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Everything posted by boltuprite

  1. you wanna see fat fans? go to any sporting event in Houston, They're all tanks down there
  2. and what would be so bad about having the Pats in the AFC chamionship game? it would just give credence to what we all know. The AFC east is the toughest division in football
  3. no, I thnk it's more of a case of "I really don't give a sh--"
  4. Bufallo's uni's are in the top 4 for worst in the league. in no particular order. Buffalo, Seattle, Tennesee and Denver are all hideous. if you're gonna suck, at least look good doing it.
  5. some of you guys crack me up. When it comes to Belichek, Brady and the whole New England Patriots. you all have such a case of penis envy it's laughable.
  6. it's the damned if u do, damned if u don't scenario. the photographer was in the way, blocking his path to Mangini. If Bellichek hadn't gotten to Mangini to shake his hand, today you would all be lambasting him for being a lousy sport.
  7. besides what the hell else is their do do in Green Bay? watching the cheese harden gets quite boring.
  8. that's why I only use my inflatable toys in the bedroom.
  9. thanks for the link much obliged, and merry Christmas
  10. I blame the stupidity of the NFL. it's Xmas eve on Sunday. There are no college games on Saturday. why didn't they schedule ganes for Staurday this week instead of Sunday?
  11. maybe the master plan is to remove about 10,000 seats to fit the new jumbotron in, thus guaranteeing sellouts next year.
  12. look for that next year. basically the NFL needs a hard figure like say 65,000 seats sold = no blackout
  13. Yeah, really makes sense this NFL blackout policy. The Bills posted the 3rd highest crowd of week 15 and yet their game is blacked out. Week 15 Attendenace figues Seattle 67,650 Atlanta 71,102 Buffalo 71,011 Chicago 62,260 Green Bay 70,472 Tennesee 69,143 Minnesota 63,677 New England 68,756 New Orleans 69,052 Carolina 68,947 Baltimore 70,857 Arizona 63,845 Oakland 50,164 New York 78,657 San Diego 66,583
  14. New England Patriots Washington Redskins
  15. take Toronto off that list. They don't have a stadium that can accomodate NFL football and ther is no way in hell the taxpayers would ever pony up the dough.
  16. No, it's not a long drive but you all have no idea of my life or schedule. Hmmm maybe I have to be back to work a shift on Sunday night..... If the game was at 4:00 I am lucky to be back in Toronto by 10:00 PM. If the game starts at 1:00 I am home by around 6:30 -7:00 PM Have to be at work by 9:00 PM so yeah, it does make a big difference to me when they move start times. Just glad it's back to the original 1:00 PM start
  17. Well, now at least I can come to the game again. the Fans rule the day
  18. stop whining. I'd rather see a game between 2 legit playoff contenders than two also- rans
  19. Yep, moving this game means I won't be coming down from Toronto now. It also means these are the last tickets I ever buy for the Bills. I am sick of this crap.
  20. ....I have decided I will no longer be coming down from Toronto to the game. Thanks to the NFL and Buffalo for showing so much consideration to fans who have to travel to get to the games. I certainly won't be buying anymore Bills tickets in the future if they are going to pull crap like this.
  21. I agree sort of, as I know Bills fans pride themsleves on being a cold weather team. Nothing funnier when you see a team like Miami or San Diego shiverring beside the heaters and the Bills run out wearing short sleeve jerseys and bare arms. I can remember going to a Miami/Buffalo game in December and pelting the Dolphin bench with snowballs. However, what I meant was fans are less likely to come into Buffalo from places like Rochester or to the north, St. Catherines if there is bad weather and the road conditions aren't good.
  22. said it before and I'll say it again. The NFL blackout policy is whacked. As stadium sizes vary how is it fair that in one market, 60,000 seats is a sellout (because that is the stadiums capacity), but in another market where they sell 70,000 seats it isn't (becuase their stadium capacity is 80,000 seats). Base the blackout rule on a concrete number like 55,000 or 60,000 seats sold then the game is televised. Would be much fairer to teams with larger stadiums like Buffalo. Now as to the decline in numbers in Buffalo. Several factors, play into it. Lousy schedule that was weighted with many home games at the end of the year in Nov, Dec when the weather is typically brutal. The Bills string of non-playoff years and sub-standard teams. The re-surgence of the Sabres. (more competition for the fans $$). Put a winning competitive team on the field that is a playoff contender and the fans will pack the Ralph. Personally I still think support for the Bills in Buffalo has been pretty amazing consdering the sub-standard football that has been played by them in recent seasons.
  23. maybe he's referring to all the fires they show on Eye Witness News. Sometimes they make Buffalo actually look like hell.
  24. winds always pick up in the 4th quarter. that's usually about the time the beer starts working it's magic on the human body
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