This should be HUGE incentive for the players to play their balls off. Not having to deal with Burrow now?
We've shown we can beat Miami. Chiefs look a little less than. The Ravens though..
What's sad is that if we were any semblance of last years team, we'd likely be AFC top dog.
Damn. Why can't this crap happen when we're playing well?
Hate to see injuries. Burrow is a helleva QB.
This post is ridiculous.
What else are we going to B word about? Who else should we yell and scream needs fired?
Sal is probably THE most informative media guy covering the Bills. IMO he doesn't come off anything but.
Barring Miami having a catastrophic meltdown and/or Tua going out, we’re not winning the AFCE. Miami has a cakewalk of a schedule remaining.
If we make the playoffs it will be because of a flukey Andy Daltonesque bailout.