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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I am guessing you mean "drivel" and "segue.." But maybe, based on the overall analysis you offer, that is giving you too much of the benefit of the doubt....
  2. For the love of Gawd.... Why is it that everyone who comes on here to take a huge dump in the TSW punch bowl with a load of pre-emptive negativity then wants to claim that he is thinking "outside the box"? Roscoe, as a fellow Bills fan, I know you have to have some good in you, but you have to see that there is a wide difference between relentless negativism and "rose colored glasses." I have no illusions about the weaknesses of this team, but I happen to choose to wait until the games are played before announcing to one and all that they suck. Futhermore, if they do lose games, I will remember that this is after all a game, and will not seek to salve my wounded self-image by running onto TSW and beating my chest about how I was the only one with the clarity to see the inevitability of their suckiness. I would never begrudge anyone their right to be as gloomy as they like, but I can't stand it when the gloomy want to claim to have the market cornered on either intelligence or virtue.
  3. I second that motion! No offense to people who are into FF or Rotisserie baseball, but I just do not get it, and hate how the cluster of scrolling stats makes it that much harder just to find out a fricking score....
  4. Which is actually how they vote for pope... and Holy Roman Emperor.
  5. Gosh, thanks for being so much smarter than the rest of us... so smart that you think it worth your while to choose a voluntary activity to make yourself miserable, then decide that it would be even smarter to make others miserable too.... Don't dislocate anything patting yourself on the back for being a "realist."
  6. Nice. After all, acquiescing to the demands of a cranky player is much easier than, you know, being a coach and using your authority and stuff like that....
  7. Well put, Kelly. I would say that "best chance to win" can also be translated "easiest option for a coach who is afraid to take a chance..."
  8. This has been said elsewhere, but bears repeating. The pumped-up total number amount serves no purpose right now except to make the agent look like a hero, and thus it is most likely that the agent, who has been dealing with his own PR problems, is the source of the numbers for the article. I see nothing to get worked up about in this contract from the Bills' perspective--Whitner signed for what the #8 pick would be slotted to get. That a 22 year-old genetic freak who plays a kids game gets paid millions of dollars, and this before even having to show that he can perform at the pro level, is a larger philosophical problem that really has no place here. If we were serious about our indignation that such kids get this kind of money we would spend our time agitating for higher pay for nurses and teachers rather than debating the NFL draft....
  9. Amen! That was when I started being a fan as well... Thank goodness for ya-yas to distract me.
  10. It's those darn kids, I tell ya! No historical sense... no respect.... Hey, get off of my lawn!
  11. Amen, brother... I can't believe folks would chant Marangi's name (Bills fans treated Joe Ferguson like absolute schitt for years, booing him mercilessly....)... then in 1976 when Fergy went down, Marangi was beyond putrid... even losing a couple of games when OJ ran for more than 200 yards because he was so freakin' lame... Then when the Bills tried to trade him to GB, he failed his physical.... Ugh.
  12. Dempsey kicked it for New Orleans, from normal FG spot, not a free kick, in 1970. Carry on!
  13. Excellent point. Most of all, that kind of comment shows that the average historical knowledge of most sports writers, especially AP stringers, does not extend back more then five years. It is scandalous that people do not bother to learn anything about their sport...
  14. Hey, thanks guys... four years on TSW and I finally got more than one person to respond to a post! Whoo Hoo..... LAMP *pausing, noting chirping crickets, returning quietly to the shadows, muttering to self...*
  15. Amen, Hallelujah, and all that stuff.... By the way, what exactly is a "badonkadonk"?
  16. Mickey, don't forget that by his third year Aikman had ca. 32 starts (give or take any injuries, I do not have his stats in front of me) under his belt, having been a starting QB for two full years... whereas JP, entering his third year, has 8... If you want to get hung up on numbers, that one is important too.
  17. Isn't the Arena League partially supported by the NFL? I know that NFLE is, but seem to recall that the NFL also supported Arena ball. At least they have not tried to kill it... That, and the fact that it is such a different game (and so made for TV) might explain their ability to survive when other leagues do not.
  18. Jon Leypoldt. Sigh. The next week he missed a PAT against the Fish that helped cost us that game as well.... I am a Bills fan from birth. Even though my Dad, a Lamonica fan, was critical of many decisions by the franchise, and could be downright apoplectic at times, we followed them together. I was born during one of the darkest days of the franchise (from 1967-1972 the Bills AVERAGED less than 3 wins a season), and started following them closely in 1974. I can remember following the Bills for years and never seeing a home game on TV, listening to the radio instead and staying up to watch the highlights on the 11 o'clock news, then watching Rick Azar's highlight show on Saturday night. The first home game sellout that I remember was game 4 in 1980, when we beat the Raiders.... So much pain for so little gain, it seems at times, but it was the one thing that kept me in touch with WNY and with my dad long after I had moved away... I can't shake them.
  19. I am with you, Mock. On another thread, a poster noted that 2003 and 2005 were their worst years as Bills fans, because of the high expectations that were dashed, and I can see that point. 2005 was especially upsetting because of how quickly MM and TD pulled the plug on JP. I mean, MM yanked him in WEEK 2, for God's sake, however briefly, on a day where even he admitted later that the problem went beyond JP. If he had so little faith in JP, MM should have said something to TD before he cut Drew; the fact that he did not, and then that he still did not have the cojones to risk staying in Buffalo to prove himself after TD left, shows me that MM really does not have the confidence or character to be a strong head coach. We have to be better off with Jauron, and need to give JP as much of this year as possible to show once and for all if he has it.
  20. I am with you on that! And thanks for the history... I just love that #@$% I for one think that anyone who criticizes the current regime at OBD needs to look back at what a total clusterfark Stew Barber and company made of the place in the late 70s-early 80s. *shudder*
  21. Well put... I keep waiting to see if Mickey is going to ask us about JP's 40 time... He has made his point, such as it is, so many times in so many threads. This is what we call TSW OCD....
  22. Ah, nice comeback, but bad history. In '79 it was not allowed to negotiate before the draft.... That rule changed by the time we drafted Bruce in 1985.
  23. Hey, anyone thought that Ralph is just a few years older than Fidel Castro... and both came to power in the present positions in the same year (1959)? Hmmmmm......
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