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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Bravo! The next best thing: they are aging and will need rebuilding. He doesn't want to go through that.
  2. But if you run that through the "Flutopian LoveBot3000 calculator" that works out to eleventy million games. All of which he won.
  3. And Merry Christmas to all my Bills Brethren (and Sistren)!
  4. Be a homer. Don't be shy about it. Why be "realistic" about a bunch of glandular anomalies in Halloween costumes knocking the snot out of each other? It is a bizarre spectacle of little meaning, except the meaning we attach to it because it reminds us of home. Embrace that illogic. Save realism for real topics. Be. A. Homer. Go Bills!
  5. Bills fans know about bad late calls. A couple for the geezers among us: 1975 @MIA: non-fumble call on Mercury Morris + unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Pat Toomay (for pushing an official in an effort to recover the fumble!) short-circuits comeback and costs Bills playoffs 1978: vs. MIA: Roland Hooks catch late in 4th Q that would have put them in FG range ruled incomplete, Bills lose 25-24 Those kinds of officiating blunders are one problem. The decision to call or not call holding is another entirely...
  6. These wins are bad for the team. Not an original take. But for an example of where seeking to tank can get you, check out the other Buffalo sports franchise. Or the football team in Cleveland. Which is also not an original take, admittedly.
  7. Tyrod threw deep to Zay at least once, and threw deep to Clay on 4th down... Everyone is complaining about the conservative calls inside the 10 as if that was the whole half. It was not. Some things didn't work out. It happens.
  8. October 1976, Bills lost to the Colts, 31-13. I was 9. It was Jim Ringo's first game as coach, since Lou Saban had quit a few days earlier. OJ caught a TD pass. Bills went into that game 2-3, but ended the season 2-12. Ah, memories...
  9. Anyone who can't spell Kool-Aid properly is not worth listening to, folks.
  10. If they do that (a big, wonderful IF), then they make the playoffs.
  11. At the top of any screwed by the Bills list has to be James "Shack" Harris. The Bills were brave enough to draft him out of Grambling in 1969, but could never hand over full-time QB'ing to an African American. By the time Lou Saban was hired—who had already screwed over QB Marlon Briscoe in Denver—Harris was shipped out, and ended up a Pro Bowler in LA. There too, he was screwed for reasons as simple as black and white. I can't help wondering how much better the Bills would have been in 72 and 73, years in which the QB play was abysmal, if they had given a young vet like Harris the keys. Oh, well. (And yes, I am a Fergy fan...but Fergy in 1973 was nothing but a rookie bus driver handing off to OJ. If the passing game had been more consistent, that team would have gone to the playoffs.)
  12. No, but I will argue that the game was a microcosm of Flutie's Buffalo career—some really good, some bad, and in the end his shortcomings kept him from getting across the finish line. His play in 1999 was becoming a real problem in the second half of the season. Still may not have justified his benching, but anyone who was following the Bills back then (which I know you were) has to remember the concerns about declining offensive production. The game in NY against the Jets in November was a particular low point. Johnson played very poorly in TN, then led a late drive for the points that gave them the lead. Which is what Flutie did a lot of in 1999 too (see the game against Baltimore, for example). It's ironic. Two very flawed QBs. I could not care less about either of them as people... I just root for the laundry. And for the benefit of the snarky commenter elsewhere: I'm not carrying anyone's jock, and have had this nickname on TBD for going on 20 years now. I'm funny that way.
  13. Facts? In that game, Flutie threw an INT from inside the red zone (he did that a lot), and he was strip-sacked to end the game because he HELD ONTO THE BALL TOO LONG!
  14. Since I was referring to the NFL, no, I am not. But you may need to go back to school and work on your reading comprehension.
  15. If there "are no gimmes" in the NFL, then all wins are good wins. None are "less impressive."
  16. The Bills haven't won many big games on the West coast in a while... the only one with real significance was in San Diego in 1981, during the 4-game win streak that got them into the playoffs... There is a lot of history to fight and overcome. But no reason not to start now.
  17. Jesus, the stat-mongering.... Please note that the last INT led to kneel downs, so the fact that it did not lead to points is completely irrelevant. You want to complain that the two 3rd quarter fumbles only led to six points? Be my guest. Though I know of no team in the NFL who turns every TO into a TD.
  18. Indeed. Common college player/rookie mistake... he caught it with his arms, not his hands.
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