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Everything posted by mtdoak

  1. Its simple: Buy 4 tickets for Queer eye for the straight guy guys. Inform Tom Brady that they are all in the audience and watching him intently. Watch Tom get nervous, gittery, excited and throw several forced passes.
  2. Hey all, I've got my first big job interview today! With Robert Half Technologies of Detroit. I just picked up my new suit and I'm nervous! Wish me luck!
  3. Thanks all, found a good .gif editor. I still crack up at that stupid thing
  4. For all you who want to save it... http://www.geocities.com/freakdoak/lol.gif
  5. Anyone who can help me get this avatar as my own??
  6. Wow, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
  7. My avatar is a little too big, thus, I can't upload it. However, the humor factor is just too great to ignore (for me at least) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=A...type=post&id=36 Then again, I'm very immature.
  8. What a fantastic idea..... The problem is that most of this stuff is done OUTSIDE the US, so the Gov't has no say what the companies do with their money. For this to be even feesible the Gov't would have to pass some heavy regulatory bills that would severly limit what you could and could not do on the internet and where you could go. This just won't happen.
  9. I hope Brady does alot of non football stuff this offseason....so when he sucks it up bigtime without his genius offensive coordinator and leads the pats to a 6-10 record this year he can blame SNL for distracting from his offseason.
  10. Belive me, I want to....
  11. Its a touchy subject. Right now, sports gambling is a state to state issue, and playing on the internet is pefectly legal. However, making legal nationwide would open a big can of states power vs federal power. Personally, as long as what you are doing is not harming anyone, you should be able to do it online without any gov't interference. I play online as a semi-pro poker player (most 2/4 and 3/6 limit hold'em), and have been following this case very closely. The best argument I've heard is that if you visit another country and participate in an act that is legal there, when you came back, no matter how illegal in the US, the US government could not punish you for it. Thats what your doing when you gamble online. You are 'virtually' visiting another place, most of which are not based in the US. Now, if a company decides to open a large online gambling site based in the US, they would be subject to all federal and state taxes, and would pay them. However, federally 'regulating' internet gambling would open a can of worms that I don't think any senator would have the balls to open up, simply because of the public opinion swing it could have.
  12. Haha, whichever one was born in Hornell. You know, the president from Independence Day, Spaceballs. Haven't lived there in like 17 years.
  13. http://www.eveningtribune.com/articles/200...news/news01.txt Undoubtedly this is what it is about.
  14. Sniff...makes me miss the old hometown (was born there WAY back in 82). I bet someone said something mean to Bill Paxon. Nobody messes with Bill in Hornell.
  15. It was an alright movie. If you like Comic books you will like this movie. I like Micheal Madsen, but his exchange with Hartigan (Bruce Willis) at the beginning was just terrible. Talk about mailing in a performance. The script was a little lacking at points...but then again, it WAS based off a comic book.
  16. The SHOW that everyone should be watching is Arrested Development. Now THERE'S a show.
  17. My personal expectation is this: A decent QB with mobility that makes the O-line look better. A few mental mistakes in the start of the season, maybe one that costs the Bills a game. I expect him to keep blitzing defenses at bay with a quick release and scrambling ability and to be able to move the ball downfield and be able to make quality reads against tough defenses. Asking too much of JP or about right?
  18. Two words why it will suck, hard: Micheal Bay, the root of all evil.
  19. Losman has had what? maybe 20 real NFL snaps and this sounds like JP?? Lets at least wait until after the first preseason game to make a judgement.
  20. Which sugar plant is this again?
  21. It used to be you'd feel sorry for the person. These days, finding a severed body part of any kind in your food is the equivilent of winning the lottery. Damn, I want a big toe in my chilli. I bet Wendy's corporate would send you $10,000 just not to tell anyone.
  22. Just curious: Do you think the Jets or the Bills are the better football team? To me its a push....but...curious what everyone else thinks?
  23. Any professional hockey arena watching a NHL game in the next 6 months!!!! BRING BACK HOCKEY!!!!
  24. You can see alot of Drew's arrogence in this article, how he felt disrespected, etc, etc. He blames the bills for not getting him any help, putting all their emphasis on Defense for his poor years. Drew had an amazing 8 games in Buffalo....then it went downhill. Drew was average when McGahee shouldered the load...terrible whenever he was called on. Hey Drew, your over the hill. Get over yourself. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?id=2020416
  25. By 40 yards or more you mean 35 yards or more....right?
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