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Everything posted by mtdoak

  1. I almost felt bad for the Pats with the whole Bruschi thing...really a tough break for, IMHO, their best player. Why don't we send Henry to the Bears for them NOT to trade Urlacher to the Pats.
  2. sudden testicular rupture
  3. You HAD to go use the T.C. word. I can FEEL the jinx. Good job.
  4. All I have to say is, the Patriots do a great job at getting team guys, and they've got a great mix right now. That being said, I think with Law and Brown leaving now, if the Patriots start to be as successful without 2/3 of their brain trust (which is a distinct possibility), you will see more and more leaving for more $. Its the nature of the beast.
  5. bwhahahahahahaha....... Bwhahahahahahahaha..........
  6. Here is what you can do: #1. Go find a motorcycle gang with burly men. #2. With your Bledsoe jersey on, shout insults ala Peter Griffen "Excuse me is your fridge running? Because if it is, I bet it runs just like you, very homosexually" or "Excuse me aren't you Richard Simmons" #3. Get your a$$ beat to pieces for the total bledsoe experience. #4. After its over, hold a press conference and say "We played well, we just didn't get the bounces we needed"
  7. I don't want anymore stinkin ohioians on these team. He led OSU to a national championship....its clear that he had in fact signed some deal with Satan.
  8. Its simple: Sign Law= no room cap room for any free agents. Unless he wants to come play for Buffalo for less than 1.0 million a year with no signing bonus, he can go away. Better Idea: Pick up a talented by underachieving center for McNally to work with and a good hands TE that has a knack for bailing QBs out. Also, a veteran backup running back would be nice. Oh, and resign big Pat for less than he is making now. All these would cost less than Law.
  9. Here's the thing: with the amount of oral servicing Tom Brady gets from the news media outlets across the country, he doesn't have the time (or care) to B word for more money. Just wait till The Patsies Bubbles bursts next season with their NFL best system out of place. 6-10, and all of the sudden Marcia wants more $$$$....who knew....
  10. Lohan, Lindsay +1-347-596-9990 jackpot!
  11. Paille is going to be a hell of a 3rd liner for Buffalo in the future. An Peca type player, but without as much offense.
  12. The Senaca-Alleghany Casino Spreads a 2-4 limit game and a 100 max buy in NL game. They also have weekly tourneys. The dealers are slow but the games are soft. I would read some books before you plunk down 100 to play in a casino. Skalansky's Small Stakes Hold'em is a great book if you want to play limit.
  13. At least the good news is they are gonna suck it up big time once their braintrust leaves.
  14. ESPN Classic was running those 1/2 hr specials on the superbowls yesterday, in order. Most depressing 2hrs in a long time...
  15. 'Patriot Nation becomes 'Pay-off' nation' June 17, 2009 With the third retired official to come foward in as many days, its becoming increasingly clear that the 3 Superbowl Championships in four years between 2001-05 were clearly not on an even playing field. "What would you get for ignoring a holding call against the Patriots?" ESPN asked one retired official, who answered on the condition of anonmity "Every man on the crew would get around $5000/game. $10000 if it was a playoff game. We didn't have to give them every call, just all the critical ones" "Did the head of officiating know about this" "He got alot more than we did" "What were the most frequent non calls against the patriots?" "Lets see...we must have not blown whistles on at least 5 holding calls a game against them, even when they started enforcing the 5 yard rule in '04, it never applied to them" "Would you say that the Patriots would have the success they did without the refs help" "They were a good team. Look at 2001. We gave them all the help in the world and they still went 9-7. What happened eventually was everytime another team gained momentum, we'd make marginal call after marginal call against them until the team made a mistake out of frustration. We were good at what we did, and we were paid well for it. It made it almost impossible for any team to make any progress." "Why did it stop?" "When Cremmel and Weis both left in '05, they refused to take hush money from (owner Bob) Kraft. We pretty much had to stop or it was the end of the line for all of us" "How did this go undetected until now?" "A few things. First, we made alot of 'case' calls against the Pats. Calls that went against them, but were pretty much inconsequential. Second, ESPN, the major sports network of the world, loved the Patriots. They just talked about how good they were all the time, and turned a blind eye that they were getting an alarmingly larger number of calls than any other team in the NFL. They kept saying how good they were, and everyone went along with it" "Did anyone ever suspect this" "Ask any coach in the AFC east how many calls went against them a year. They'll tell you. I don't think any of them every actually thought the patriots were paying us off, but I bet alot of them aren't suprised" "What do you think will happen because of all this" "Its hard to say. Obviously the NFL is going to be losing alot of experienced officials over this. I would be shocked to see Belichek ever coach in the NFL again. Its a shame, he's a great coach, just wanted to win too badly. I would also be suprised if the Patriots keep their super bowl titles. You obviously can't go back and play those games again." The NFL has declined comment on all the charges, only saying "We are currently putting a signifigant amount of resources into the charges against the New England Franchise" Many insiders speculate that not only will the Patriots be stripped of their superbowl titles, but many members of the Patriot front office will be facing a potential life suspension from the NFL.
  16. You obviously didn't watch ANY falcons highlights this year or 2002. Sunday, Dec. 1st, 2002. Vick vs. the Vikes. http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/recap/NFL_20021201_ATL@MIN Nuff Said. Manning: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=241226011 AND they got the 2 pt conversion. Did I mention he broke the all time single season TD passing record with the last second winner.
  17. Right, cause Manning doesn't pretty much run his own offense. Manning IS the system.
  18. J Delhomme: 16/33, 324 yards, 3 TDs. And Vinitari won that game. Next.
  19. Win a game by himself. That is something he has NEVER done as a QB. He has ALWAYS had a good team around him. Manning, Vick, Culpepper, Farve, McNair and McNabb have all done this. I challenge you to find a game where Brady put the team on his shoulders and carried them to victory without the defense making a big play or a miracle bounce.
  20. Yup. Both QBs would succeed in spite of what system they played in. Some systems would make them more successful, but they would still be great QBs. You can't say the same for Brady.
  21. Brady is a system QB in one hell of a system. Put him on a sh------- team, he'd be an above average QB at best. Good field vision, quick release.....and thats about it. Without even thinking about it, I can name 6 QBs who I'd take over Brady (Manning, McNabb, Vick, Culpepper, Farve, McNair). I'll give props to the Patriots front office for putting together a great staff and giving them the players they needed to have one of the best systems in football, but, I'm not going to sit here and hear that Brady is one of the best QBs of all time. He's not even one of the best QBs THIS YEAR. Shoot, he's not even the best player on the Patriots. Dillon and Bruschi are much more valuable than Brady is. Want to think of something scary? Put McNabb or Culpepper on that team, see how he would do. I think most of the NFL is going to be in for a big suprise with both Coordinators leaving this offseason, Brady and the Pats are going to have a pretty average year in '05(8-8ish), unless they get some great coordinators in there. Bottom line is, success alone does not make a QB a great QB. Success makes a great team a great team.
  22. Whats wrong with you. Its fuggin hockey, the next best thing to football, and the only thing going on with Buffalo during the winter. COME BACK HOCKEY!!
  23. C'mon, Bledsoe for Palmer and a 1st......pretty please???
  24. There's alot of talk of 'what team are you rooting for now that Buffalo is out', but to me, the answer is simple. Whoever is lining up the other side of the New England Patriots.
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