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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Posts posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Vic is right about one thing: If they hire Lynn today after interviewing one other person that isn't much of a search.


    Not that it really matters. Either he succeeds or he doesn't. Whether you interview 10 other people or 0 other people, all that matters is the W/L record.


    I would be a little shocked that the team didn't do a real search, but if Whaley feels that strongly about Lynn then hey, it's his career as a GM. Let him pick his guy and let the chips fall where they may. I don't have a good feeling about next season but I'll talk myself into getting excited and hope for the best.


    That last paragraph sums up well my entire life as a Bills fan. Cheers!


    The reporting structure has been widely known/understood since early 2015. It boggles my mind that the reporters spent the bulk of the presser doing circles around it when there was PLENTY of non-worn material to discuss.


    The Rodak tweet tells you everything you need to know!! It's so painfully obvious what was going on in that room yesterday.



    And of course the MMQB piece also circulating here says that the Bills reporting system (coach and GM both reporting directly to owner) is not unique. But pretending that it is unique is a central point in the hysterical dysfunction narrative...

  3. I am honestly confused here: what is the alleged dysfunction? That they fired the coach that every shaper of public opinion demanded be fired?


    If the GM had given a smooth answer to every question, would these columnists have praised him, or merely dismissed him as a smooth talker?


    Ralph was attacked for underpaying on coaches and facilities. The Pegulas paid top dollar for Ryan, and allowed him the most lavish coaching staff in the league. He was a bad choice, the team has to go back to the drawing board. So?

  4. Low IQ fans that think doing exactly the same thing will bring you different results... I guess there is something to be said for being oblivious to the inevetible results gives them some false hope in their struggling existence.


    I don't think that anyone unable to spell "inevitable," or to use punctuation, should be lecturing anyone else on their intelligence.

  5. If we win we are in good shape...One of Miami or Baltimore will then have same record as us. If the Giants can continue to win, then steelers also will be a game behind us with a game to play against us. ATL has been good at home and hope they can know the chiefs down and so should Green Bay.


    If we beat Oakland, then we may be back in the game!



  6. Taking about next week. We are already done with this week.


    Keep moving those goal posts, brother. There's always a reason to be gloomy about the future. Everything in life ends in tears. Everything, sooner or later.


    But Next week hasn't happened yet. Enjoy the next six days, and I hope we can both enjoy next Sunday.

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