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Everything posted by Blackbeard

  1. I will be relentless on social media should this happen.
  2. Feels like Allen is a different player this year. Perhaps he's more understanding of certain defenses? He's just playing with even more confidence than last year. I feel like every NFL team should NOT want to see us in the playoffs. And if you think for a second that doesn't apply to the Chiefs, think again. They fear us and Allen going in. I guarantee that. I also feel as though we haven't yet seen the full playbook offensively, mainly because we've been hobbled with injuries at WR.
  3. The whole kermit thing is lame. The guy doesn't even sound like him or look like him. And what are we, 12?
  4. Night and day difference in attitude and appreciation with Diggs. Glad Amari is a Bill.
  5. McD will find the solution. Plus, we should have milano back in lineup. I fear no team. Bills are doing it this year. It REEKS of it.
  6. Get well soon.
  7. Completely agree.
  8. Cmon man. You're smart. You have a history degree.
  9. Ironically you're offended i gave you a "lesson", which i didn't. But you cannot see how someone would be offended by a noose. Pot meeting kettle. BTW i have a Juris Doctorate in law. So there.
  10. You need to realize that a noose is seen as very offense to some. Maybe not you, but to some, yes. And maybe be a little more conscious to that. Do i think there is an err of racism involved with the kermit thing? No. But again, it was in poor taste (if indeed it was a noose).
  11. I premise this all with saying I have a very thick skin. But using a noose for anything is wrong. It's very much seen as a symbol of the horrible times during slavery. It was a classless act by some people in this fanbase. Not representative of us as a whole.
  12. Wasn’t he also a pedophile? Thought I read that there.
  13. Here’s a gem from their forum: “Regular season games are effectively practice for this franchise at this point. Has been a noticeable difference the past few years from the earlier years of the Mahomes era.” They were just practicing on us guys. Lmao.
  14. He was clearly annoyed we won, and tried to minimize it. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. Shame we lost out on him. Bills absolutely did what they had to do. But man, he woulda been a nice pickup.
  16. I think we should fire McD and hire Ron Rivera. This makes sense.
  17. Most Bills/NFL fans don't have a clue as to what constitutes a great coach. All they see is a lost ball game, and yell fire the coach. We are BLESSED to have this coach. What he's been able to accomplish on defense is down right amazing. He's usually working with second and sometimes third stringers. He's about as good as a coach as you can ask for. The hate is INSANE.
  18. How worried should we be about Detroit? I don't want to get way too far ahead of myself, but imagine meeting them in the SB. They've certainly shown the league a LOT of offense. I'd think most of their playbook is out, whereas I think Brady hasn't shown anything yet, with all systems go in terms of having all our WR out and running. How do we match up?
  19. Anyone have any idea when Milano would actually play? Has coach mentioned him playing first game after bye?
  20. Man that sucks for Gabe. Best wishes to heal up and get back at it.
  21. Should be fun adding back in Milano. Can't wait!!
  22. You get Coop, Kincaid, Coleman and Samuel.... OH.. and SHAKIR all together in one game, with a little time to gel, and you have a helleva receiving core. And I should mention Hollins, cause that dude is BALLING out when we need him. Hollins can play.
  23. Bills woulda dropped 40 on that scrub team with Kincaid, Coleman, and a non short circuiting Bass in the line up.
  24. That is the MVP. Convince me otherwise.
  25. Keep running into a wall. Over and over and over. this play calling. Ughhh
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