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Everything posted by boltuprite

  1. The Bills will compete. Whether they have enough to pull off the upset remains to be seen. What I see in the Bills is a team that is finding it's identity and seems to be gaining confidence. The defense is pretty solid, special teams are a strength, but the offense needs to find that consistency and killer instinct when they have the chance to score points. Losman I believe will be a keeper as he continues to gain more experience and confidence. What is encouraging is that I think he was the best offensive player on the field against the Vikings. On paper, this looks like a mismatch, but games aren't played on paper (pardon the cliche). But, IMHO if the Bills are to win, it will be in a low scoring defensive battle, decided by special teams and a big play off a turnover.
  2. exactly, nobody ever won a Super Bowl in October. (except maybe Miami....no wait, they won it this year in August...LOL)
  3. "I got a wedgie"
  4. sorry, but I just can't see the Bills putting more than 10 points on the board. Hope I'm wrong but...
  5. "I think somebody needs to tell Tony Kornheiser"................... to shut his freakin pie-hole
  6. Rumours of the Patriots demise were greatly exagerated. Rumours of a Bears dynasty are pre-mature
  7. Hideous. When I saw the picture from the game in the Toronto Sun, I thought the Leafs had played the Penguins. The Blue is too dark, it looks black. The logo, looks like a slug not a Buffalo. How hard would it have been to go back to the original crest (the charging buffalo with the two crossed swords), use the original blue and gold, and add the "B" logos onto the shoulders. That woudl be a nice jersey.
  8. now if they will just admit there was no pass interference and Champ Bailey fumbled through the end zone in the Denv/N.E. game and all will be forgiven.
  9. Interesting paralell. Although I don't think Ralph is even close to Ballard in nature, the article does point out some interesting things. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Football/NFL/200...398170-sun.html
  10. sounds like a case of sour grapes fror some fans here. Bills fans can only dream of the glory the Pats have achieved these last few years. I laughed when everyone was writing them off earlier this year but even with 8 starters out of the line-up on defence they still managed to get through the toughest part of their schedule holding the AFC East lead, then with the exeption of the Miami game (which they tanked) they rolled to the AFC east title. On paper Indy is the superior team in the AFC this year, but remember games aren't played on paper and the Pats know how to win. I won't be at all surprised if they are In Detroit to defend their crown in a couple of weeks. Perhaps when Buffalo finally wins a Super Bowl they can diss the Pats, until then you can only grudginly admire them
  11. there's an old saying. "you can never really go home again" As much as I genuinely like and respect Marv Levy, I just can't see this as the solution to the Bills woes. A complete housecleaning was in order here and instead we get back to the future.
  12. The Golden Girls will be replacing the Jills as cheerleaders.
  13. I'v been saying this to my buddies all year. Everyone seemed to forget the fact the Pats were decimated by injuries (missing 8 starters on defence for one thing), yet were still able to hang on to the AFC east. As we see them getting healthier week by week, they have begun to steamroll teams (last week the Bills, this week the Bucs). Indy was exposed yesterady and if they can't figure out a way to protect Manning better than that, they won't be around too long in the playoffs. Bellichek has probably already starting breaking down the Chragers/Colts game films in prepertaion for the inevitable January showdown with the Colts.
  14. Actually on the long pases that JP has thrown, Evans has run under the passes. JP seems to just hang it out there and has been fortunate he hasn't underthrown the receiver.
  15. with the exception of the first quarter pass to Evans (which he ran under), and the late reception by Reid in garabage time, I would say Lossman missed almost every receiver yesterday
  16. Why doesn't Ralph try putting an NFL team in there for a change.?
  17. Agreed; Whoever comes in must address the lines (both offense and defense). This is where you must begin to build the team. Lossman may be the answer at QB, but he will never be successful unless he can be protected and given time to read defeneses and make plays. If your philosophy is to be a running team with McGahee, then develop a line that can open running lanes.
  18. And while were complaining..... those ugly uniforms don't help. If your gonna lose, at least look good doing it. Bring back the real blue uni's not these highs school handoffs.
  19. watched on TV, the lower bowl looked about 1/5th full, 10 minutes into the first quarter. It's quite a dilemna for Bills fans. The team stinks, TD and MM had destroyed this franchise yet if you voice your displeasure either via a sign or a chant or a t-shirt, TD's Gestapo storm-troopers will be on you like a fly on ca-ca. The other option is to just stay away all together. But, what does this say to Ralph, does it give him an excuse to move the team if he's playing to an empty stadium? Hopefully Ralph has got the message by now. It's not that Buffalo won't support his team, it's just that the fans are smart enough to know when a team is a flaming car wreck and it's time to look the other away.
  20. wearing plastic bags might be less painful. The misery would be over quicker.
  21. Bellichek's reusme = 3 super bowl rings Mularkey's resume = selling onion rings this is why Bellichek can get away with that call.
  22. While I am not great fan of MM I believe it falls on Donahoe. If the Gm's philosophy was to play smashmouth in your face footbal focussing on a runnung game, wouldn't it have made sense to acquire the lineman necessary for this type of offence?
  23. Is DICK Dickerson still even on the air. I thought he got turfed from 55 and was hiding out in the Everglades? He was a lunatic sometimes, but he was funny.
  24. with Buffalo's o-line (that Donahoe has done such a stellar job of building), until they invent a rubber QB who can bounce off opposing line-man, no QB will do well in a Bills uniform. JP had done well all things considered. Bledose was a pocket passer, hell of an arm, but was a sitting duck back there.
  25. well being stuck in Toronto, we get the the simulcast game from Buffalo on the Global TV affiliate. That means we get stuck with the Bills even though GLOBAL TV could pick up any other game (last weeks Cinci/Pitt game would have been nice). Even worse they picked up the Jets/Pats late game...arghhhh. Watching the Pats was fine, but not this year as they are boring to watch also.
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