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Everything posted by mtdoak

  1. Two Words: Jerry Bruckheimer. 'Nuff Said.
  2. Buffalo comes out early and often: 41-7. And the rest of the NFL gets very very scared.
  3. Ok, with all that being said....how important is it that we have Milloy pop both their receivers early and often everytime they make a catch?
  4. Any chance we move Vincent back to CB to cover him this week? Or alternate his position, sometimes playing him FS, sometimes lining him up across from Huscahajkl;avkldal whatever his name is. Thoughts?
  5. I'm sincerely hoping Bledsoe has a '10 pass attempt day' where Buffalo runs the ball, runs it again, and then runs it again. A play action pass once in a while, then run the ball again. I want to see 50 minutes of ball control!
  6. But its not just a fight with a fan of the opposing team....its a fight with ohioians. God knows that more than a few Ohio natives need an ass beating.
  7. At this point Henry is a salary dump. Having him around is only a negative to the locker room.
  8. Buffalo has a statement game coming next week. This is where we are going to find out how good the Bills really are. They've run over some poor teams the past 3 weeks, lets see how they do against a well coached Cincy team. Biggest Game of the season by far. Lets Go Buffalo!
  9. Yup. their gonna draft the next ryan leaf.
  10. Just heard it on the radio....
  11. Buffalo 34, Cleveland 6
  12. We got a game against the Ohio Brown Stains this weekend. We need to win it. Then we need to win versus a confidence gaining Bungles team. THEN we need to go to the Left coast and put in a solid effort vs. the 49ers. AND THEN we need to beat one of the best teams in Football......AND THEN we need to either beat Indy or San Diego on the road AND THEN we need to beat either Pittsburgh or NE ON THE ROAD. AND THEN, we need to bet a 3rd good team in their house. Then we'll talk superbowl.
  13. You don't have to root for either team. Just root that opposition plays bad enough you can say 'man, i can't belive the bengals/broncos just have those !@#$s/retards/Tom Brady Homosexual sh-- eaters the game like that'
  14. 48 hrs to live? I'd drive to Tom Brady's house, bludgening his girly face with a 9 iron while screaming 'overrated! overrated!' Of course, I'd probably have to fight may way through half the ESPN football analysts who would be lining up to give him a BJ one last time.
  15. Buffalo plays Cincy. If they win out, this game is irrelevant. If NE loses, there's a better chance Pitt rests their starters on Jan. 2nd. Go :shudder: Bengals. Besides, isn't a NE loss ALWAYS a good thing. Frankly, I just can't wait till upstart team X goes in to Foxboro for the divisional playoffs and just beats the snot out of NE on their own turf.
  16. Bledsoe CAN'T be the next Elway. Don't you remember all those 'slow moving white bronco' jokes that came out after the OJ car chase. No way you can make 'Slow Moving White Bill' jokes.
  17. Only an Ohioian could do something this stupid...gawd i hate this place.
  18. Sorry, but this has to be said: Oh yeah? I had sex with your wife!!
  19. After doing some thinking, I have come to a few conclusions about Bledsoe. When Bledsoe is in a good offense where the running game is working, Bledsoe is a good to great QB. Strong arm, hits receivers with precision. However, once the running game stalls. Or he is sacked a few times, Bledsoes game goes downhill. Teams realize this and almost always try and force Drew to win the game by himself. Why does this happen. Why does Bledsoe try to win games by himself and make terrible throws. Its simple: Bledsoe is impatient. Its almost as if he gets frustrated when the offense isn't working and tries to win it himself. When Bledsoe doesn't believe in a system he is playing, his game suffers tremedously, simply because he tries to play above the system and do everything himself. Look at his early years in New England. He flourished. Why? Because he believed in the coaching staff and the system he was in. When things went bad, he didn't panic, he just played within the system and he won. After Parcells left, his career went downhill. Why? The personell did change, the coaching changed....however, Bledsoe slowly lost faith in the system he was in, tried to do it all his self. He never gained faith in the Belichek system, and by the time he did (the 2001 AFC Championship game), Brady had taken over. Fast forward to his career in Buffalo. His first 8 games? Absolutly amazing. he had a new system which he believed in. However, as the playcalling got worse and worse, the system started to break down. By the time the 2003 season was over, Bledsoe had no faith in the system at all, which was well justified. The last 3 games however, Bledsoe seems to have started to play much better. Maybe it was the New England game that jarred his noggin loose. However, it appears as if Bledsoe is starting to believe in Mularky and the new system. And while I think Losman has to be the starter eventaully, if Bledsoe finishes the season strong, well, next season could very well be the best in a long time for Drew.
  20. Do you remember the terrible 1 year period following their national championship? I couldn't talk about another college football team anywhere without hearing how they aren;t nearly as good as OSU was. You undoubtedly know about the Ohioian tendancy to pass semis at about 1 MPH faster and their inability to merge from 3 lanes to 2 without nearly stopping traffic completly? To be honest, Ohio isn't THAT bad. I'm still living in the USA, and for that i'm grateful. However, Ohio definitly is not one place I'm going to be staying for all the reasons i stated above and more. Detroit, PA, NY, even DC. But certainly not anywhere in OH. The people, I can't even find a word for it. Its like you take the most paronoid, dellusional small town you've ever been who likes to hear how great their town is, make it into a whole state, and you have Ohio. At least in NY I know that is going to be cold cold cold from November to March. There are nice Ohioians and not everyone of them should be shot. There are even a few Ohioians I respect. However, to anyone who lives here and continues to live here when they have a reasonable means to get out (i.e. no career ties, no massive family commitments), those people I just don't understand. Go Bills!
  21. cedarville university. Electrical engineering.
  22. any tix left? I have been seriously considering it, however, given the expense of a NFL ticket and the meager earnings of a College student, its not looking good.
  23. Going to school. By my sophmore year I realized my mistake, but the dumb schools credits have a hell of a time transferring. Espically to NYS schools.
  24. As a bills fan, you are miles ahead of the average ohioian. However, as this is your primary residence, I will have to share with you my opinion: Anyone with an Ohio license plate and a handicapped sticker is reeking of redundency. And Go Bills.
  25. Cleveland road crews are downright shameful when it comes to cleaning the major highways, believe me, I know, I almost got killed coming back to OH from thanksgiving break 2 years ago. All salt and no plow. And your right, as soon as I'm done with school, I'm going to go back to the beautiful winters, rolling hills, blue collar WNY/CNY. Sure, there are higher taxes, but Niagra Falls, NYC, the adirondack mountains, and of course, Beloved Buffalo sports teams. If you want to talk about Corrupt gov'ts, you'd better leave Ohio out of the picture. Whens the last time a NY senator got kicked out of the senate? And inferiority complexes? To who? Toronto? Western PA? The only people that WNY could be jealous of is NYC, and its really apples to oranges when you compare the two. I love NY!! (cue cheesy music here....)
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