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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. I'm all for venting. I just react allergically to the use of terms like "sobering reality" in this fantasy land. Go Bills!
  2. Oh, sorry Mr High Standards... *looking around* I don't see any roses being thrown. I am also no fan of busting on other teams. Frankly, I don't care about other teams at all. Debate is wonderful, it is what this country is all about, but if you really think that being a constant downer is a sign of realism, then we will have to agree to disagree. Me, I watch the games, get excited when they win, mope when they lose, and always remind myself that there are other things in the world that are much more important. So why do I waste my time on message boars, you ask? Because I am a fan, and because I am avoiding work, like everyone else. I claim no moral superiority in doing so.
  3. What a shock. I have to say I fail to see the value in being "objective" or "realistic" about something as enjoyable but trivial as sports. We might as well be like those old ladies who sit around debating whether Erica is really a B word or just misunderstood on "All My Children." That being said, there is also something downright weird in people who think that they have an obligation not only to piss in their own cheerios every morning, but also to run into a crowd of people insisting that it is for their own good that they be allowed to piss in everyone else's cheerios too. I'll pass, thanks. But that's just me. It's a free country, for the cereal urinators as well as for their critics...
  4. Wow... first post and you win Tool of the Day! Congratulations!
  5. True, true... but he was once listed on the 'Skins injury report as being questionable (buttock).
  6. Maybe your memories are a year out of date. You do remember that he played the entire pre-season last year, right? And two+ regular season games? Not a lot of getting run over there.....
  7. Hear, hear! I do hope you are right. By the way, did you read down that article that Colt Brennan has a "mild buttock strain." It's the ghost of RJ!
  8. I agree... If Parker is the great agent that so many say he is, he would have no interest in Peters doing anything to mess up his seniority and the like. This holdout, I have come to believe, is their way of showing the Bills how much they miss Peters, and how he will be prepared to hold out again in the future if negotiations do not get underway for a new contract. What the result will be I can't say, but I would be shocked it Peters missed that 8 August deadline.
  9. And the Bills D forgot how to tackle on an 88-yard TD run And Lee Evans had a catchable pass bounce off his hands for a TD Int And there was a bad snap on a punt And... oh, you get the idea. Peters is a great player, but remember, even after he went down the Bills were able to re-take the lead in that game. I am not saying he does not matter (far from it!)... but there are a lot of nuances involved here. I hope they all come to their senses and work something out. My suspicion is that Peters will show up before the 8 August deadline... we'll see.
  10. Awesome link Rico! I am no Favre hater, but I think Sal is right that the worship is all out of proportion to his performance the last ten years. I blame John Madden!
  11. I am sure we can find a big Lineman at this year's Highland Games. Someone like Liam O'Lardbutt from the University of Aberdeen maybe.... I hear Mel Kiper projected him as a potential steal in the third round, though he would insist on being paid his signing bonus in Haggis.
  12. It looks terrific... thanks for your hard work providing a home for all of us!
  13. I am so glad that I am not the only one bothered by this! The only possible use of KFFL is to summarize clips from other teams' home newspapers....
  14. This upcoming article in the NY Times comes to mind... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/magazine...rolls-t.html?hp It is on the front page of NYtimes.com in case the link does not work.
  15. Anyone who associates football negotiations with his marriage has issues I would rather avoid.... Seriously, I am by no means saying the Bills are blameless, but how exactly does it make "no sense at all" for a team to make attendance at practice a precondition for negotiations, when there are plenty of examples in the past of not only the Bills but other teams taking such a position? As far as I see it, this is the situation: Is Brandon's current rhetoric hard line? Yes. Is Peters' decision to hold out a hard-line position? Yes. Will there be any successful re-negotiation if Peters does not come to camp? Not likely. Will a re-negotiation happen after he does come to camp? Probably, though no one can say if it will happen this preseason. Would it be a catastrophe if it happened any time within the next twelve months? No. My guess is that Peters shows up within the next couple of weeks, or after 1000 posts on the subject on TSW, whichever comes last. I don't think either side is planning Armageddon on this. Both sides are maneuvering for position, and the negotiations to follow will launch another thousand threads, but I think it unlikely that Jason Peters signs a contract with anyone other than the Bills.
  16. Honestly Kelly, I have no idea. I am unable to look into the souls of Russ Brandon or Jason Peters or Eugene Parker, and am not so good on looking into the future either. I do know that, as Promo said, negotiations can only begin when people negotiate, and I do not see how the Bills can be expected to say anything other than they have said. The Bills have stated their position: negotiations can only begin when Peters shows up. Peters and Parker need to state theirs, rather than having us all sit around guessing what they might have in mind. The rest is just noise.
  17. To be fair and balanced, we have to agree that when they reward him is an open question... that is not the same as saying they will never reward him.
  18. They have not said that yet, Kelly... and whether they will or not is pure speculation unless and until Peters comes to camp.
  19. ...and that is saying a lot! It all appears pretty simple to me: take one part underpaid emerging star, add one part new agent with a track record of clients holding out and seeking a new commission, shake together with a team on the rise that needs its best young players in camp, and pour over Ice in a chilled Krazy Kat glass. Garnish with fading playoff hopes, and several dashes of Bitters....
  20. Well... the leg might have a bit more trouble.... say Peters' Leg, 345, Pats* 2.....
  21. I bet if Peters wanted to... he could win games all by himself... Peters 375, Pats*, zero.. [/super fan]
  22. I don't think that is the case, and can't understand why someone as obviously smart as you wants to make such an assumption.
  23. Exactly so.... that was my point as well!
  24. You can always count on smart-aleck responses in TSW to take the sail out of your winds....
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