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RJ (not THAT RJ)

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Everything posted by RJ (not THAT RJ)

  1. Oh yes... he is sitting like the World of Warcraft guy on South Park, surrounded by empty Doritos bags, clicking through the forum muttering... "ha! they will lose, because statistics prove that not drafting DL with every top draft pick means they are DOOMED!!!!!!"
  2. I see by ESPN that Jackson is ending his holdout... so Peters is the only Parker client still holding out....
  3. Touché Lori... that's what I get for allowing my crabbiness to get in the way of my reading comprehension. Nevertheless, I remember reading Brandon quotes to the same effect much earlier in this whole drama, and feel like these reports are dressing up as news information that is at best re-heated.
  4. My guess is within the next five years we will see a "whatever happened to...?" story on McGahee living in Miami, long out of football and having squandered his millions.... Another cautionary tale to be ignored by future generations of instant millionaires who fail to appreciate the gift bestowed upon them by the genetic lottery.
  5. No offense to the thread starter, but did this ESPN story contain one bit of information readers of the local Buffalo media (and regular visitors to this board) did not already know? Clark Judge just restated the positions of both sides from ca. July 15. Of course the Bills are saying Peters should honor his contract; what else would the team say until he shows up? Does not prove anything.
  6. No way Jason... the only people feeling "soured" are posters on TBD. I have no doubt that Peters, Parker, and Brandon all know this is how the game is played. There is no way the Bills will trade or release a player of Peter's potential with three years left on his contract.
  7. I think you might be right on your second comment, promo. Either that, or he said something much less explosive, which has been whipped up into something bigger through message board repetition... I do think that it would be the right time for some movement, now that we have seen one preseason game, but I guess we will have to be patient.
  8. Hey, I want to believe as much as the next guy, but as an out-of-towner trying to keep up with my team I am anxious for concrete facts. All I am hearing is one newscaster in Rochester said Peters was in the OP, but the stations closer to OP are saying nothing. Either Mike has a big scoop, or he is speculating, or people are misinterpreting what he said.
  9. Outed? You know something we don't know about Dick?
  10. So did mike report it on the air? If so, why is it not on their web site? If not, how would these random chat room guys know? I'm not expecting you to answer these questions, of course. I'm just venting.
  11. Ah, I see... IPAWTEITTTI Thanks for the info!
  12. No, that is not what he is saying at all. He is not saying it is automatic that 100+ games = good coach, but rather that it is worth considering that he has been able to coach 100+ games. I know you want to make your point, but goodness gracious, where is reading comprehension? At least Sisyphean was able to make an actual argument...
  13. Sorry, it is a busted link from my end too.
  14. Nice goal line stand to end the game.
  15. See... See! They can't even be evil correctly... that's why we SUCK!!!!! AHHHHH!!! AHHHHH!!! AHHHHH!!! [/sam Kinison playing a member of the retard rodeo]
  16. The only thing worse than obsessive negativity is obsessive negativity combined with a victimization complex... Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but no one is entitled to be beyond criticism.
  17. Always happy to see a reference to the BPLoDR.. which actually sounds like something Bill would do after a spicy Cuban meal, doesn't it?
  18. And it is much more healthy and fun, too.!
  19. Amen promo... Maybe we should ask Dave "Deep Chokehold" Metzler, or Zippy Chippy, where Bob gets his info....
  20. Not to hijack the thread, but was I the only one who, when scanning the TBD front page and saw a headline: "Bills Should Have Pursued Trade for Favre" immediately knew that Bob Matthews was the author?
  21. Golly Bob Howdy, you have some anger issues... Some might say that talking tough is a way to get fired up to play hard.. Ever hear of Joe Namath? I'm not predicting anything, but I do think it is healthier to wait and see if they fail this season before getting so worked up.
  22. Well, since the games don't start for real until next month, what would you have them do? Press blackout? Or should they say they are glued to the TV watching about Brett Favre, and are now quaking in their boots? Chill, my Bills brother.
  23. This is more wishful thinking than analysis, but my brother-in-law joked the other day that Michael Strahan held out for most of training camp last year, and the Giants won the Super Bowl.
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