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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. The NFL has repeatedly said it is not interested in Toronto, but if it makes you feel better to indulge in this masochistic fantasy, don't let me stop you.
  2. True, it is not a big deal on its own, but if one considers it as part of the larger idiotification and de-historicization of American society (related to the language usage discussions we agreed on a while back), then it is rather irksome. How hard can it be to check a score? Yet a professional author did not bother to do some simple research.
  3. Yes, Justin Armour! Good memory. I knew it wasn'T Brad Lamb, but he was the only one I could think of. So the TD pass to Reed pulled them close late?
  4. It is fascinating, but at that point not only did no one expect the Browns to move, also at that point many pundits, considering how well the Browns had done in 1994, had picked them to be the sleeper team for the playoffs that year. Those who watched it on MNF will remember that the broadcast started with a long Drew-Carey themed circle jerk to Cleveland (his show was just starting on ABC) that did not happen to mention whom the Browns were playing that night. That game rocked... Jimbo threw a late TD to Reed to win it, if I remember correctly. He also threw one to one of those interchangeable white guys we kept signing hoping to find the next Don Beebe... the name is escaping me (it is more elusive than the receiver in question).....
  5. Fascinating. Thanks for the quick response! I do wonder how Canadian Social Security (or whatever they call it) and national health insurance charges compare to the US counterparts, but that is another subject. That being said, evidence up to now still suggests extremely limited NFL interest in moving to Toronto. I wonder if the TBD archives have the zillion threads on this from 1997-98? Anybody out there remember Canucklehead, who claimed in summer 1998 to have conclusive proof that the Bills were about to move? Ah, memories....
  6. Tax Rates in the US are worse than Canada? Where is the evidence of that? The NBA and MLB (leaving aside the NHL for its historic reasons) have had many problems with players and teams in Canada dealing with demands to be paid in US dollars, as well as issues with fan support. This discussion is so 1997 it is frightening, and the answer now is very likely the same as then. The NFL is not moving to Toronto. Whether that means the Bills are staying in Buffalo is another matter entirely.
  7. I don't know if he was joking or not, but it was awfully dumb. Truth is, though, he is out at the end of this season anyway, and everyone knows it. For better or for worse, the Falcons will keep looking for the coach to get the most out of Michael Vick. Having such a potential talent on a team is both a blessing and a curse. My guess is they pick up a hot college coach in the off-season, though I have no names in mind.
  8. Well hell then, boy... Welcome back onto the bandwagon!
  9. I guess what we are seeing is the delayed effect of the TD years.... all those dashed hopes had to catch up with us sometime. I understand the point about history, but I guess I think there are some things that you should hold onto, precisely because once you give in to the general ignorance of the population there is no where to stop. I also still think that the practical argument is short-sighted. As Apus has been saying, if the Bills are seriously in the hunt for playoffs with teams like the Pats and Dolphins, the electricity will return. By all means, pass my praise along to Staba. I have written him recently as well. If you are the senior wing analyst, does that make you the "Tim" who always talks of Keanu Reaves? A Starbucks in the Falls? Oh my, I need to get back to visit mom more often....
  10. I know about the AAFC Joey, though I am not convinced that connection outweighs the AFL connection. That is a matter of opinion. The bigger problem with the Gazette version of the "move divisions" argument, apart from the outside of the practical questions raised by Ned Flanders in the other thread, is that it is based on a short-term assessment of the Bills' attendance problems. I am as disappointed as anyone about the lack of sell-outs, but the problem lies less in the opponent than in the fans' fatigue with the uneven play of the team. This has been beaten to death in other threads, but if the Bills show competitive form, tickets will sell in advance no matter who they play. Outsourcing Bills ticket sales to Cleveland and Pittsburgh would only be a band-aid. The real problem is getting Buffalo fans to buy tickets, not to go looking for other team's fans to buy them so that the rest of us can watch them on TV. As for the Gazette in general, I should probably avoid discussing them further, since the decline of that paper and of the Falls is so depressing. The Reporter at least believes in having writers produce articles that require coherent thought.
  11. Why, Joey? Two responses: I had to attack the Gazette because the Niagara Gazette, which once was an actual city newspaper with its own identity (which I also used to deliver) is now an embarassingly shoddy newspaper folded into a conglomerate that has little real connection to the city and whose sports section relies on the AP rather than having to pay actual people to cover local sports. My anger at the decimation of the Gazette (which reflects the destruction of my home town so accurately that it is frightening) is only intensified by the laughable nature of these "columns" they publish of only two paragraphs in which one of the few living staff members speaks out of his sphincter with all the depth of an internet message board. Now, to claim that Ralph has only been ballwashed by the local media is something than can only be said by someone with no historical sense. He has taken his share of beatings from the News and elsewhere. That same lack of historical sense is what makes people forget that this AFC East is very close to the original AFL East, with Miami (who joined the AFL in 1966) replacing Houston. I would think that historical rivalries have some merit, and am appalled that people want to throw them aside just because the Bills recent lack of success has devalued the games for the moment. Does that mean Ralph has never been wrong? Not at all. But in this case, I applaud his decision to stick with the traditional division. The only franchise I can think of that has purposely gone division whoring over the years seeking new advantage at every turn is the Toronto Maple Leafs. The thought of the Bills following that example makes me intensely nauseated.
  12. You are righty-diddly-o, neighbor! Amen I say unto thee!
  13. OMFG, if the "short attention span theater" columns at the Gazette are now the epitome of common sense, then we are all doomed. Not just the Bills, but the entire freaking civilized world.
  14. The "just take out his bad performances and his stats look good argument" is always problematic (people often used it in reverse to devalue Travis Henry—you know, the old "take away his big run and he only averaged 2 ypc" argument). Even though I agree that Flutie was not awful in 1999. the fact remains that the Bills offense was very ineffective that season. They kicked a lot of field goals, and struggled against good defenses. Part of it was Joe Pendry's second-year mental vapor lock, but part of it was that Flutie did not have the success that he enjoyed in 1998. They won a lot of games in 1999 thanks to their defense, and lost several where the offense simply vanished—such as at home to the Giants and Raiders, and in NY to the Jets. I did not agree with pulling Flutie, but also have to say that his play in the second half of that season did not inspire a lot of confidence that he would be able to put up points against playoff team defenses. That was why RJ's 21-point first half against Indy caught everyone's eye. That RJ did not put up many points in TN either suggests that the problems were less with the QB than with the offense in general, but that is another argument.
  15. I think you are asking the right questions, andy. I did not get the impression that DJ called a special press conference to annouce the decision; he answered a question during his regular weekly press conference, that's all. That being said, I think the statement "save the talk of 2007 until 2007" is disingenuous on the part of people who would rather not have JP as the starter. People have already said that one would certainly announce a contract extension in advance, but in addition, has anyone considered that DJ might have considered using this answer to build up JP's confidence further on the eve of the most meaningful game of his young career? In that sense, not only is it not a problem to mention it now, it makes very good sense to do so.
  16. A good point... I suppose the proper metaphor would be a daisy chain, with each quote being the source for another repetition.... The overall point is how the Internet encourages this kind of self-perpetuating cannibalization of stories without actually adding any new information.
  17. You mean you do not find endless references to losing harness horses and constant efforts to make both professional wrestling (thank you Dave "choke hold" Metzler) and A-League Soccer sound like major sports fascinating?
  18. You realize that line is taken by Fox Sports from a D and C article by Bob Matthews that was posted on TBD this morning, right? A speculation from one columnist is picked up as a rumor, quoted as fact, and is then fed back to the internet as fodder for more speculation... Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Internet Circle Jerk!
  19. Amen to that. The NFL would cease to exist for me. I would be even more bitter than I already am.
  20. I'm guessing it is Peter Brady. Mom always said, don't play ball in the house, but he never listened....
  21. Nick, Great data... but the year of 6-10 was 2003. RJ EDIT: I guess I should have read to the end of the thread first... oh well.
  22. I am so glad I am away from Philly this school year.... But that guy at Bang is incredibly talented.... I mean, the names alone make me giggle (Lance Pants for some reason always makes me laugh), but the City Hall-speak of Mr. Spin was classic.
  23. That might be the funniest punchline I have ever read.... Just think of how many jokes with which it could go...
  24. Thank you... I'm here all week.... Tip the veal, and try your waitress!
  25. I think we may agree here more than disagree, based on your use of the E.B. White quote--a book I also take to heart, by the way. That quote, as I read it, says that the first impulse should be to get it right, which has been my point all along. (Just because I advocate clarity does not mean I always live up to my own goals... such is the nature of fallible humanity.) Too many people think there is a special virtue is flouting the rules, or being ignorant of them. That is not what Strunk and White are advocating at all. They think that, once you know them, you can learn whether to flout them for effect, but the first impulse should be to get it right. And, of course, nowhere in that book do they endorse misspelling, or the incorrect use of apostrophes. That book is a gold mine for proper usage--such as the difference between that and which. I wish more people viewed getting it right as a virtue, rather than dismissing it as old-fashioned, but I am not advocating putting people in grammatical shackles. Instead, allow me to repeat my metaphor about proper mechanics when throwing a football--you can do it a lot of ways, but it is best to make sure you have a firm command of the basics before you think you can start freelancing at will. Have a great day, and Go Bills!
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