hope we at least be this year, you have teams that were sub .500 that are better than us, how are we going to compete that list I made above, hell down here in DC, they have Rod Gardner, Lavernueus Coles, Darnerrian MCCants, and Taylor Jacobs out of FLorida and they were 5-11 last year, Man Im getting upset right now





    Jay, you may be right that we miss Peerless, but "TD broke up" the combination?!!!? Peerless wanted out, Jay. TD tagged him, then made the best deal for the Bills under those circumstances. To suggest that it is TD's fault that he left exposes you for an ininformed fan with limited historical sense... :)

  9. Amen, Yoho!!



    I really think that any Bills fan who thinks that TD is a horrible GM should be forced to stay after school and write "Stew Barber" 500 times, followed by 500 more of "Terry Bledsoe..."


    You know, the Bills may be victims of their own success and have drawn front runner fans who only want to follow a winner.  For those of us who lived through the mostly awful years from 1967-1986, being a Bills fan was a labor of love.  There were no front runners rooting for the Bills. Some of those teams were beyond embarassing but there I was every Sunday hoping that magically this was the week that Perry Tuttle would live up to his reputation or that Walt Patulski would finally get a sack.  I remember us picking up players off the waiver wire the week before the season and they would start opening day.


    However, our success in the late 80's through the mid 90's drew a new sort of fan; the type of fan who would have been Cowboy fans a decade earlier or whatever team was winning at the moment.  Everybody knew guys like that when you were kids- they were always rooting for whoever was winning at the moment.  Now, some of them are stuck with the Bills as their team and can not handle a little adversity.  No slow rebuilding program for them.  Success now or we fire your ass and start a new rebuilding program.  Organizations run that way start to look like the San Diego Chargers in a hurry.  It is hard for us old-time Bills fans to realize that those sorts of fans would follow the Bills.  Believe me, there were no front-runners rooting for the Bills in 1969 or 1984.  So, to all of you, sorry that the Bills are not winning every year to your satisfaction.  I hope it doesn't have a negative effect on your egos.  For the rest of us, seeing the talent that Donohoe has assembled in this salary cap era and the realistic hope that we can go a long way if things fall right this year is good enough for many of us.


  10. Bledsoe should have changed the calls in the huddle.  That's what a leader would do if they believed the coaches were not calling a good game.




    Maybe he should have spoken out of his A$$--that is what internet posters do.


    To assert that he should have "just changed plays" ignores the fact that he would have to work with the players that had been sent onto the field... and also ignores the fact that virtually no QB in the NFL calls his own plays. Not to mention the fact that Gash, who was there, does not raise that possibility, suggesting that he knows a bit more about how plays are actually called in the NFL.


    But hey, why let things like that get in the way of taking an irrelevant shot at Bledsoe?

  11. Put this together with the fact that Phillips departure was predicated by Ralph insisting that he fire an assistant and I wonder if ended up with Williams in part because "quality" coaches were looking at the Bills as being a team that micro-managed its coaches and over-ruled their decisions (and thus not answering the calls or turning down the job...).




    I think you are correct there, Dan. At the very least, I can understand why TD wanted to avoid any such appearance.


    I really think that any Bills fan who thinks that TD is a horrible GM should be forced to stay after school and write "Stew Barber" 500 times, followed by 500 more of "Terry Bledsoe..."


    Go Bills!

  12. Gosh DeeRay, I do not want to deny your right to be frustrated with TD's results, but did you read the summary of Gash's comments? TD chose to let GW make his decisions because to try to micromanage the team would make it hard to get a good coach in the future. I really do not understand the hostility to TD. We are all frustrated with not winning, but the same people who say he should have immediately canned GW also appear to be those who claim that TD is too much of a micromanager whose ego is dooming the team. They can't both be true....


    Go Bills!



    This is more of an indictment on Donahoe that it is anyone else.  Donahoe had to know what was going on, but still let Williams finish the season as HC.  This is Donahoe's 4th year... and for Wilson to justify keeing this phony, the bills are going to need to make some serious noise this season. I don't see that happening... and if it doesn't, I think Donahoe ought to do the right thing and resign... don't force Ralph to fire his ass and have to eat a year of his salary while he does his BS analysis for his buddies at espn.  Donahoe needs to be thrown in O'reilly's "no spin zone" and confronted with his performance as the Bills GM over tha past 3 plus years.


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