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Everything posted by bbills17

  1. Good point, and I don't think we lose anything with A-Train vs. Willis. If anything, I think we're better off with A-Train purely for the intangibles he has. I don't think Willis will ever really 'get' it and his mediocre running seals the deal for me.
  2. If you honestly believe that you are delusional, give it a rest! It's a conspiracy people!! The Bills have been extremely classy about Willis and haven't uttered a single bad thing about the idiot. Maybe, just maybe, he's not nearly as good as you think he is? What is with you and your crush on him?
  3. and this is another example of you defending anything and everything Willis has ever done and never having any criticism for him at all. All you have ever done is say Willis' shortfalls were the cause of our O-line. As far as I'm concerned, Willis has no idea what kind of RB he is. He runs with hesitation often, and isn't quick enough to hit holes when they are there. He's horribly inconsistent as far as blocking assignments, and he's as dumb as a post. Mularky buried him on 3rd downs, and Dick did not. Who was right? Willis was _horrible_ on 3rd downs, especially in short yardage. He doesn't catch the ball well, and both of his last coaches have had issues with him. But he's still the golden boy to you. Now, when our running game improves this year, you'll say our O-line is the only reason. WM WAS a big problem with our run game, and you will see the same problems with the Ravens this year. All we ever heard from you was wait and see, he's going to reclaim his 'college speed' this year. I'm still waiting.
  4. Exactly, after all the BS surrounding WM, and his average (at best) production and desire on the field, would you extend this dolt for 5+ years (as he was apparantly demanding??). He'd be a distraction, sit out, and then head out of town, OR we commit 5 years and 40+ million on him? See you later, and with a great return!
  5. I couldn't care les what Pats fans think. I watch all the games, and a good portion of other teams' games. Willis is crap.
  6. I've been saying this for years, and yet there were always a dozen 'experts' claiming Willis was a top-5 back. Peter, where are you now? Kelly? The guy has been horribly average ever since Travis left. Terribly inconsistent blocker, terrible attitude, hesitant runner, doesn't know the playbook, and he's a MORON.
  7. You need to stop thinking with your heart and realize Eric Moulds is done. He was a shadow of himself his last year here, and he deserves what he's getting after wanting to leave Buffalo and blaming his declining speed and hands on everyone but himself. Watch some tape of his last year here, he was so slow off the line it wasn't funny, and he's now 2 years older!
  8. 1. The Toronto comment isn't the only thing Wilis has said for everyone to come to the conculsion that he's a complete moron. 2. 1000 yards is NOTHING in today's NFL, Shaud Williams could have ran for 1000 being the feature back. 3. Let's talk WM's skill in all facets of the RB posiiton. He's below-average to terrible when you factor everything in. You promise we'll extend him before the draft? You're on some drugs buddy, there is absolutely no chance Levy will extend him. Trade him, maybe, extend, no way.
  9. I bet you're not considering receiving yards are you? How about blitz pickup? How about basic intelligence (on the field)? I bet Edge and Willis are equals right? And since Willis fans always insist on bringing this up when it suits them, why don't you compare Arizona's OL to the Bills'? I thought so. I've said it since Travis left town, and I'll say it again, as a complete RB Willis is below average, and on some days pathetic. Take a look around the league at all the rookies performing (and looking) better than our stiff. I'd even take Adai over WM.
  10. One of the best blockers at his position? That's the most laughable thing I've ever heard. One of the best? Go back to sleep please, you obviously haven't watched a game in the past 2 years.
  11. You talk about everyone else's ulterior motives. What are yours? What is with your constant love affair with Willis? As I've said for the last 18 months, Willis is as average as you get as far as SKILLS go. Come on, take all the responsibilities of a RB and grade Willis, if you still think Willis is a top-5 RB and it's all our line, you really need to watch football a little closer. The guy is far worse than multiple rookies from this year, and is easily in the bottom half of the league. Why everyone else can see it (including Ralph), but you can't, is beyond me. Let's not even start on how much of a moron WM is to boot.
  12. Well, Kelly drops in now and then and defends Willis for reasons only he knows, but Peter has since disappeared. I'm sure they'll both chime in and say Marv has no clue as well. I've been saying this this season and last, consistently. Not only that, if his running is subpar, what do we have in him?! He's a terrible blocker, non-existent receiver, terrible short yardage, so what DOES he do so well that these guys defend him game in and game out? This guy is a big part of the problem, has been for 2 years. It's pretty clear when a castoff guy like A-Train can play better football than Willis. The instant Travis left town was when he started his decline and he can be replaced with a mid-round pick.
  13. Here's something to get you on board. Watch the Bills game, any week where WM is the RB. Then watch at least 5 or 6 other NFL games. You'll come to the realization that WM is a below-average RB (and that's being generous). If you don't, you need to watch more football. When you combine all of the things that make a RB and football player) good, WM is a joke.
  14. Look around the league at the number of very promising RBs that were drafted this year. Willis better be gone after this season, anyone that can't see how bad he is is kidding themselves.
  15. Right, so Hasselbeck, Bulger, Pennington, Brady, Rivers, are all crap and had to learn on the field right? Those are just a few examples ...
  16. Kind of like all the 'experts' who claim JP needs to play every game to improve? Like a QB can't learn the game on the bench while the team plays the guy that gives the best chance to win? Hasselbeck, Bulger, Pennington, Brady, Rivers, etc all learned on the bench and started playing games when they were ready. This 'trial by fire' or nothing approach so many people here preach is utter BS. Kind of like all the 'experts' who claim Willis is god's gift to RBs, or he's got his college speed back, etc etc. The guy is a stiff and we are better with A-Train in the backfield, that says something.
  17. I'm not disputing that play, but he says put any QB behind our O-line and the results would be exactly the same? That's completely wrong. There are few QBs in the league as bad as JP as far as stepping up or avoiding a pass rush (or getting the ball out and making quick reads).
  18. I disagree. Watch the other QBs around the league avoid the rush, there are very few great O-lines these days. The good QBs (like Brady for example), who aren't even very mobile, take one quick step up, and lose rushers or buy time. Watch any game. It's incredible how the Saints' O-line turned good overnight, and the signing of Drew Brees was just a coincidence?
  19. Why don't you try watching the games instead of rhyming off stats and the score? For example, I don't need to review stats to see A-Train runs better than Willis has all year long (not to mention he's better at every other facet of the RB position). Yet week after week we would get the Willis lovers on the board tell us how close he was to leading the league in rushing or his ypc when the Bills were up by more than 7 points after at least 1 quarter when the other team was in the NFC. Who really cares?! I don't need stats to see JP has 0 pocket presence and has no clue how to avoid the rush. I also don't need stats to see defensive linemen catching him as he tries to scramble. That doesn't mean he doesn't have a great arm or that he has shown some improvement. My opinion has always been that the best player at every position should be playing, and that is not JP (I have stated this since last season). QBs learn on the bench all the time in the NFL.
  20. I argued this over and over and over when all the so-called 'experts' said JP has to play to improve. That is utter BS!! There are countless examples of QBs that sat on the bench for 2, 3, 4, 5 years, learned the game there, and then played very well. Evaluate him in practice and when he gives us the best chance to win, put him in. Otherwise, he should be carrying a clipboard.
  21. Exactly. Let's forget the argument that he'll improve, because he may. Right now, he has no clue how to avoid a pass rush. And, for all the talk of his mobility, I never see him outrun any LBs or even defensive linemen when chased.
  22. You don't watch much football.
  23. Umm, I've seen it for 2 years, and have been saying it as well. Outside of Willis while he was battling Travis for the #1 job, he has been a below-average RB.
  24. And also 8 more games to show us that we lose _nothing_ with A-Train in there vs. WM. Here it is now, A-Train will be every bit the complete RB Willis is, I say better.
  25. Thank you, I agree! Constantly pinning everything on our O-line is wrong, and a good QB would show us this. Our line is not near as bad as people make it out to be, and I would say our left side is definitely above average as it was last week. EDIT: Sorry, not trying to pin this all on JP. He's part of the problem, but the playcalling, our blitz pickup, our RB hitting the holes and making some of his own on occasion, our WRs getting open, etc.
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